This session consists of four talks addressing
using Grids to enhance education. Randy Ruchti discusses
QuarkNet which is a collaboration
between Fermilab and the particle physics Grid activities (open Science Grid)
to use the Grid to bring the excitement of physics research to schools. This
example of Grids in support of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics) is built on by Bill Frascella who was director of ESIE (Elementary
Secondary and Informal Education) component of EHR at NSF. Frascella has
returned to Indiana University where he founded the
Indiana Mathematics Initiative for
middle schools. He will explain how Grids can help bring resources such as
virtual laboratories and science expertise to schools across the nation. The
third talk comes from Al Kuslikis of AIHEC
(American Indian Higher Education Consortium) who describes how Grids can help
integrate Tribal Homelands into a broad community and in particular how
e-Science is important for the Tribal Colleges. The final talk by James Turner
of Virginia Tech describes the importance of Grids in developing technology,
technologists and scientists in Africa. The initial effort is built around the
netork of institutes forming the African Institute for Mathematical
Sciences (AIMS)