%0 Conference Paper %B The 9th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (eScience 2013), to appear, Beijing, China %D Submitted %T Balanced Task Clustering in Scientific Workflows %A Weiwei Chen %A Rafael Ferreira da Silva %A Ewa Deelman %A Rizos Sakellariou %K balance %U http://isi.edu/~wchen/papers/balancing-escience13.pdf %8 Oct 23-25, 2013 %9 Paper %> http://archive.futuregrid.org/sites/default/files/balance.pdf %0 Generic %D Submitted %T Data Mining with Twister Iterative MapReduce %A Qiu, Judy %A Bingjing Zhang %K Iterative %K MapReduce %K Twister %U http://salsahpc.indiana.edu/ScienceCloud/slides/Twister-Hydra-Tutorial-4-zbj-3.pptx %0 Generic %D Submitted %T twister resource donwload link %U http://salsahpc.indiana.edu/ScienceCloud/twister_hydra_intro.htm %0 Conference Paper %B the 10th IEEE International Conference on eScience 2014 (eScience 2014) %D 2014 %T Community Resources for Enabling Research in Distributed Scientific Workflows %A Rafael Ferreira de Silva %A Weiwei Chen %A Gideon Juve %A Karan vahi %A Ewa Deelman %C Guaruja, SP, Brazil %U http://isi.edu/~wchen/papers/community-escience14.pdf %8 Oct 20-24, 2014 %9 Paper %> http://archive.futuregrid.org/sites/default/files/communityresources-weiweichen.pdf %0 Journal Article %J Journal of Natural Products %D 2014 %T Griseorhodins D–F, Neuroactive Intermediates and End Products of Post-PKS Tailoring Modification in Griseorhodin Biosynthesis %A Lin, Zhenjian %A Zachariah, Malcolm M. %A Marett, Lenny %A Hughen, Ronald W. %A Teichert, Russell W. %A Concepcion, Gisela P. %A Haygood, Margo G. %A Olivera, Baldomero M. %A Light, Alan R. %A Schmidt, Eric W %N 5 %P 1224 - 1230 %R 10.1021/np500155d %V 77 %8 05/2014 %0 Conference Paper %B the 2014 Annual ConferenceProceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment - XSEDE '14 %D 2014 %T Building an Information System for a Distributed Testbed %A Warren Smith %A Smallen, Shava %Y Lathrop, Scott %Y Alameda, Jay %C Atlanta, GA, USANew York, New York, USA %I ACM Press %P 1 - 8 %R 10.1145/2616498.2616543 %@ 9781450328937 %0 Generic %D 2014 %T Running Hadoop Clusters on Gordon %A Glenn K. Lockwood %C SDSC %U http://users.sdsc.edu/~glockwood/di/hadoop-hpc.php %9 Web Page %0 Generic %D 2013 %T Panel on Clouds %A Renato Figueiredo %C CCGrid 2013 Delft, The Netherlands %K cloud computing %K virtual networks %U http://www.pds.ewi.tudelft.nl/fileadmin/pds/conferences/ccgrid2013/files/documents/CCGrid2013-CloudPanel-Figueiredo.pdf %8 May 2013 %9 Panel %0 Journal Article %J Parallel Processing Letters %D 2013 %T Robust Scalable Visualized Clustering in Vector and non Vector Semimetric Spaces %A Fox, Geoffrey %U http://grids.ucs.indiana.edu/ptliupages/publications/Clusteringv1.pdf %8 May 17, 2013 %0 Conference Paper %B 1st International Symposium on Big Data and Cloud Computing Challenges(ISBCC-2014) %D 2013 %T Monitoring the Performance Analysis Of Executing Workflow applications with different resource types in a cloud environment, %A Soma Prathibha %C VIT University, Chennai, India %K Budget %K cloud computing %K Deadline %K Resource Type %K TaskClustering %K workflow %U http://isi.edu/~wchen/papers/soma.pdf %8 March 27-28,2013 %9 Paper %> http://archive.futuregrid.org/sites/default/files/soma.pdf