V I (0.1) 27 May 2003 28 May 2003 Letter B enclosed in circle set next to elements derived from simulation images. (The second text logo - the small one - is differently colored, just to show a variation on the design.)

RE: logo design: the design is much simpler than logo 04 - but less interesting in some ways. More coloring will be added later - but the main focus now is of course, the logo itself. The upper left element (see note below) could contain some more color, but I did not want to color the image until I had obtained a higher resolution image, so that the shapes are less blurred and more defined.

RE: logo elements: The elements in the upper-left part of the logo resemble leaves a bit too much - but if higher resolution images from the simulations could be obtained, they'd look better and more cell-like (though still abstract; i.e., cell-shaped but not explicitly any particular cell). [no updates] Lowercase B Myriad c. 115pt @ 300dpi