{literal} {/literal} Customer Details {if $current_role != $roles.customer} Customer:
  {if $current_role > $roles.standard_user} Lookup Customer {/if} Contact:
Add Primary Contact to Notification List? * Yes   No Notify Customer About New Issue? * Yes   No {else} {/if} Last Name: * {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="contact_person_lname"} First Name: * {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="contact_person_fname"} Email: * {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="contact_email"} Phone Number: Timezone: {if $smarty.post.contact_timezone != ''} {assign var=current_tz value=$smarty.post.contact_timezone} {else} {assign var=current_tz value=$user_prefs.timezone} {/if} {include file="lookup_field.tpl.html" lookup_field_name="search" lookup_field_target="contact_timezone" tabindex=$tabindex++} Additional Contact Emails: (hold ctrl to select multiple options)
(only technical contacts listed on your contract)