{include file="header.tpl.html" extra_title="Associate Emails"} {include file="navigation.tpl.html"} {if $app_setup.support_email != 'enabled'}
 Sorry, but this feature has been disabled by the administrator.

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{elseif $no_access == 1}
 Sorry, but you do not have access to this page.

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{else} {include file="email_filter_form.tpl.html"} {/literal}
{if $has_customer_integration} {/if} {section name="i" loop=$list} {if $has_customer_integration} {/if} {sectionelse} {/section}
Viewing Emails ({$list_info.total_rows} emails found{if $list_info.end_offset > 0}, {math equation="x + 1" x=$list_info.start_offset} - {$list_info.end_offset} shown{/if}) {include file="help_link.tpl.html" topic="support_emails"}
{if $list}{/if} Sender {if $sorting.images.sup_from != ""}{/if} Customer {if $sorting.images.sup_customer_id != ""}{/if} Date {if $sorting.images.sup_date != ""}{/if} To {if $sorting.images.sup_to != ""}{/if} Status {if $sorting.images.sup_iss_id != ""}{/if}  Subject {if $sorting.images.sup_subject != ""}{/if}
{$list[i].sup_from|escape:"html"}{$list[i].customer_title|escape:"html"}{$list[i].sup_date} {$list[i].sup_to|escape:"html"|replace:",":" "} {if $list[i].sup_iss_id != 0} associated ({$list[i].sup_iss_id}) {else} pending {/if}  {$list[i].sup_subject|default:""|escape:"html"} {if $list[i].sup_has_attachment}
No emails could be found.
{if $list} {if not ($os.mac and $browser.ie)}{/if} {/if} Rows:  
{if $list} {/if} List Removed Emails 
{/if} {include file="app_info.tpl.html"} {include file="footer.tpl.html"}