{include file="header.tpl.html" extra_title="Request a Password"}

{literal} {/literal} {if not $result} {include file="yellow_note.tpl.html" content="Note: Please enter your email address below and a new random password will be created and assigned to your account. For security purposes a confirmation message will be sent to your email address and after confirming it the new password will be then activated and sent to you."} {/if}
{if $result != 0} {else} {/if}

Request a Password

{if $result == -1} Error: An error occurred while trying to run your query. {elseif $result == 1} Thank you, a confirmation message was just emailed to you. Please follow the instructions available in this message to confirm your password creation request. {elseif $result == 3} Error: Your user status is currently set as inactive. Please contact your local system administrator for further information. {elseif $result == 4} Error: Please provide your email address. {elseif $result == 5} Error: No user account was found matching the entered email address. {/if}
Email Address: {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="email"}
Back to Login Form
{literal} {/literal} {include file="footer.tpl.html"}