SCM Integration

This feature allows your software development teams to integrate your Source Control Management system with your Issue Tracking System.

The integration is implemented in such a way that it will be forward compatible with pretty much any SCM system, such as CVS. When entering the required information for the checkout page and diff page input fields, use the following placeholders:

{MODULE} - The CVS module name
{FILE} - The filename that was committed
{OLD_VERSION} - The old revision of the file
{NEW_VERSION} - The new revision of the file

As an example, using the Chora CVS viewer [highly recommended] from the Horde project you would usually have the following URL as the diff page:

With that information in mind, the appropriate value to be entered in the 'Checkout page' input field is:{MODULE}/{FILE}?r1={OLD_VERSION}&r2={NEW_VERSION}&ty=h {/literal}