{literal} {if $smarty.get.cat == 'edit'} {else} {/if} {if $result != ""} {/if}
Manage Custom Fields
{if $smarty.post.cat == "new"} {if $result == -1} An error occurred while trying to add the new custom field. {elseif $result == 1} Thank you, the custom field was added successfully. {/if} {elseif $smarty.post.cat == "update"} {if $result == -1} An error occurred while trying to update the custom field information. {elseif $result == 1} Thank you, the custom field was updated successfully. {/if} {/if}
Title: {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="title"}
Short Description: (it will show up by the side of the field)
Assigned Projects: {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="projects[]"}
Target Forms: Report Form
      Required Field
Anonymous Form
      Required Field
Display on List Issues Page: Yes No
Field Type: Text Input  Textarea  Combo Box  Multiple Combo Box Date
Field Options:
Set available options:
{if $smarty.get.cat == 'edit'}{/if}
    OR     Choose Custom Field Backend:
{if $smarty.get.cat == 'edit'}
Minimum Role:
{if $smarty.get.cat == 'edit'} {else} {/if}
Existing Custom Fields:
{/literal} {section name="i" loop=$list} {cycle values=$cycle assign="row_color"} {sectionelse} {/section}
 Rank  Title  Assigned Projects  Min. Role  Type  Options
  {$list[i].fld_rank}  {$list[i].fld_title}  {$list[i].projects}  {$list[i].min_role_name}  {if $list[i].fld_type == 'combo'}Combo Box{elseif $list[i].fld_type == 'multiple'}Multiple Combo Box{elseif $list[i].fld_type == 'textarea'}Textarea{elseif $list[i].fld_type == 'date'}Date{else}Text Input{/if}  {$list[i].field_options}
No custom fields could be found.
{literal} {/literal}