{if $smarty.get.cat == 'edit'}Updating Reminder #{$smarty.get.id}{else}Creating New Reminder{/if}
{if $result != ""}
{if $smarty.post.cat == "new"}
{if $result == -1}
An error occurred while trying to add the new reminder.
{elseif $result == -2}
Please enter the title for this new reminder.
{elseif $result == 1}
Thank you, the reminder was added successfully.
{elseif $smarty.post.cat == "update"}
{if $result == -1}
An error occurred while trying to update the reminder information.
{elseif $result == -2}
Please enter the title for this reminder.
{elseif $result == 1}
Thank you, the reminder was updated successfully.