{if $result != ""} {/if} {/literal} {if $smarty.get.cat == 'edit'} {else} {/if}
Manage Issue Reminders {if $smarty.get.cat == 'edit'}Updating Reminder #{$smarty.get.id}{else}Creating New Reminder{/if}
{if $smarty.post.cat == "new"} {if $result == -1} An error occurred while trying to add the new reminder. {elseif $result == -2} Please enter the title for this new reminder. {elseif $result == 1} Thank you, the reminder was added successfully. {/if} {elseif $smarty.post.cat == "update"} {if $result == -1} An error occurred while trying to update the reminder information. {elseif $result == -2} Please enter the title for this reminder. {elseif $result == 1} Thank you, the reminder was updated successfully. {/if} {/if}
Project: {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="project"}
Title: {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="title"}
Rank: {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="rank"}
Reminder Type: {counter start=0 assign="next_field"} {if $backend_uses_support_levels} {counter} {/if} {if $project_has_customer_integration} {counter} {/if} {counter} {if $backend_uses_support_levels} {/if} {if $project_has_customer_integration} {/if}
By Support Level       By Customer       By Issue ID
All Issues       Also Filter By Issue Priorities            
Skip Weekends: Yes No
 If yes, this reminder will not activate on weekends and time will not accumulate on the weekends.
{if $smarty.get.cat == 'edit'} {else} {/if}
Existing Issue Reminders:
{literal} {/literal} {section name="i" loop=$list} {cycle values=$cycle assign="row_color"} {sectionelse} {/section}
 ID   Rank   Title  Project  Type  Issue Priorities   Details
{$list[i].rem_id} {$list[i].rem_rank}  {$list[i].rem_title|escape:"html"}  {$list[i].prj_title|escape:"html"}  {if $list[i].type == 'ALL'}All Issues{elseif $list[i].type == 'support_level'}By Support Level{elseif $list[i].type == 'customer'}By Customer{elseif $list[i].type == 'issue'}By Issue ID{/if}  {section name="y" loop=$list[i].priorities}{$list[i].priorities[y]|escape:"html"}{if not $smarty.section.y.last}, {/if}{/section}  {$list[i].total_actions} Action{if $list[i].total_actions != 1}s{/if}
No reminders could be found.
{literal} {/literal}