This is an automated message sent at your request from {$app_title|escape:"html"}.

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Files Owner Date Description
{section name="i" loop=$data.attachment.files} {$data.attachment.files[i].iaf_filename|escape:"html"} ({$data.attachment.files[i].iaf_filesize})
{$data.attachment.usr_full_name} {$data.attachment.iat_created_date} {$data.attachment.iat_description|escape:"html"}

These are the current issue details:

Issue ID: {$data.iss_id}
Summary: {$data.iss_summary|escape:"html"}
Status: {$data.sta_title}
Project: {$data.prj_title}
Reported By: {$data.usr_full_name}
Priority: {$data.pri_title}
Description: {$data.iss_description|escape:"html"|replace:"\n":"

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