{include file="header.tpl.html"} {if $type == 'email'}

Email Workload by Time of day

Based on all issues recorded in Eventum since start to present.


Workload by Time of day

Based on all issues recorded in Eventum since start to present. Actions are any event that shows up in the history of an issue, such as a user or a developer updating an issue, uploading a file, sending an email, etc.


{section name="workload" loop=$data} {cycle values=$cycle assign="row_color"} {/section}
Time Period
Developer {if $type == "email"}Emails{else}Actions{/if} Customer {if $type == "email"}Emails{else}Actions{/if} Time Period
{$data[workload].display_time_gmt} {if $data[workload].developer.rank == 1}{/if} {if $data[workload].developer.count != ''}{$data[workload].developer.count} ({$data[workload].developer.percentage|round}%){/if} {if $data[workload].developer.rank == 1}{/if} {if $data[workload].customer.rank == 1}{/if} {if $data[workload].customer.count}{$data[workload].customer.count} ({$data[workload].customer.percentage|round}%){/if} {if $data[workload].customer.rank == 1}{/if} {$data[workload].display_time_user}

{include file="footer.tpl.html"}