{include file="header.tpl.html"} {if $send_result != '' and $smarty.post.form_stays != 1}
{if $send_result == -1} An error occurred while trying to run your query {elseif $send_result == -2} Sorry, but the email could not be queued. This might be related to problems with your SMTP account settings. Please contact the administrator of this application for further assistance. {elseif $send_result == 1} Thank you, the email was queued to be sent successfully. {/if}

{if not $current_user_prefs.close_popup_windows}
{/if} {elseif $draft_result != ''}
{if $draft_result == -1} An error occurred while trying to run your query {elseif $draft_result == 1} Thank you, the email message was saved as a draft successfully. {/if}

{if not $current_user_prefs.close_popup_windows}
{/if} {else} {/literal}
{if $smarty.get.cat == 'view_draft'} {/if} {if $draft_status == 'sent'}
{elseif $draft_status == 'edited'}
{if $send_result != ""} {/if} {if $issue_id and $current_role != $roles.customer and $read_only != 1} {else} {/if} {if $issue_id and $current_role != $roles.customer and $read_only != 1} {if $hide_email_buttons != 'yes'} {/if} {elseif $issue_id and $current_role == $roles.customer} {/if} {if $hide_email_buttons != 'yes'} {/if} {if $issue_id and $current_role != $roles.customer} {/if}
{if $smarty.get.cat == 'create_draft'} Create Draft {else} Send Email {/if}
{if $send_result == -1} An error occurred while trying to run your query {elseif $send_result == -2} Sorry, but the email could not be sent. This might be related to problems with your SMTP account settings. Please contact the administrator of this application for assistance. {elseif $send_result == 1} Thank you, the email was sent successfully. {/if}
From: {$from|escape:"html"}
To: * {if $issue_id == ''} {if not ($os.mac and $browser.ie)}{/if} {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="to"} {else} Issue #{$issue_id} Notification List (Members: {$subscribers.staff|replace:"<":"<"|replace:">":">"}{if $subscribers.customers != ''}, {$subscribers.customers|replace:"<":"<"|replace:">":">"}{/if}) {/if}
Cc: {if not ($os.mac and $browser.ie)}{/if}
  Add Unknown Recipients to Issue Notification List
Subject: * {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="subject"}
{if $current_role != $roles.customer and $canned_responses != '' and $read_only != 1} Canned Responses:  
{/if} {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="message"}
New Status for Issue #{$issue_id}:
Time Spent: (in minutes)
{if $app_setup.spell_checker == 'enabled'} {/if} {if $current_user_prefs.email_signature != "" and $current_user_prefs.auto_append_sig != 'yes'} {/if}
{if $read_only != 1}       {/if} Add Email Signature   
{if $read_only != 1} {if $smarty.get.cat == 'view_draft'} {else} {/if} {/if}
* Required fields
{if $parent_email_id or $smarty.get.cat == 'reply'} {literal} {/literal} {/if} {/if} {include file="footer.tpl.html"}