Building the Java API

Java support is not built automatically. The following instructions assume that you have installed the Sun Java Development Kit in d:\java. Of course, if you installed elsewhere or have different Java software, you will need to adjust the pathnames accordingly.

  1. Set your include directories. Choose Tools -> Options -> Projects -> VC++ Directories. Under the "Show directories for" pull-down, select "Include files". Add the full pathnames for the d:\java\include and d:\java\include\win32 directories. Then click OK. These are the directories needed when including jni.h.
  2. Set the executable files directories. Choose Tools -> Options -> Projects -> VC++ Directories. Under the "Show directories for" pull-down, select "Executable files". Add the full pathname for the d:\java\bin directory, then click OK. This is the directory needed to find javac.
  3. Set the build type to Release or Debug in the drop-down on the tool bar.
  4. To build, right-click on db_java and select Build. This builds the Java support library for Berkeley DB and compiles all the java files, placing the resulting db.jar and dbexamples.jar files in one of the following Berkeley DB subdirectories, depending on the configuration that you chose:
