Porting Berkeley DB

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Table of Contents

Conventions Used in this Book
For More Information
1. Introduction to Porting Berkeley DB
Types of Berkeley DB ports
When Oracle Has Agreed to Support Berkeley DB on the New Platform
When Oracle has Not Agreed to Support Berkeley DB on the New Platform
Berkeley DB Porting Process
2. Creating a New Berkeley DB Binary
Creating a Base Build of Berkeley DB
Determining the Scope of the Modifications
Do Changes Need to be Made to the Operating System Functionality?
Are Some Standard Functions Missing on the Target Platform?
How Will the Port Handle Shared Memory?
What Type of Mutexes Will the Port Use?
Do Any Other Changes Need to be Made?
Building on the Target Platform
Source Code Layout
3. Testing and Certifying the Port
Types of Tests for Berkeley DB
Modifying the Tests
Running the Tests
Reviewing the Results of the Tests
Integrating Changes into the Berkeley DB Source Code
Certifying a Port of Berkeley DB