January 29, 2003
Wednesday - 4:00 pm in Swain West 119
Speaker: Professor Baha Balantekin, University of Wisconsin
Title: Recent Progress and Prospects in Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics

Recent experimental and theoretical developments in solar and atmospheric neutrino physics will be reviewed. A global analysis of all the solar neutrino data together with the recently announced results from the KamLAND experiment will be presented. Implications of these experiments for neutrino physics will be discussed. The role of neutrinos in the dynamics of core-collapse supernovae will be elucidatedand limits on the neutrino properties from r-process nucleosynthesis are discussed.

le directed loops evolve in space and time. Energy is fed into the system by the addition of new loops and stirring of footpoints. When two loops collide they may reconnect, possibly triggering a cascade of further reconnection. The model reproduces the scaling behavior for flare statistics as well as some geometrical features of the coronal magnetic field. We predict that the distribution of net, signed magnetic flux in grid cells imposed on the photosphere is also power law.