Konopinski Lecture Series
April 16, 2003
Wednesday - 4:00 pm in Swain West 119
Speaker: Josh Frieman, Fermilab
Title: Science Results from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), the most ambitious survey ever undertaken, will comprise a 3D map of ~10^6 galaxies and ~10^5 quasars and an angular catalog of ~10^8 galaxies and stars over 1/6 of the sky. Begun in 2000, the SDSS is designed to probe the distribution of galaxies on the largest scales, thereby illuminating the processes by which structure formed in the Universe. This talk will focus on a few of the early science results from the SDSS, including the large-scale structure traced by galaxies, weak gravitational lensing and its implications for the dark matter density, the discovery of new structures in the Milky Way halo, and discovery of the most distant quasars yet seen, including the first indications of neutral Hydrogen in the intergalactic medium at redshift z ~ 6.

s as well as some geometrical features of the coronal magnetic field. We predict that the distribution of net, signed magnetic flux in grid cells imposed on the photosphere is also power law.