Interactions between genes and gene products form the basis of essential processes like signal transduction, cell metabolism or embryonic development. Recent experimental advances helped uncover the qualitative structure of many cellular networks. Mathematical modeling can assist in this process by integrating the behavior of multiple components into a comprehensive model that goes beyond human intuition, and also by addressing questions that are not yet accessible to experimental analysis. While chemical kinetics-based differential equations are the established method of describing individual interactions, the diversity of regulatory relationships and the sparsity of kinetic detail greatly hinders this type of modeling for complex regulatory networks. This talk will present an alternative, qualitative modeling paradigm that is based on the regulatory network topology and replaces the continuous dynamics with transitions between a set of discrete states. We will focus on the abscisic acid signal transduction network, the main mechanism for minimizing water loss in plants. We synthesize the experimental information available about the components and processes involved in ABA-induced stomatal closure into a comprehensive network, and formulate a Boolean model of the dynamical process. We validate the model by comparing its results with experimental information, and we study the resilience of the signaling network with respect to disruptions. Our main result is that the redundant network topology ensures a significant robustness, and signaling is completely blocked only in the case of multiple simultaneous disruptions.