Indiana University Department of Physics - James A. Glazier

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Personal: Mongolia



Darhadyn Valley - Shishged River

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Cable Ferry, Abandoned Bag Center
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Cable Ferry
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Cable Ferry
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Dood Lake, View to East

Darhadyn Valley - Tagaannuur Town

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...from North
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Abandoned Warehouse
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View from South

Khartaun River

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Khartaun River
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Gantumur and Tsognom
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Gantumur and Tsognom
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Gantumur and Tsognom
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River Valley - Burned Forst
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River Valley - Ovoo
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Road South to Shishged River

Ived Togos Town

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Ived Togos Town
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Hospitable Lady
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Hospitable Lady

Campsite by Shishged River

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Winter Paddocks
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Mongolia Image
My Dog


Last updated: 12 June 2003