November 19, 2005

Re: Dr. Boris Shakhnovich

Dear Search Committee:

I am writing in support of Dr. Boris Shakhnovich’s application for a junior faculty position at your institution. I have known Boris since 2003. We had several scientific discussions which revealed his knowledge and enthusiasm. We are also planning a close collaboration with Boris on a specific project.

Boris is a young talented researcher with strong interests in diverse areas of computational biology. His work encompasses protein sequence-structure-function relationship, protein evolution and transcription regulation in eukaryotes. Boris has a unique ability to combine diverse interests with deep thinking and serious attention to detail. He has made several contributions to the field of protein sequence-structure relationship including his recent single author article published in PLoS Computational Biology – a new prestigious journal in the field.

Our collaboration plans are in the area of transcription regulation. Boris is currently developing a new computer program GibTigs for predicting transcription factor binding sites. Preliminary studies showed that GibTigs has a potential to significantly improve sensitivity and specificity of transcription factor binding site predictions both in yeast and in human. In close collaboration with Boris, we are planning to incorporate statistical methods of comparative genomics recently developed in my lab into GibTigs. I believe that incorporation of comparative genomics analysis into this new promising method will enable Boris to further increase its accuracy.

On a personal note, Boris is a fine pleasant individual. He is a friendly open colleague and a reliable collaborator. I recommend him for a junior faculty position at your institution.

Your sincerely,

Shamil Sunyaev, PhD