October 24th, 2005

Dr. Yves Brun

Systems Biology/Microbiology Faculty Search

Department of Biology

Indiana University, Jordan Hall 142, 1001 E. 3rd St

Bloomington, IN 47405-7005

RE: Chen-Shan Chin

To Dr. Brun,

The purpose of this letter is to express my enthusiastic support for Dr. Chen-Shan Chin as he seeks a faculty position in Systems Biology. I have had the great pleasure of working closely with Chen-Shan during the last two years. When I first met him, Chen-Shan explained that he would like to embark on a series of biological experiments that would test his computational models of gene regulation. Whenever a researcher from a different background, such as physics, approaches the bench, success largely becomes a question of commitment to the sometimes frustrating and slow process of “wet work.” In this case, it is absolutely clear that Chen-Shan possessed this commitment and much more.

Chen-Shan’s modeling predictions require high time resolution and quantitative measurements of gene expression at the single cell level. Chen-Shan has achieved this goal by combining a multi-head chemostat with a flow cytometer, joined through a valve and syringe system all coordinated through software of his own design. The result is a powerful platform for measuring gene expression at dense time intervals in a highly reproducible and quantitative fashion. He has already conducted an impressive series of experiments concerning regulation of amino acid biosynthesis the results of which are bound to incite great interest in the Systems Biology field. The approach is easily generalized to a wide variety of problems in gene regulation. In short, his proposed research program combines the best of both the computational and experimental fields. His proven ability guarantees his success. Hiring Chen-Shan is not a risk – he is as close to sure bet as can be had.

It should be noted that much of this work is not yet published, and for most job seekers, I would not have advocated going on the market without having done so. However, Chen-Shan is truly exceptional. He is highly rigorous in his approach, on paper and on the bench. He is also a gifted teacher. Students in my own lab often seek out his advice and guidance. His enthusiasm for science is infectious and he inspires those around him. In short, I have no doubt he will be an excellent mentor and he will continue to be a first-class researcher. I personally have enjoyed the time we have collaborated and I hope I have the opportunity to continue working with him.


Joseph DeRisi