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Global Grid Forum Home
Computing Portals Arch.
Worldwide Grid Activities

 Worldwide Grid Releated Activities
Grid Computing Info Centre (GRID Infoware)

Worldwide Grid Related Activities

ˇ         Grid Consortiums and Open Forums

ˇ         The Grid Forum

ˇ         eGrid: European Grid Computing Initiative

ˇ         EuroTools SIG on Metacomputing

ˇ         Computing Portals Initiative

ˇ         APAN Grid WG

ˇ         IEEE Task Force on Cluster Computing

ˇ         Grid Conferences

ˇ         CCGrid 2001: IEEE International Symposium

ˇ         GRID 2000 : IEEE/ACM International Meeting

ˇ         Symposium on Metacomputing and Distributed Computing

ˇ         Global and Cluster Computing (WGCC'2000)

ˇ         Symposium on Metacomputing and Distributed Computing

ˇ         Grid Middleware (core services)

ˇ         Globus Toolkit

ˇ         Legion: A Worldwide Virtual Computer

ˇ         GRACE: GRid Architecture for Computational Economy

ˇ         DataGrid Initiatives

ˇ         CERN Grid Initiative

ˇ         DIDC Data Grid work

ˇ         The GriPhyN Project

ˇ         The Particle Physics Data Grid

ˇ         Grid Systems

ˇ         Global Operating Systems Technology Group

ˇ         XtremWeb Project

ˇ         JAVELIN: Java-Based Global Computing

ˇ         MILAN: Metacomputing In Large Asynchronous Networks

ˇ         Harness Parallel Virtual Machine Project

ˇ         Management System for Heterogeneous Networks

ˇ         PUNCH - Network Computing Hub

ˇ         MOBIDICK

ˇ         MetaNEOS

ˇ         Amica

ˇ         MultiCluster

ˇ         Compute Power Market/Grid

ˇ         Poland Metacomputing

ˇ         Computational Economy

ˇ         GRACE: GRid Architecture for Computational Economy

ˇ         Compute Power Market for Global Grid Computing

ˇ         Mariposa: A New Approach to Distributed Data

ˇ         The Information Economy

ˇ         FORTH Information Economies

ˇ         Share Meta

ˇ         D'Agent

ˇ         Grid Schedulers

ˇ         Nimrod/G Grid Resource Broker

ˇ         AppLeS

ˇ         Nimrod - A tool for distributed parametric modeling

ˇ         SILVER Metascheduler

ˇ         ST-ORM

ˇ         Condor/G

ˇ         NetSolve Project

ˇ         Japan Ninf Project

ˇ         DISCWorld

ˇ         PC˛ - Computing Centre Software (scheduler)

ˇ         Grid Portals

ˇ         UNICORE - Uniform Interface to Computing Resources

ˇ         SDSC GridPort Toolkit

ˇ         NLANR Grid Portal Development Kit

ˇ         Grid Programming Environments

ˇ         MetaMPI - Flexible Coupling of Heterogenous MPI Systems

ˇ         Virtual Distributed Computing Environment

ˇ         GrADS: Grid Application Development Software Project

ˇ         Jave-based CoG Kit

ˇ         ProActive PDC

ˇ         REDISE - Remote and Distributed Software Engineering

ˇ         JACO3 Homepage

ˇ         Cactus Code

ˇ         Grid Testbeds and Developments

ˇ         The Polder Metacomputer project

ˇ         NASA Information Power Grid (IPG)

ˇ         IPG Hotlist Page

ˇ         NPACI: Metasystems

ˇ         distributed.net

ˇ         SETI@home: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at Home

ˇ         Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network

ˇ         The Distributed ASCI SUPERCOMPUTER (DAS)

ˇ         G-WAAT

ˇ         Micro Grid

ˇ         Alliance Grid Technologies

ˇ         The Alliance Virtual Machine Room

ˇ         NPACI HotPage

ˇ         The GrADS TestBed Plan

ˇ         Grid Applications

ˇ         Access Grid

ˇ         iGrid Applications

ˇ         Globus Applications

ˇ         The International Grid (iGrid)

ˇ         Computational Physics in Grid Era

ˇ         UK Grid Apps Working Group

ˇ         NLANR Distributed Applications

ˇ         DataGRID - WP9: Earth Observation Science Application

ˇ         Earth System Grid

ˇ         Other Grid Projects

ˇ         Canadian GRID (C3 GRID)

ˇ         CLRC Advanced Research Computing Centre

ˇ         Wos-Community

ˇ         Wide Area Metacomputer Manager

ˇ         Sun Los Gatos

ˇ         UNM MHPCC: Maui Scheduler

ˇ         JHU Metacomputing Project

ˇ         Caltech Infospheres Group

ˇ         Related Information Sources

ˇ         IEEE DS Online

ˇ         European Grid Computing Database - EGDB

ˇ         UK Grid Plans

ˇ         UKHEC Grid Seminar and Workshop

ˇ         Scalable Intracampus Research Grid (SInRG)

ˇ         Portal Supercomputing

ˇ         Directory of Heterogeneous Computing Projects

ˇ         Grid Characterization Study

ˇ         Computational Economy in ACM Digital Library

ˇ         Market-Oriented Programming

ˇ         Information Technology for the Twenty-First Century: Implications for E-business

ˇ         Industrial Power Grid

ˇ         PITAC - Report to the President

ˇ         NLANR - Introduction to The Grid

ˇ         Grid-oriented .com's Companies

ˇ         Gridware, Inc.

ˇ         Entropia.com

ˇ         ProcessTree

ˇ         Popular Power

ˇ         Mojo Nation

ˇ         Distributed Science

ˇ         Cluster Computing and Grid Books

Please Submit Your Project Link to

Rajkumar Buyya (rajkumar@csse.monash.edu.au)

for including in the above list. Thanks for visiting GRID Infoware!