RIS Core Schema - Version

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Class Netscape::top

The Netscape:top class is used as a superclass for all other object classes in the directory. The top object class is an abstract class and is reserved for use by the directory server. RFC 2256 specifies the top object class must be recognized by all LDAP server implementations. The following is the Netscape definition for the top object class.

objectClasstruefalsestring Defines the object classes for the entry. An object in a directory can be created from more than one object class.
acifalsefalsebinary Defines the directory server access control information for this entry.

Class Grid::Preferences

This class is used to store user preferences. Currently preferences are defined as key/value pairs and are stored as key=value.

Superior = Netscape::top
RDN = uniqueName
Child Of
uniqueNametruefalsestring A name that is unique to the object class in order to support the lookup of an object.
mailfalsefalsestring An electronic mailing address.
keyvaluefalsefalsekeyValue A key/value pair of the form key=value.

Class X500::organization

This class defines entries that represent organizations. This is the X.500 definition as implemented by Netscape. Note that this class is defined to be recursive - organizations can consist of other organizations. We purposely did not use the organizationalUnit class since it seemed to merge with the definition of organization over time.

Superior = Netscape::top
RDN = o
Child Of
otruefalsestring The name of the organization.
businessCategoryfalsefalsestring Business in which the entity is involved. Examples are profit, nonprofit, research, government, educational, university.
descriptionfalsefalsestring Description of the entity.
destinationIndicatorfalsefalsestring The country and city associated with the entry to provide Public Telegram Service.
facsimileTelephoneNumberfalsefalsephone Fax number associated with the entity.
internationalIsdnNumberfalsefalseces Contains an ISDN number for the entity.
lfalsefalsestring The entity's location(s).
physicalDeliveryOfficeNamefalsefalsestring The location where physical deliveries can be made to the entity.
postalAddressfalsefalsestring The entity's mailing address.
postalCodefalsefalsestring The entity's postal code (such as United States zip code).
postOfficeBoxfalsefalsestring The entity's post office box.
preferredDeliveryMethodfalsefalsestring The entity's preferred method of contact or delivery.
registeredAddressfalsefalsestring Postal address suitable for reception of expedited documents where the recipient must verify delivery.
searchGuidefalsefalseces Specifies information for suggested search criteria when using the entry as the base object in the directory tree for a search operation.
seeAlsofalsefalsedn URL to information relevent to the entity.
stfalsefalsestring State or province in which the entity resides.
streetfalsefalsestring Street address at which the entity is located.
telephoneNumberfalsefalsephone Telephone number associated with the entity.
teletexTerminalIdentifierfalsefalsestring Identifier for the teletex terminal of the entity.
telexNumberfalsefalsestring Telex number of the entity represented by the object.
userPasswordfalsefalsebinary Password with which the entity represented by the object can bind to the directory.
x121Addressfalsefalseces The X.121 address of the entity represented by the object.

Class X500::person

X.500::person is an abstract class that generically represents people. This is the X.500 definition as implemented by Netscape.

Superior = Netscape::top

cntruefalsestring A person's common name or fullname.
sntruefalsestring A person's surname or last name.
descriptionfalsefalsestring Description of the entity.
seeAlsofalsefalsedn URL to information relevent to the entity.
telephoneNumberfalsefalsephone Telephone number associated with the entity.
userPasswordfalsefalsebinary Password with which the entity represented by the object can bind to the directory.

Class X500::organizationalPerson

X.500::organizationalPerson defines entries for people employed by an organization. This abstract class is the X.500 definition as implemented by Netscape.

Superior = X500::person

destinationIndicatorfalsefalsestring The country and city associated with the entry to provide Public Telegram Service.
facsimileTelephoneNumberfalsefalsephone Fax number associated with the entity.
internationalIsdnNumberfalsefalseces Contains an ISDN number for the entity.
lfalsefalsestring The entity's location(s).
oufalsefalsestring Organizational unit to which the person belongs.
physicalDeliveryOfficeNamefalsefalsestring The location where physical deliveries can be made to the entity.
postalAddressfalsefalsestring The entity's mailing address.
postalCodefalsefalsestring The entity's postal code (such as United States zip code).
postOfficeBoxfalsefalsestring The entity's post office box.
preferredDeliveryMethodfalsefalsestring The entity's preferred method of contact or delivery.
registeredAddressfalsefalsestring Postal address suitable for reception of expedited documents where the recipient must verify delivery.
stfalsefalsestring State or province in which the entity resides.
streetfalsefalsestring Street address at which the entity is located.
teletexTerminalIdentifierfalsefalsestring Identifier for the teletex terminal of the entity.
telexNumberfalsefalsestring Telex number of the entity represented by the object.
titlefalsefalsestring A person's job title.
x121Addressfalsefalseces The X.121 address of the entity represented by the object.

Class Netscape::inetOrgPerson

inetOrgPerson represents people in an organization's enterprise network.

Superior = X500::organizationalPerson
RDN = mail
Child Of
audiofalsefalsebinary Contains a sound file in binary format.
businessCategoryfalsefalsestring Business in which the entity is involved. Examples are profit, nonprofit, research, government, educational, university.
carLicensefalsefalsestring The license plate number(s) for vehicle(s).
departmentNumberfalsefalsestring A unique identifier for a department within an organization.
displayNamefalsefalsestring Preferred name of a person to be used when displaying entries.
employeeNumberfalsefalsestring A unique identifying number associated with an employee.
employeeTypefalsefalsestring The person's type of employment (for example, full time)
givenNamefalsefalsestring The person's given or first name.
homePhonefalsefalsephone The person's home phone number.
homePostalAddressfalsefalsestring The person's home mailing address
initialsfalsefalsestring The person's initials.
jpegPhotofalsefalsebinary An image in JPEG format.
labeledURLfalsefalseuri A univeral resource locator that is relevent to the person.
mailfalsefalsestring An electronic mailing address.
managerfalsefalsedn Distinguished name representing a manager.
mobilefalsefalsephone A mobile telephone number.
pagerfalsefalsephone A pager phone number.
photofalsefalsebinary A photo, in binary form.
preferredLanguagefalsefalsestring Defines a person's preferred written or spoken launguage.
roomNumberfalsefalsestring The room number in which the entity represented by this object is located..
secretaryfalsefalsedn A secretary or administrator for a person or group.
uidfalsefalsestring Identifies the entry's userid (usually the logon id).
userCertificatefalsefalsebinary Contains a user's certificate. Store this attribute with the binary subtype: userCertificate;binary.
userPKCS12_binaryfalsefalseinteger Identifies the PKCS-12 PFX PDU used to store a user's key and certificate. This is generated by the certificate server and consumed by Netscape communicator.
userSMIMECertificatefalsefalsebinary Used by Netscape Communicator for s/MIME. Should only be used with the binary subtype.
x500UniqueIdentifierfalsefalsebinary Undefined.

Class Grid::Person

Grid::Person objects represent people in a grid environment. We may need to redundantly add the mail attribute to this definition because it is the rdn for this class. This would be redundant because it is inherited from the inetOrgPerson class.

Superior = Netscape::inetOrgPerson
RDN = mail
Child Of
cityfalsefalsestring City of the person for postal contact.
cfalsefalsestring Country of residence.
employerfalsefalsestring Organization the person is employed by.
ofalsefalsestring The name of the organization.

Class Grid::PhysicalResource

An abstract class for any physical resources, e.g. computers, instruments...

Superior = Netscape::top

resourceOwnerfalsefalsestring The owner of the entity.
descriptionfalsefalsestring Description of the entity.
seeAlsofalsefalsedn URL to information relevent to the entity.

Class Grid::ComputeResource

A computational resource that runs computational codes.

Superior = Grid::PhysicalResource
RDN = hn
Child Of
hntruefalsestring The host name(s) for a compute resource. Names should include the full domain name. IP addresses can also be used.
totalNodestruetruepositive-integer The total number of nodes that comprise the compute resource.
totalProcessorsfalsetruepositive-integer The total number of processors for the compute resource.
cpuSpeedfalsefalsedecimal The clockrate of the CPUs in MHz.
manufacturerfalsefalsestring The manufacturer name.
machineHardwareNamefalsefalsestring The machine hardware name as provided by the vendor.
architecturefalsetruestring The memory architecture of the machine. One of Shared, Distributed, or Hybrid.
modelfalsefalsestring The model of the compute resource. On many systems this is different from the machine hardware name.
osNamefalsetruestring The operation system name (SunOS, IRIX).
osVersionfalsetruestring The operationg system version (uname -r).
scriptHeaderfalsetruetextBlock A script header template used for submitting jobs. The entry is a multi-line text script. This header information applies to compute resources with queue management systems and is needed for machine customization only.
scriptBodyfalsetruetextBlock A customized job script template. This is separated from the header because headers are often customized but bodies are not. This is not currently being used, instead the runScript attribute of the software object is being used, but if that proves insufficient then this attribute will need to be utilized.
networkDisksfalsefalsestring Names of network disks that are available from a compute resource.

Class Grid::NetworkDisk

A disk drive available from the network, used for shared installs of software.

Superior = Grid::PhysicalResource
RDN = diskName
Child Of
diskNametruetruestring Unique name for the network-available disk drive.
diskTypetruetruestring What is the type of the network disk drive (e.g. afs, nfs, etc.)

Class Grid::ResourceManager

Grid::ResourceManager is an abstraction for the type of job scheduling service available on a machines. Examples include Maui, NQE, NQS, LoadLeveler. This class also contains information about how the queue is configured and installed.

Superior = Netscape::top
RDN = mn
Child Of
mntruetruestring specifies the type/name of the job broker/scheduler. Values are unix, loadleveler, maui, nqe, nqs.
hntruefalsestring The host name(s) for a compute resource. Names should include the full domain name. IP addresses can also be used.
releaseTagfalsetruestring A string that represents a software release number. This number should be unique for any given product version. It would be nice to define this as a type but for now we leave it as a string.
allocationAccountsfalsetrueboolean True if an allocation account is requied in order to submit a job.
autoPickfalsetrueboolean True if the scheduler is configured to automatically pick a queue based on constraints passed with a job request. NQE is often configured this way.
installDirectoryfalsetruefile Location where resource manager software is installed.
binDirectoryfalsetruefile Location of resource manager commands such as qsub... This may be relative to the installDirectory.
queuefalsefalsedn The distinguished names of the queues that are associated with this resource manager. Not currently being used, since queues are children of the resource manager in the DIT.

Class Grid::Queue

This class contains information about a queue and how it is configured.

Superior = Netscape::top
RDN = qn
Child Of
qntruefalsestring Name of queue(s) under which the job is running.
mntruetruestring specifies the type/name of the job broker/scheduler. Values are unix, loadleveler, maui, nqe, nqs.
hntruefalsestring The host name(s) for a compute resource. Names should include the full domain name. IP addresses can also be used.
defaultMaxCPUTimefalsetruetimeInstant Maximum cpu time before a job will be automatically terminated.
defaultMaxWallTimefalsetruetimeInstant Maximum wall time before a job will be automatically terminated.
defaultNodesfalsetruepositive-integer A default number of nodes to use for a given queue. This is not necessarily enforced by the queue system.
defaultSingleMemoryfalsetruepositive-integer Default amount of memory to allocate per node.
defaultTotalMemoryfalsetruepositive-integer Default amount of memory to allocate for all nodes.
minProcessesfalsetruepositive-integer Minimum number of processes that a job must request in this queue.
maxProcessesfalsetruepositive-integer Maximum number of processes that can be allocated to a job running under the queue.
maxSingleMemoryfalsetruepositive-integer Maximum memory that can be allocated per task within a job.
maxTotalMemoryfalsetruepositive-integer Maximum total memory for a job for all nodes.
maxWallTimefalsetruetimeInstant The maximum elapsed time a job can run before it is ejected by the queue manager. This value is also used as an input to load balancing algorithms on some systems (i.e. Maui).

Class Grid::QueueEntry

A queue entry represents a job that is submitted to a queue, is running, or has recently completed. This class must contain enough information so that processes can connect up to proxies associated with the running job (i.e. a job monitor).

Superior = Netscape::top
RDN = qen
Child Of
qentruetruestring Identifer that is comprised of the machine name and the job id, in this format "hn:jobID"
hntruefalsestring The host name(s) for a compute resource. Names should include the full domain name. IP addresses can also be used.
jobIdtruetruestring The job id as provided by the resource manager.
proxyIdtruetruestring The id for the proxy (monitor) associated with a job.
proxyPorttruetruepositive-integer Port number to contact the proxy.
nodestruetruepositive-integer Number of nodes allocated to this job.
qntruefalsestring Name of queue(s) under which the job is running.
runDirectorytruetruefile Path to location where job is running.
jobStatustruetruestring Status of job (submitted, running, completed, incomplete, failed).
uidtruefalsestring Identifies the entry's userid (usually the logon id).
mailtruefalsestring An electronic mailing address.
descriptiontruefalsestring Description of the entity.
accountIdfalsefalsestring Identifies the logon id (if different then the userid).
startTimefalsefalsetimeInstant Time when job started running.
submitTimefalsefalsetimeInstant Time when job was submitted.
finishTimefalsefalsetimeInstant Time when job stopped running.

Class Grid::QueueTemplates

The class contains queue submission default scripts per resource manager type. For resouce managers like Maui, this information is often overridden by the same attributes in Grid::ComputeResource.

Superior = Netscape::top
RDN = mn
Child Of
mntruetruestring specifies the type/name of the job broker/scheduler. Values are unix, loadleveler, maui, nqe, nqs.
scriptHeadertruetruetextBlock A script header template used for submitting jobs. The entry is a multi-line text script. This header information applies to compute resources with queue management systems and is needed for machine customization only.
scriptBodytruetruetextBlock A customized job script template. This is separated from the header because headers are often customized but bodies are not. This is not currently being used, instead the runScript attribute of the software object is being used, but if that proves insufficient then this attribute will need to be utilized.

Class Grid::RepositorySoftware

A repository software object stores information related to software that is independent of any particular installation of the software. Essentially it contains meta-data about the code itself.

Superior = Netscape::top
RDN = rsw
Child Of
rswtruetruestring The identifier for the software package, comprised of the name and releaseTag attributes, i.e. "name:releaseTag"
objNametruetruestring An identifying name for an object.
releaseTagtruetruestring A string that represents a software release number. This number should be unique for any given product version. It would be nice to define this as a type but for now we leave it as a string.
domainClassificationtruefalsestring A classification of the domain the software falls into e.g. Parallel Processing Tools Communication Libraries, electronic structure chemistry.
contactfalsefalsedn Distinguished name of the point of contact for the software
descriptionfalsefalsestring Description of the entity.
seeAlsofalsefalsedn URL to information relevent to the entity.

Class Grid::Software

The Grid::Software object stores information related to software that is installed on a machine. It is currently not designed to reflect software installed "on the network" - Not entirely true (look at childof). Need to add attribute for NetworkDisk?

Superior = Netscape::top
RDN = sw
Child Of
swtruetruestring the identifier for the installed software, comprised of the software name and releaseTag attributes, i.e. "name:releaseTag"
objNametruetruestring An identifying name for an object.
releaseTagtruetruestring A string that represents a software release number. This number should be unique for any given product version. It would be nice to define this as a type but for now we leave it as a string.
hnfalsefalsestring The host name(s) for a compute resource. Names should include the full domain name. IP addresses can also be used.
environmentfalsefalsekeyValue Key/value pairs of environment variables that may or must be set to use the software.
installDirectoryfalsetruefile Location where resource manager software is installed.
binDirectoryfalsetruefile Location of resource manager commands such as qsub... This may be relative to the installDirectory.
libDirectoryfalsefalsefile Specifies the directory in which the libraries can be found, e.g. /usr/local/lib
executablesfalsefalsestring Specifies the names of executables appropriate for this machine. This does not include the path which can be derived from other attributes.
runScriptfalsetruetextBlock Tailored script for executing the software, independent of compute platform.
envScriptfalsetruetextBlock Script to be invoked to configure the environment for the software. The strategy for the use of these script is OBE by the use of runScript. If using runScript is sufficient then this can be removed.

Class Grid::Daemon

A Grid::Daemon stores information about daemons running on a system. Examples are globus gatekeeper, sshd, telnetd, HBM datacollector.

Superior = Grid::Software
RDN = da
Child Of
datruetruestring The identifier for the running daemon software, comprised of the name and port attributes, i.e. "name:port"
hntruefalsestring The host name(s) for a compute resource. Names should include the full domain name. IP addresses can also be used.
porttruetruepositive-integer Contact port number.
objNametruetruestring An identifying name for an object.
protocolfalsetruestring Name of protocol(s) supported by this daemon.