Apache Tomcat Version 4.1 ========================= Release Notes ============= $Id: RELEASE-NOTES-4.1.txt,v 1.79 2003/07/31 17:26:58 remm Exp $ ============ INTRODUCTION: ============ This document describes the changes that have been made in the current development version of Apache Tomcat, relative to the Tomcat 4.0 release. The release notes for all prior releases of Tomcat 4.0 are also included, for your reference. Bug reports should be entered at the bug reporting system for Jakarta projects at: http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/ Please report bugs and feature requests under product name "Tomcat 4". ============ NEW FEATURES: ============ -------------------- General New Features: -------------------- [4.1.1] Administration Webapp: Complete development of the initial version of the administration web application. [4.1.5] Administration Webapp: Add support for manipulating JNDI resources of web applications. [4.1.6] Administration Webapp: Add support for JavaMail resources. [4.1.6] Tyrex resources: Upgrade to Tyrex 1.0. [4.1.10] Commons components: Upgrade to stable releases. [4.1.11] Administration Webapp: Add support for DefaultContext. [4.1.11] Documentation: New JK and JK 2 documentation. [4.1.15] i18n: Complete French language translation. [4.1.19] Documentation: Added printer friendly versions of the documents. [4.1.19] Administration Webapp: Complete the accessibility requirements to pass section 508. --------------------- Catalina New Features: --------------------- [4.1.3] Catalina: Implement custom logger which can be used to capture System.out and System.err to a buffer for later use. [4.1.3] SSIServlet: Complete rewrite of the SSI functionality (WARNING: servlet class name has changed). [4.1.3] CoyoteConnector: Add PureTLS support. [4.1.4] Embedded: Add support for Coyote HTTP/1.1 and Coyote JK 2. [4.1.4] DefaultContext: Refactoring of DefaultContext to support dynamic configuration (naming resources and other misc properties). [4.1.4] MBeanUtils: Allow specifying custom MBean descriptor files. [4.1.5] ServerLifecycleListener: Generate MBeans for the JNDI resources of the contexts. [4.1.8] BootstrapService: Allow passing parameters to the BootstrapService. [4.1.15] JNDIRealm: Add support for SSL with the JNDIRealm. [4.1.16] AuthenticatorBase: Add a configuration option to disable setting the headers which prevent proxies from caching protected pages. Using this option may open security holes in your application, so it should only be used if you are certain about what you are doing. [4.1.16] JNDIRealm: Allow configuring how JNDI should handle referrals returned by the server. [4.1.16] AccessLogValve: Allow disabling log file rotation, and add new patterns. [4.1.17] DataSourceRealm: A new Realm implementation which can use a JNDI named JDBC DataSource has been added. [4.1.19] JNDIRealm: Added support for using an alternateURL if a socket connection can not be made to the provider at the connectionURL. [4.1.19] CoyoteConnector: Add HTTP/1.1 GZIP compression support. [4.1.20] StandardWrapper, ManagerBase: Added JavaBean fields to expose statistics through JMX. [4.1.20] GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener: Allow the listener to be associated with a Service. [4.1.25] ExtendedAccessLogValve: An implementation of the W3c Extended Log File Format. See http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-logfile.html for more information about the format. ------------------- Jasper New Features: ------------------- [4.1.1] JspServlet, Options: Add new "reloading" flag allowing to disable the JSP reloading checks, to allow better performance on production servers. [4.1.1] JspServlet: Refactor the JSP modification checking as a background thread. [4.1.3] Compiler: Ant 1.5 based compiler. [4.1.4] Compiler: Extensive code cleanup. [4.1.4] JspC: Extensive refactoring of JspC. [4.1.4] Options: Add new "compiler" option, which contains the Ant name of the Java compiler to be used. Please refer to the list in the Ant documentation for more details. [4.1.4] Generator: Fix the limitation on the number of tags which can be used within a single page, which was cause by the 64K bytecode limit for a sigle method. Now Jasper generates separate methods for tag bodies when lots of tags are used. [4.1.4] Generator: Add tag instance reuse for performance improvement. [4.1.4] Generator: Add tag BodyContent reuse. [4.1.6] TldLocationsCache: Add TLD caching. [4.1.6] Options: Add new "enablePooling" flag, which allows disabling tag reuse. [4.1.8] JspCompilationContext: Use _ instead of $ to generate file and class names for jsp servlets. [4.1.19] Compiler: Added new "fork" option. This tells Ant to fork the JSP page javac compile so that it is run in a different JVM from the one Tomcat is running in. Please refer to the Jasper-HOWTO for more information. ========================== BUG FIXES AND IMPROVEMENTS: ========================== ------------------ Generic Bug Fixes: ------------------ [4.1.2] Administration Webapp: Fix problems with limiting the length of the driverClassName field, as well as set default values, and add missing JNDI name field. [4.1.2] Administration Webapp: Fix many problems defining a SSL connector through the administration webapp. [4.1.2] Administration Webapp: Many cosmetic fixes. [4.1.3] Administration Webapp: Fix creation of new connectors through the admin webapp. [4.1.6] Administration webapp: Context resources administration fixes and improvements. [4.1.6] Compression filter: Fix compliance problems. [4.1.6] Administration Webapp: Tweak validation code for the context parameters. [4.1.8] Build: Tomcat is now built with JDK 1.4. [4.1.9] Administration Webapp: Specify charset in JSP pages. [4.1.11] Administration Webapp: Fix adding a context with the administration webapp. [4.1.12] Administration Webapp: Complete support for DefaultContext. [4.1.15] Administration Webapp: Fix edition and creation of resource links. [4.1.17] Default configuration: Connector performance tweaks. [4.1.19] Manager and HTML Manager web applications Fix bugs 5551, 7826, 8969, 13983, 5629, and 13205 Updated documentation and added some minor new features. See the Manager App HOW-TO and HTML Manager App HOW-TO documentation for more information. [4.1.19] Administration Webapp: Add a check for empty validation query before setting it. [4.1.20] Startup scripts: Fix classloading failures on JDK 1.4 related to commons-logging, which were caused by JARs being set as endorsed and added to the system classloader. [4.1.20] Xerces: Upgrade to Xerces 2.3.0. [4.1.20] Administration Webapp: Additional accessibility improvements. [4.1.20] Administration Webapp: Fix to prevent localhost from being deleted. [4.1.20] Administration Webapp: Fix the beahavior of valve creation, where atributes weren't saved. [4.1.21] Administration Webapp: Add filtering to prevent the administrator from removing himself access. [4.1.21] Administration Webapp: Remove groups and roles tables on user and group page. [4.1.23] #17744 Administration Webapp: Remove "/admin" part of URLs to make them relative. [4.1.23] #15982 Administration Webapp: Don't set JDBCRealm digest when it's an empty string. [4.1.23] Startup scripts: Fix bugs in the Unix startup scripts. [4.1.27] Administration Webapp: Fix typo in the default context action declaraion. ------------------ Catalina Bug Fixes: ------------------ [4.1.1] #8611 Summary: Sealed .jar files in WEB-INF/lib always fail to load second class WebappClassLoader: The classloader will now generate codebases URL for classes loaded from JAR file which point to the JAR, intead of using a nested jar: URL. This change will affect security manager policy files. [4.1.2] ErrorReportValve: Made it so the valve will only generate status reports for status codes over 300. [4.1.2] DbcpDataSourceFactory: maxIdle attribute couldn't be set. [4.1.2] Facades: Fixed a problem where the facades would still keep a pointer to the facaded objects after the end of the processing of the request. [4.1.3] #7578 Summary: Signed jars loses their certificates when in /WEB-INF/lib WebappClassLoader: Fix the timing of the call to JarEntry.getCertificates(), so that the certificates are set correctly. [4.1.3] WebappClassLoader: Modify the filters to have a matched class be delegated first, instead of refusing to load it altogether. Also add filters for javax.*, Xerces and Xalan. [4.1.3] Endpoint: Add support for a two phase connector initialization in Coyote, so that Tomcat can be used as nobody on Unix. [4.1.3] Http11Protocol: i18n. [4.1.3] StandardServerMBean: Encode special characters when writing configuration file. [4.1.3] ContextConfig: Fix NPE when the Embedded class is used. [4.1.3] DBCP: Use the JNDI factory provided by the commons-dbcp project. [4.1.3] StandardHost: Modify mapping error uri to provide the source uri. [4.1.3] NamingContextListener: Fix a bug where the listener was registered on all lifecycle events. [4.1.3] #7656 Summary: Webapplications deployed using PUT don't survive a tomcat restart StandardServer: Move the save to XML functionality out of the JMX code, and make the ManagerServlet use it after a deploy, so that the deployed application is persistent. [4.1.3] #9353 Transfer-Encoding: chunked (on Request fails) ChunkedInputFilter: In rare cases, the data read could be corrupted. [4.1.3] ManagerServlet: Handle resources nested in subcontexts. [4.1.3] NamingResources: Prevent naming resources overriding. [4.1.4] HostConfig: Do web.xml tracking on all contexts. [4.1.4] NamingResources: Fix entries removal. [4.1.4] ContextBindings: JNDI environment is now available to webapp created classloaders, as long as the webapp classloader is in its parent hierarchy. [4.1.4] ManagerServlet: Save configuration when undeploying. [4.1.4] #9629 Fix ServletContext.getResourcePaths to match spec ApplicationContext: getResourcePaths now returns null for non existing paths. [4.1.4] #9676 org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteServerSocketFactory doesn't recognize keystoreType attribute Http11Protocol: Add missing setKeytype method. [4.1.4] #5446 Can't change webapp class loader WebappLoader: Use introspection to instantiate the class loader. [4.1.5] #9715 'Out of Memory' error with static html pages ProxyDirContext: Use a LRU based cache instead of a simple hashtable. [4.1.4] #9722 java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.catalina.connector.HttpRequestFacade ApplicationDispatcher: The check to unwrap must also handle facades. [4.1.5] #9700 JNDIRealm authentication incorrectly succeeds with blank password JNDIRealm: The security exploit has been fixed. [4.1.5] HTMLManagerServlet: Many improvements and small feature additions. [4.1.5] #8935 Deadlock with reload in manager StandardWrapper: The deallocation of a wrapper will not timeout after 500 ms. [4.1.5] #8013 DefaultServlet Throws NumberFormatException DefaultServlet: Use getDateHeader instead of instance local date parsers to solve thread safety issues. [4.1.6] WebappClassLoader: Fix a rare thread safety issue. [4.1.6] #9944 JAASRealm not configurable JAASRealm: Fix configuration of the appName and userClassNames attributes. [4.1.6] StandardSession: Fix session recycling. [4.1.6] #9318 Summary: HttpSession getMaxInactiveInterval() throws IllegalStateException StandardSession: Don't throw ISE. [4.1.6] ContextConfig: Don't remove JNDI resources when stopping a web application. [4.1.6] StandardWrapper: Capture System.out and System.err during load-on-startup. [4.1.6] ApplicationContext: Fix major memory leak in the request dispatcher. Also improves performance. [4.1.6] ApplicationHttpResponse: Disallow using setLocale from an included servlet. [4.1.6] StandardContext: Reset application context when stopping. [4.1.8] BootstrapService: Prevent NPE when DaemonContext is not well initialised. [4.1.8] StandardServer: Make sure the global resources are correctly initialized even if there is no GlobalNamingResources element in server.xml. [4.1.8] MBean-descriptors: Add PersistentManager MBean info to mbeans-descripor.xml so it doesn't complain in case if you have PersistentManager. [4.1.8] #10967 Summary: Java Deadlock in WebappClassLoader WebappClassLoader: Make ResourceEntry a separate class. [4.1.8] StandardSession: Set manager to null before recycling. [4.1.9] StandardClassLoader: Avoid potential security exception by not calling getParent. [4.1.9] #11307 Summary: Deadlock in ClassLoader WebappClassLoader: Fix deadlock condition by modifying the synced block. [4.1.9] StandardHostDeployer: Fire event when undeploying. [4.1.10] AuthenticatorBase: Remove double URI decoding. [4.1.10] StandardHost: Refactor log capture. [4.1.10] StandardServer: Output server.xml in UTF8. [4.1.10] WebappClassLoader: Fix problem where external repositories would always be ignored. [4.1.10] WebappClassLoader: Generate properly encoded URLs. [4.1.10] #12041 Summary: CGIServlet can block on input CGIServlet: Fix possible deadlock when reading CGI script output. [4.1.10] ErrorDispatcherValve: Unwrap root cause error. [4.1.10] Documentation: Fixes and small additons to the DBCP documentation. [4.1.10] StandardContext: Add new "swallowOutput" flag, to allow configuring logger redirection. [4.1.11] catalina.policy: Modify the file to reflect the new URLs to be used for codebase declarations. [4.1.11] StandardContext: Change the timing of the directory context allocation (now done during start which is more consistent with the lifecycle of other components). [4.1.11] #12041 CGIServlet: Better fix for bugzilla 12041 running an extra thread to deal with STDERR. [4.1.11] CGIServlet: Fix for CGI scripts run from a POST operation never get any posted data. [4.1.11] DefaultServlet: Assume text file when MIME type is unknown for including purposes. [4.1.11] ManagerServlet: Allow manager to do operations on the root webapp. [4.1.11] BootstrapService: Allow parameters to BootstrapService for jni/mod_jk2. [4.1.11] FileDirContext: Add an option to allow symlinking (allowLinking). [4.1.11] FileDirContext: Make the case sensitivity check based on the value of the "caseSensitive" flag rather than on the path separator. Most Unix OSes can set that to false. [4.1.12] SSLAuthenticator: Add back client authentication support. [4.1.12] SECURITY: Disable InvokerServlet in the default webapp configuration, and restrict the servlets it can invoke. [4.1.12] #12286 JDBCStore: Fix NPE on shutdown. [4.1.13] StandardContext: Major refactoring of the resources lifecycle handling, which is now similar to the one of the other components. [4.1.13] #12985 StandardWrapper: Fix load on startup bug for JSPs. [4.1.13] StandardWrapper: Add log swallowing support. [4.1.13] InvokerServlet: SECURITY: Check the classname of the invoked servlet. [4.1.13] #13513 StandardManager: Add disabling persistence with a blank String. [4.1.13] Catalina: SECURITY: Add security manager protection on Coyote components. [4.1.13] ErrorReportValve: Performance optimization: don't generate a status report for status codes < 400. [4.1.13] ProxyDirContext: Cache non existing resources list to provide a major speedup for welcome files processing. [4.1.13] ProxyDirContext: Avoid object creation when reproting a not found resource. [4.1.13] ProxyDirContext: Peformance fix: allow directory caching. [4.1.14] Catalina: Fix security manager package protection configuration. [4.1.14] ContextConfig: Fix TLD processing. [4.1.15] #13583 ApplicationContext: Add path normalization. [4.1.15] FileDirContext: allowLinking will also disable case sensitivity checks (which are relatively similar). [4.1.15] #13364 StandardDefaultContext: Properly refresh naming entries defined in the DefaultContext after a reload. [4.1.16] server.xml Disable timeout for JK2 connector. [4.1.16] MBeanUtils: Relax restrictions on valve MBeans creation. [4.1.16] #14781 CGIServlet: Remove dependency on JDK 1.4. [4.1.16] FileStore: Check for the existence of the session store file. [4.1.16] SSI: Conditional SSI enhancement, better emulation of Apache SSI, fix expression parser's handling of literals. [4.1.17] #15086 StandardWrapper: Use the swallowOutput flag when unloading. [4.1.17] #15077 StandardWrapper: Mark servlets as unavailable when the wrapper is stopped. [4.1.17] CGIServlet, SSIServlet: Fix for SSI "normal" configuration which invokes a CGI script. [4.1.17] #15239 NamingResourcesMBean: Fix resource link creation. [4.1.18] CoyoteWriter, CoyoteResponse: SECURITY: Fix writer reuse after an IOException occurred. [4.1.19] #15544 DataSourceRealm: Fixed the Realm-HOWTO docs for the DataSourceRealm. [4.1.19] #10383 Ajp13: Fix hanging Ajp13Processor and web server request when invalid Cookie sent. An HTTP status code 400 - Bad Request is now returned. [4.1.19] ApplicationFilterConfig: Wrap filter initialization with swallow output. [4.1.19] #15819 StandardServer: Don't write out listeners for StandardDefaultContext. [4.1.19] #15762 StandardServer: Filter special characters in DataSource URL. [4.1.19] #15890 DefaultServlet: Invalid date headers should be ignored. [4.1.19] ManagerBase: Add code to guarantee uniqueness of a session ID (even though the probability that this event occurs is negligible, some people feel more comfortable with that code enabled). [4.1.19] RequestFilterValve: Catch null pointer property to match on, deny by default if found. [4.1.19] #15378 ProxyDirContext: Fix cache invalidation problem when creating subcontexts or modifying attributes. [4.1.20] #16316 DataSourceRealm: Removed code which validates the realm can connect to the db from the realm start in case the JNDI named DataSource has not been initialized yet. [4.1.20] #16106 StandardServer: Fix a problem where some valves would be incorrectly written to server.xml. [4.1.20] StandardSession: Don't recycle sessions, as the performance gain is minimal. [4.1.20] CookieTools: Add spaces after ; in cookies. This avoids problems with IE on Mac. [4.1.20] Manager: Add missing security mapping for deploy (this bug was introduced in 4.1.19). [4.1.20] ManagerBase, StandardSession: Correct problems related to the persistence of sessions. [4.1.20] ApplicationContext: Add a workaround to allow retrieving contexts from the root context. [4.1.21] ErrorDispatcherValve Aborted requests by remote clients are now detected so that a one line entry is logged instead of a complete stack trace and the request is terminated instead of trying to invoke an error page. [4.1.21] MbeanUtils: Add JSR 77 servlet registration. [4.1.22] JDBCStore: Optimize keys() method SQL WHERE clause. Implement a new db field so that the session can be localized to the Engine, Host, and Context (Web Application). [4.1.22] #17591 JDBCStore Synchronize methods which use db so that use of db connection is thread safe. [4.1.22] #17587 Session Manager StoreBase Fix a NPE bug when the background thread expires sessions. [4.1.22] #17775 WebappClassLoader Grant web applications a FilePermission to read the web application context directory in addition to its contents. [4.1.23] #17900 JDBCStore Fix bug where first session in result set was skipped. [4.1.25] #9851 Improve Digest Authentication compatibility [4.1.25] #20380 AccessLogValve incorrectly calculates timezone. [4.1.25] #16374 AccessLogValve Date in file name configurable. [4.1.25] #16400 AccessLogValve Allow logging to be conditional. [4.1.25] AccessLogValve Add %D, %T for time to serve request. [4.1.25] StandardContext: Fix listener shutdown order for JNDI access. [4.1.25] StandardContext: Return facaded context. [4.1.25] StandardWrapper: Fix SingleThreadModel NPE after a reload. [4.1.25] WebappClassLoader: Display more debugging when a CL stopped error occurs. [4.1.25] StandardSession: Clone enumerated list to allow mutating. [4.1.27] AuthenticatorBase: Don't set the no-caching headers on protected POSTed pages, so that the browser's "back" button works as expected. [4.1.27] AccessLogValve: Add leading + to timezone offset. [4.1.27] ExtendedAccessLogValve: If bytes are requested, then print bytes not the date. ---------------- Coyote Bug Fixes: ---------------- [4.1.13] #12998 CoyoteAdapter: Fix compatibility problem with AJP. [4.1.13] #13162 CoyoteAdapter: Decode the URI as a URI, not as a query-string. [4.1.13] #13658 CoyoteAdapter: Arrange to have the SSL attributes in the CoyoteRequest so that they show up for getAttributeNames. [4.1.13] CoyoteConnector: Allow disabling proxyName with an empty string. [4.1.13] CoyoteInputStream: Implement available(). [4.1.13] CoyoteResponse: Fix sendRedirect URL generation. [4.1.13] HTTP/1.1 Constants: Increase max HTTP header buffer size to 48K. [4.1.13] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor: Performance: Save on B2C for host name handling. [4.1.13] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor: Performance: Use bytes comparisons to check the "connection" header values. [4.1.13] HTTP/1.1 InternalOutputBuffer: Performance: improve header generation. [4.1.13] #13270 JK2 ChannelSocket: TCP no delay was not implemented. [4.1.13] JK2 HandlerRequest: Fix tomcatAuthentication support. [4.1.13] #11657 JK2 JkMain: Initialize https URLs if only JK connector is used. [4.1.13] Fix broken JSSE/SSL-support and include support for Cert-Auth with JSSE 1.1.x. [4.1.15] JK2 JkCoyoteHander: Fix problem where the same buffer was used for output and input. [4.1.15] Tomcat 4 Adapter: Closing the output stream or writer in the Tomcat 4 adapter will now finish the response. [4.1.15] HTTP/1.1 InternalOutputBuffer: Fix possible loop scenarios which could happen if an invalid 0 length read was made. [4.1.15] Coyote Response: Improve special header handling to allow protocol handler to enforce the protocol. [4.1.15] #14281 Tomcat 4 Adapter OutputBuffer: Properly compute the total size of the content written. [4.1.16] Tomcat 4 Adapter: Performance: Delayed evaluation of the remote host address. [4.1.16] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor: Performance: Allow disabling upload timeout. [4.1.16] #14658 Tomcat 4 Adapter CoyoteWriter: Performance: Full reimplementation of PrintWriter, fixing syncing as well as performance problems which occurred when a client abruplty disconnected. [4.1.16] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor: Performance: Save on GC for commonly used Strings for protocol and method name. [4.1.16] HTTP/1.1 InternalOutputBuffer: Fix for an ArrayOutOfBound exception which could occur when IOException (usually caused by a client disconnect) was raised during a commit. [4.1.16] JK2 ChannelSocket: Handle timeout exceptions. [4.1.16] JK2 ChannelSocket: Allow disabling channel socket for JNI, as well as binding a specific adress. [4.1.16] JK2 HandlerRequest: Fix null getRemoteHost. [4.1.16] JK2 HandlerRequest, JKCoyoteHandler: Lazy extraction of ssl certs to speed up jk/ajp13 when under SSL. [4.1.17] ActionCode: Allow ActionCode to be used in a switch. [4.1.17] Response: Fix Locale initilization to the default locale (en-us). [4.1.17] #15201 Tomcat 4 Adapter: Fix SSL attributes retrival with JK 2. [4.1.17] Tomcat 4 Adapter CoyoteResponse: encodeURL does not encode session with empty URL (rfc2396). [4.1.17] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor: Fix incorrect setting of the socket timeout when the connection is first established. [4.1.17] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor: Performance: Optimize soTimeout management when the upload timeout is disabled. [4.1.17] PoolTcpEndpoint: Reduce synchornization by not using connection object pooling. Also minimize the amount of time during which no thread is listening on the server socket. [4.1.17] ThreadPool: Reduce synchronization by using an array of threads instead of a Vector. [4.1.17] #15258 JK 2 ChannelSocket: Bind all addresses by default. [4.1.18] #15456 JK 2 CoyoteHandler: Fix NPE occurring in SSL mode. [4.1.19] ActionCode: Fix incorrect number which could cause bad matching. [4.1.19] HTTP/1.1 Http11Processor: Fix case sensitivity matching of some special header values, which could prevent HTTP/1.0 keep alive with some clients. [4.1.19] PoolTcpEndpoint: Fix incorrect handling when an exception occurs during a SSL handshake. [4.1.19] PoolTcpEndpoint: More robust socket restart code for the case where an exception occurs during an accept. [4.1.19] ThreadPool: Remove thread from active thread list when it ends. [4.1.20] CoyoteConnector: Allow setting socket linger. [4.1.21] Cookies: Fix to return values instead of the names. [4.1.23] CoyoteAdapter: Reject decoded URIs which don't start with '/'. [4.1.24] Cookies: Add handling for bad cookies. [4.1.24] #16508 CoyoteResponse: Fix value of the committed flag after the response is finished. [4.1.25] Shell scripts: Add support for OS/400. [4.1.25] JkHandler: Fix decoding of SSL CLIENT-CERTs passed from Apache/IIS/iPlanet. [4.1.25] mod_jk: Fix potential path-traversal problem in mappings. [4.1.25] JSSE SSL: Re-factor to remove dependencies on Sun classes when using a 1.4.x JVM. It should now be possible to set up a SSL Connector with any vendors 1.4.x JVM, without having to install Sun's JSSE 1.0.x. [4.1.25] PureTLS SSL: Fix problems with getting the CLIENT-CERT. [4.1.25] CoyoteConnector: Disable server socket timeout by default, to minimize the amount of generated garbage, especially in SSL mode. [4.1.25] #21219 Http11Processor: Drop the client connection (nicely, if possible, rudely if not) in the event of a serious protocol error. [4.1.25] CoyoteRequestFacade: Fix double facading of the request object. [4.1.25] HandlerRequest: Fix incorrect recycling of SSL certificates in JK 2. [4.1.25] Http11Processor: Catch exceptions which could occur in prepareRequest. [4.1.26] Http11Processor: Fix regression where connection is always dropped at the end of processing. [4.1.27] CoyoteAdapter: Fix "//" URL normalization code. [4.1.27] JSSESocketFactory: Fix dependency on Sun VMs, so that IBM VM users can use the integrated JSSE. [4.1.27] #21984 HandlerReqest: Fix potential Dos condition when given a mal-formed URI. ---------------- Jasper Bug Fixes: ---------------- [4.1.1] #8290 Summary: Problem in the code generated by jasper 2 Generator: This workaround for a JDK bug (BugParade Id: 4414162) introduces a massive performance improvement when using pages containing lots of tags. [4.1.2] Generator: Fixes various problems introduced by the patch which removes the try/catch tag nesting. [4.1.2] #8994 Summary: JSPs don't recompile JspServletWrapper: Fix JSP recompilation when the new "development" flag is set to "true". [4.1.3] #5793 Summary: Variable element in tld with TagExtraInfo class TagLibraryInfoImpl: Fix spec compliance problem. [4.1.3] PagaDataImpl: Fix bug where only one validator could be used on a page. [4.1.3] #8565 Summary: MyEntityResolver doesn't allow including user-defined entities [4.1.3] Generator: Use an array instead of a collection to simulate the try/catch nesting. [4.1.3] Generator: Fix spec compliance bug where a tag could define scripting variables in both the TLD and the TagExtraInfo class. [4.1.5] Generator, PageContextImpl: Fix tag BodyContent reuse. [4.1.5] Generator: Code cleanup, removing the need for a state object. [4.1.5] Generator: Fix bug when specifying a redirect which already included part of a quesry string. [4.1.5] Compiler: Clean up Ant error message generation. [4.1.5] #8926 Summary: Duplicate variable definition in generated Java source, related to custom tag scripting variable Generator: Fix variable declaration locations. [4.1.6] Compiler: Further refactoring of the compiler. [4.1.6] #10048 Summary: JSP forward removes ALL response wrappers PageContextImpl: Only unwrap Jasper added response wrapper. [4.1.6] #10035 Summary: in rejected Parser: elements are now allowed. [4.1.6] #9996 Summary: <@%include> breaks when the included page contains non-ascii encoding Validator: Fix charset handling. [4.1.6] Generator: Many fixes to nested tags and scripting variables handling. [4.1.6] Generator: Add synchronization of the scripting variables. [4.1.8] #10896 Summary: Parsing ContentType error ParserController: Fix parsing. [4.1.8] #10713 Summary: Backslashes quoting quotes in attributes does not work Parser: Fix parsing. [4.1.8] #10711 Summary: Relative filenames with ../ do not work for JSP-includes JspCompilationContext: Add back path normalization code. [4.1.8] #10670 Summary: Problem in JSP compilation Generator: Fix compilation problem. [4.1.8] #10766 Summary: <%@ page extends %> causes ClassCastException JspServletWrapper: Fix regression caused by the included JSP modification tracking. [4.1.9] #11463 Summary: PageContextImpl.removeAttribute do not work correctly without session object PageContextImpl: Add check for the existence of the session. [4.1.9] Validator: Fix bug in setting the default content-type. [4.1.9] #10949 Summary: Jasper2 compile error with struts logic tag & jsp:include Generator: Fix generated response type to HttpServletResponse. [4.1.9] #10629 Summary: include directive fails when referencing Parent Path within a WAR JspCompilationContext: Canonicalize URIs used for getResource and getResourceAsStream. [4.1.10] #11891 Summary: JspC does not work for webapps JspC: Fix -webapp option. [4.1.10] Compiler, Generator: Added step to determine which scripting variables must be declared. [4.1.10] #11942 Summary: reassignment of variables to pagecontext attributes in body loop [4.1.10] #11552 Summary: Iteration tags do not resynchronize scripting variables after doAfterBody() [4.1.10] #12128 Summary: JSP Comment end symbol not recognized in some cases [4.1.11] Compiler: Update to work with Jikes with all features. [4.1.11] #12387 Compiler: Work around limitations of the Ant path tokenization by using files. [4.1.11] Generator: For the conversion of the value used in includes and others to a String, as was done in previous Tomcat releases. [4.1.11] Generator: Added synchronization of NESTED and AT_BEGIN variables after call to doStartTag() of tag handlers implementing IterationTag, but not BodyTag. [4.1.11] #12432 Generator: Can't compile JSP with nested custom tags that have VariableInfo. [4.1.11] JspServletWrapper: Fix Jasper when "development" option is set to "false". [4.1.12] JspRuntimeContext: Add permission to allow reading the work directory. [4.1.13] #13144 Generator: Ending comment eats up line following. [4.1.13] #13536 Generator: Bad value in plugin if the value is an expression. [4.1.13] JspRuntimeContext: Make sure the CodeSource for JSP pages is created consistently the same. [4.1.13] #13206 JspRuntimeLibrary: Invalid java bean property error message could be reported better. [4.1.13] #13843 JspServlet: Fix locking on Windows of big JSP files. [4.1.14] Compiler: Add global synchronization on the javac invocation. [4.1.15] Jspc: Rename "--compile" option to "-compile" (it was undocumented). [4.1.15] #14195 ErrorDispatcher: Fix NPE. [4.1.15] #14197 Generator: Allow jspDestroy to be overriden. [4.1.15] PageContextImpl: Avoid flushing after processing the page. [4.1.16] #14577 Generator: Declarations should geneate a '\n' at end. [4.1.16] #14699 Generator: Scripting variables declared AT_END do not work when tag implements TryCatchFinally. [4.1.17] Compiler: Make exception reports more detailed. [4.1.19] #15531 Background Thread Recompile: Fixed a thread synchronization bug which could cause the thread which does background JSP recompiles (development=false) to die. [4.1.19] #14200 TldLocationCache: TLDs under WEB-INF are not scanned for URI mappings. [4.1.19] JspWriterImpl: Remove custom flushing, which caused client disconnects to log stack traces with Jasper. [4.1.19] #15105 PageContextImpl: pushBody()/popBody() error on tomcat 4.1.X. [4.1.20] #15845 Fixed JSP page compiles so that objects created for performing the JSP page compiles which are not reused are dereferenced so they are eligible for GC. This should reduce the memory footprint and improve GC performance. [4.1.20] JspC: Port fixes to JspC from HEAD, including support for packaged JSPs, and fixes to webapp precompilation. [4.1.20] Compiler: Dereference objects used during compilation, in order to allow garbage collection. [4.1.20] Compiler: Fixed a NPE caused by nulling errorDispatcher. [4.1.20] #16181 Generator: JspWriter not restored properly when exception thrown in a tag's body content. [4.1.20] #16200 Generator: Fix isThreadSafe functionality. [4.1.20] #16449 JspServletWrapper: Fix race condition in the reloading check by using an object local boolean. [4.1.21] #16449 JspServletWrapper: Fix recompilation logic. [4.1.21] Compiler: An ant Project uses the current directory as its base directory by default. The base directory doesn't matter but ant always checks it. This can cause problems when using the SecurityManager with a strict policy. The Compiler now explicitely sets the ant Project base dir to catalina.home. [4.1.21] Generator: Added support for to XML syntax. [4.1.21] #17049 Generator: Invalid code generated when nesting tags. [4.1.22] TagLibraryInfoImpl: Fix precompilation when JARs contain TLDs. [4.1.22] JspC: Add package name mangling for Java keywords. [4.1.22] JspC: Add documentation. [4.1.22] #17775 JspRuntimeContext Grant web applications JSP pages a FilePermission to read the web application context directory in addition to its contents. [4.1.23] Compiler: Avoid NPE when using JSPC using the built-in compiler. [4.1.24] JspC: Set the thread context class loader to the specified classpath. [4.1.25] #18314 PageDataImpl: Multiple declarations of same taglib cause exception during validation. [4.1.25] #18496 Parser: Special characters not escaped in "Unterminated ... tag" error message. ============================ KNOWN ISSUES IN THIS RELEASE: ============================ * Tomcat 4.1 and JNI Based Applications * Tomcat 4.1 Standard APIs Available * Tomcat 4.1 and XML Parsers * Web application reloading and static fields in shared libraries * Linux and Sun JDK 1.2.x - 1.3.x * Enabling SSI and CGI Support * Security manager URLs * Symlinking static resources * Enabling invoker servlet ------------------------------------- Tomcat 4.1 and JNI Based Applications: ------------------------------------- Applications that require native libraries must ensure that the libraries have been loaded prior to use. Typically, this is done with a call like: static { System.loadLibrary("path-to-library-file"); } in some class. However, the application must also ensure that the library is not loaded more than once. If the above code were placed in a class inside the web application (i.e. under /WEB-INF/classes or /WEB-INF/lib), and the application were reloaded, the loadLibrary() call would be attempted a second time. To avoid this problem, place classes that load native libraries outside of the web application, and ensure that the loadLibrary() call is executed only once during the lifetime of a particular JVM. ---------------------------------- Tomcat 4.1 Standard APIs Available: ---------------------------------- A standard installation of Tomcat 4 makes all of the following APIs available for use by web applications (by placing them in "common/lib" or "shared/lib"): * activation.jar (Java Activation Framework) * ant.jar (Apache Ant 1.5.1) * commons-collections.jar (Commons Collections 2.1) * commons-dbcp.jar (Commons DBCP 1.0) * commons-logging-api.jar (Commons Logging 1.0.2) * commons-pool.jar (Commons Pool 1.0) * jasper-compiler.jar (Jasper 2 Compiler) * jasper-runtime.jar (Jasper 2 Runtime) * jdbc2_0-stdext.jar (JDBC 2.0 Optional Package, javax.sql.*) * jndi.jar (JNDI 1.2 base API classes) * jta.jar (Java Transacation API 1.0.1a) * mail.jar (JavaMail 1.2) * naming-common.jar (JNDI Context implementation) * naming-factory.jar (JNDI object factories) * naming-resources.jar (JNDI DirContext implementations) * servlet.jar (Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 APIs) You can make additional APIs available to all of your web applications by putting unpacked classes into a "classes" directory (not created by default), or by placing them in JAR files in the "lib" directory. Tomcat 4.1 also makes available Xerces 2.3.0 to web applications. -------------------------- Tomcat 4.1 and XML Parsers: -------------------------- As described above, Tomcat 4.1 makes an XML parser (and many other standard APIs) available to web applications. This parser is also used internally to parse web.xml files and the server.xml configuration file. If you wish, you may replace the "xercesImpl.jar" file in "common/endorsed" with another XML parser, as long as it is compatible with the JAXP 1.1 APIs. --------------------------------------------------------------- Web application reloading and static fields in shared libraries: --------------------------------------------------------------- Some shared libraries (many are part of the JDK) keep references to objects instantiated by the web application. To avoid class loading related problems (ClassCastExceptions, messages indicating that the classloader is stopped, ...), the shared libraries state should be reinitialized. Something which could help is to avoid putting classes which would be referenced by a shared static field in the web application classloader, and put them in the shared classloader instead (the JARs should be put in the "lib" folder, and classes should be put in the "classes" folder). ------------------------------- Linux and Sun JDK 1.2.x - 1.3.x: ------------------------------- Virtual machine crashes can be experienced when using certain combinations of kernel / glibc under Linux with Sun Hotspot 1.2 to 1.3. The crashes were reported to occur mostly on startup. Sun JDK 1.4 does not exhibit the problems, and neither does IBM JDK for Linux. The problems can be fixed by reducing the default stack size. At bash shell, do "ulimit -s 2048"; use "limit stacksize 2048" for tcsh. GLIBC 2.2 / Linux 2.4 users should also define an environment variable: export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 ---------------------------- Enabling SSI and CGI Support: ---------------------------- Having CGI and SSI available to web applications created security problems when using a security manager (as a malicious web application could use them to sidestep the security manager access control). In Tomcat 4.1, they have been disabled by default, as our goal is to provide a fully secure default configuration. However, CGI and SSI remain available. On Windows: * rename the file %CATALINA_HOME%\server\lib\servlets-cgi.renametojar to %CATALINA_HOME%\server\lib\servlets-cgi.jar. * rename the file %CATALINA_HOME%\server\lib\servlets-ssi.renametojar to %CATALINA_HOME%\server\lib\servlets-ssi.jar. * in %CATALINA_HOME%\conf\web.xml, uncomment the servlet declarations starting line 165 and 213, as well as the associated servlet mappings line 265 and 274. Alternately, these servlet declarations and mappings can be added to your web application deployment descriptor. On Unix: * rename the file $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/servlets-cgi.renametojar to $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/servlets-cgi.jar. * rename the file $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/servlets-ssi.renametojar to $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/servlets-ssi.jar. * in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml, uncomment the servlet declarations starting line 165 and 213, as well as the associated servlet mappings line 265 and 274. Alternately, these servlet declarations and mappings can be added to your web application deployment descriptor. --------------------- Security manager URLs: --------------------- The URLs to be used in the policy file to grant permissions to JARs located inside the web application repositories have changed in Tomcat 4.1. In Tomcat 4.0, codeBase URLs for JARs loaded from web application repositories were: jar:file:${catalina.home}/webapps/examples/WEB-INF/lib/driver.jar!/- In Tomcat 4.1, they should be: file:${catalina.home}/webapps/examples/WEB-INF/lib/driver.jar --------------------------- Symlinking static resources: --------------------------- Unix symlinks will not work when used in a web application to link resources located outside the web application root directory. This behavior is optional, and the "allowLinking" flag may be used to disable the check. ------------------------ Enabling invoker servlet: ------------------------ Starting with Tomcat 4.1.12, the invoker servlet is no longer available by default in all webapp. Enabling it for all webapps is possible by editing $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml to uncomment the "/servlet/*" servlet-mapping definition. Using the invoker servlet in a production environment is not recommended and is unsupported. ----------------------------- Using the JSP Compiler (JSPC): ----------------------------- Using the command line script is not recommended when using JSPC. Instead, using Ant is supported and encouraged. Please see the Jasper documentation in the Tomcat documentation bundle for more instructions as well as a build script.