Grid Computing Environments (GCE) Charter


Draft:  Please direct comments to Mary Thomas ( and Geoffrey Fox (


1.      Research Group Organization:




Secretary:   Jay Alameda (

Webmaster: David Walling (


Mailing List:            (gce-rg)

·          Archives:     


To subscribe to our email list, send email to with the body "subscribe gce-wg".  Do not include the quotation marks. You must be a member of an email list to post to it.


If you subscribe to the working group list please be sure to also subscribe to the general list. To do this, send email to with "subscribe grid-announce" as a single line in the message body.


2.      Statement of Purpose


The Grid Computing Environment (GCE) Research Group is principally focused on user environments that integrate access to grid services. This Research Group is aimed at contributing to the coherence and interoperability of frameworks, portals, PSE's, and other Grid-based computing environments and Grid services.  We will do this by evaluating and testing protocols, API’s and SDK’s from “current practices” projects that are required to integrate technology implementations and solutions. A GCE covers both the tools and the technologies needed to construct environments such as:

·        Portals: users, application, education – web, other

·        Problem Solving Environments


Our function is to perform research on user requirements based on how users utilize the Grid and its services, and to identify functionalities, API's, and protocols to facilitate interoperability between users of the Grid and developers of the Grid. This research will be based on what can be done today and what can/should be done with the next generation of software.  Our information will have a bi-directional flow between service working groups and those that sit at “higher” levels of the 3-tier Grid architecture.  We will also provide linkage with other relevant communities outside of GGF.


3.      Short Term Focus Areas

a.       Portal Technologies

b.      Workflow Architectures

c.       GCE Shells

d.      Experimental  Testbed for interoperable services


4.       Deliverables

  1. Workshops to be held in the next year:

i.         Workflow Architectures  at GGF7

ii.       Portal technologies

iii.      GCE Shells

  1. Journal Publication: a group of 28 papers will be published in C&C:P&E, which was a direct result of the GCE activities to collect “current practices” documents in 2002.
  2. GGF Informational Documents:

i.         Draft of survey document capturing the current practices on workflow specification and management by GGF7, final draft by GGF8.

ii.       GCE Shell (Draft)

iii.      Summary of C&C:P&E journal, containing editorial and copies of abstracts.

iv.     Summary Documents for past Workshops.

v.       Submissions by members of the GGF related GCE focus areas.