Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 01:41:55 +0000 (/etc/localtime) From: Corinna Lathan To: Edward Lipson cc: Corinna Lathan Subject: Re: proposal Ed, Sorry we didnt' connect last night. i don't know what i was thinking when I said i could call you back. i had class until 9:30! here are some thoughts on the grant, let's talk! call my cell phone (301-613-1339) Ed, The way I've been thinking about the KDI proposal is to extend the SGER proposal I gave you to multiple users and shared interaction over space and time. Here's the summary of it just to remind you. (I can send you all 3 pages of text too) Personal Augmentation Devices (PADs): Exploratory Agents To Enable Tele-Interaction, Evaluation, And Development Of Abilities In Persons With Severe Disabilities: Personal devices, controlled by physiological signals, for the purpose of augmenting human function. The objective is to provide children, who have severe motor disabilities, a device that can navigate and manipulate the external environment under their control. The impact of this device would be to provide an exploratory agent for the child that would allow the child to tele-interact, thereby unlocking his/her cognitive abilities; promoting curiosity and a sense of entitlement to explore; and allowing development to continue. The key points I would address through KN: "the integration of knowledge from different sources and domains across space and time"..."achieve new levels of knowledge integration, information flow, and interactivity among people, organizations, and communities"..."New forms of and tools for data gathering, such as "sharable remote instruments"..."Appropriate processing and integration of knowledge from different sources"... "New tools and means of working together over distance and time" then, in looking at the new web site with more details, there are some other areas mentionned: FOUNDATIONAL RESEARCH: Processes and Dynamics of Distributed Intelligence..Cognition by groups, teams, and organizations PROTOTYPE DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH: Development of engineering tools and methods for designing, reproducing, and extending knowledge networks ETHICAL, SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH ON KNOWLEDGE NETWORKS Knowledge Dissemination and Sustainable Use of Knowledge Networks: Adapting knowledge networks to human needs, preferences, and abilities, including cognitive, cultural, economic, and educational differences in the access, use, and benefit from knowledge networks For budget: What scope are we talking? Here's a general budget, but I can conform to whatever your constraints are. I would put grad funding as a priority: Then Supplies, $3,000 ish (more is better!) And Travel, approx $2000 And finally, a little time for me. I don't really need it but NSF expects it.$3-4,000 Corinna Lathan Salary approx 5% 3500 Fringe (19.8%) 693 1 Graduate Students Salary 15500 Fringe (7.65%/FICA) 1186 Direct 20879 Indirect (62%) 11780 Total Salary 32659 Travel 2000 Supplies 3000 TOTAL 37659 *************************************************************************** Corinna (Cori) E. Lathan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering The Catholic University of America Washington, DC 20064 202-319-5095 202-319-4499 (fax) **************************************************************************