From: Edward Lipson Date: May 4, 1998 Item 1: I have reorganized and relocated the kdi proposal directory and subdirectories. See below (http and ftp addresses) and change your bookmarks accordingly.  If you use Netscape as your browser, you should use FTP rather than HTTP to do downloads of  Word and Excel files. MS-IE and Opera do http downloads just fine. See detailed explanation below. Item2: In the new "forms" directory, I have placed a file (as well as, for the last time, a zip file) which is an Excel template for the NSF budget. Gregg, Cori, and Erik please download and start entering your (subcontract) budget info in this and then get it back to me. For now, assume we are going for 3 years. Open in Excel and rename it (for now) to zzz.xls where zzz=your initials. Important: Make sure to save it in the following format "Microsoft Excel 97 and 5.0/95 Workbook". This is essential for FastLane (see FAQ and online instructions). Item3: I propose making each of Gregg, Cori, and Erik a co-PI (as well as Geoffrey; that's the limit: no more than 4 co-PIs) and will give you FastLane access via my password once I enter you as co-PIs on the cover sheet. Stay tuned for that. Item4: Among the forms needed to be done in FastLane directly (no PDFs) is Current & Pending Support. Please gather your info and prepare to start working on that asap once I give you your password access (I hope today). In general, get used to the FastLane system if you are not already familiar. I am just learning it myself. See (and print) instructions, tips, FAQ, etc.   *****Netscape nuisance notes***** For some reason, Netscape does not download Word and Excel files properly (Geoffrey says it is a well known problem). After downloading using right-click and "Save File As...", the downloaded file will not open in Word/Excel. Instead you get a "file format is not valid" error. A possible workaround, as I've told you before, would be that I upload these as zip files and then you unzip them after downloading. But that is a pain for all. One good solution is to use another browser for downloads. I recommend either MS Internet Explorer 4 or Opera browser. You can get the latter (30 day trial) from . Another solution is to use FTP (via Netscape or otherwise). See addresses below. **************************************** KDI directory access (or anon. FTP to and cd to /pub/users/edlipson/kdi/) Edward Lipson Professor Department of Physics Syracuse University Syracuse NY 13244-1130 315-443-9107 (fax -9103) (numeric pager 315-418-1621)