Apache Tomcat 4.1 Installation Guide

As a prerequisite for Apache Tomcat 4.1, the Java Development Kit (JDK, version 1.2 or later) must be installed on your system. If it is not already installed then do the following steps, else go ahead to the guidelines for installing Apache Tomcat 4.1.

  1. Download J2SE 1.4.1 from Java@Sun.com.
  2. Install this JDK according to the instructions included with the release.

Guidelines for installing Apache Tomcat 4.1

Documentation is also available on the Tomcat website.

Windows Users

To install Apache Tomcat 4.1

  1. Set an environment variable JAVA_HOME to the pathname of the directory of the JDK. (say, C:\jdk1.4)
  2. Download and save jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24.exe from this webpage.
  3. Run this file and follow the steps of the installation wizard. Note that the port number is 8080. Also, you can put in whatever password you want for the admin.

To start Apache Tomcat 4.1

  1. Select Start -> All Programs -> Apache Tomcat 4.1 -> Start Tomcat.
  2. And minimize the window that pops up with messages related to starting Apache Tomcat 4.1. Do not close this window because closing this window will shut down Apache Tomcat 4.1.
  3. To check if Apache Tomcat 4.1 is properly installed and running, open the web browser and go to the following URL: http://localhost:8080/. The default web applications included with Apache Tomcat 4.1 will be available from this webpage.

To shut down Apache Tomcat 4.1

  1. Select Start -> All Programs -> Apache Tomcat 4.1 -> Stop Tomcat.

For more detailed information about configuring and running Apache Tomcat 4.1, please refer to the documentation provided with the release. For this, select Start -> All Programs -> Apache Tomcat 4.1 -> Tomcat Documentation.

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Unix/Linux/Solaris Users

To install Apache Tomcat 4.1

  1. Set an environment variable JAVA_HOME to the pathname of the directory of the JDK.
  2. Download and save jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24.tar.gz from this webpage.
  3. Untar and unzip this file. This can be done using the following commands: gunzip jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24.tar.gz, and then tar -xvf jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24.tar.

To start Apache Tomcat 4.1

  1. Change your current path to the bin sub-directory in jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24. For example, the command could be cd jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/bin.
  2. And then run the shell script startup.sh, i.e. use the command ./startup.sh. (NOTE: Make sure that the permissions for the '.sh' files are appropriately set.)
  3. After startup, in order to check that Apache Tomcat 4.1 is up and running, open the web browser and enter http://localhost:8080/ in the address bar. The default web applications included with Apache Tomcat 4.1 will be available from this webpage.

To shut down Apache Tomcat 4.1

  1. Again, change your current path to the bin sub-directory in jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24. For example, the command could be cd jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/bin.
  2. And then run the shell script shutdown.sh, i.e. use the command ./shutdown.sh. (NOTE: Make sure that the permissions for the '.sh' files are appropriately set.)

For more detailed information about configuring and running Apache Tomcat 4.1, please refer the following:

  1. README.txt
  2. RUNNING.txt
which are provided in the release.

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Last updated on June 09, 2003