Web Services Inspection Language (WSIL) Assignment

In this assignment we shall be working with the web services created in the previous assignment. For this assignment the following jar files must be used:

Exercise 1:

Create a WS-Inspection document for all the web services created in the Assignment on Creating Web Services.

Exercise 2:

Write a program using Java that can read and use the contents of the WS-Inspection document created in Exercise 1. This program should take the URL of the WS-Inspection document as an input and list the services that have been described in the WS-Inspection document. Use the classes provided by WSIL4J API.

Exercise 3:

Write a progam using Java to read and use the contents of the WS-Inspection document created in Exercise 1. The input to the program consists of:
The program must then return all the WSDL documents that are associated with the given web-service name. Use the classes provided by WSIL4J API.

Exercise 4:

In this exercise, the Calculator Web Service in Example 2 of Apache Axis is to be used. Modify the client stub 'CalcClient.java' such that the location (i.e. 'endpoint') of the Web Service is obtained from the WS-Inspection and WSDL documents dynamically. Use the classes provided by WSIL4J and WSDL4J API.