GXOS & GNDI API: Downloads


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XML Schema
GXOS Editor
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The GXOS API v0.3.2 package with all its required libraries, source code and documentation is available for download here: gxos-0.3.2-src.zip , and read the INSTALL file in the package or jump to the installation section below.

If you prefer to download packages separately, please see the following section. The individual packages might be newer versions. Please check first.


The following packages are required to run GXOS API v0.3.2. Download these, 

  • if using JDK 1.3 and above,
  • if using JDK 1.1 and above, in addition to the libraries for JDK 1.3,

Also download


To develop systems using GXOS API, you need to have all the required packages and configurations files in your CLASSPATH.

Steps for using the API

  1. Create a root directory for XML object repository, i.e. c:\gxosdb or /home/username/gxosdb
  2. Edit gxosconfig.xml for your needs. You need to provide the above database location to set the parameter gxos.subjndi.providerurl in the configuration file to the path of your object repository.
  3. Add all the JAR files and the directories you keep your configuration files in your CLASSPATH environment variable.

Steps to run examples

  1. Run test programs as [not ready yet]

run Example1 or run.sh Example1