Index of /sites/dsc/jpac/QCDRef/1970s/

A NEW CLASSICAL SOLUTION OF THE YANG-MILLS FIEL..> 30-Sep-2019 15:36              235363
A mechanism for quark confinement - Allan, Dash..> 30-Sep-2019 15:36              540565
A review of developments in lattice gauge theor..> 30-Sep-2019 15:36              504480
A theory of hadronic structure - Callan, Dashen..> 30-Sep-2019 15:36             5063946
Absorptive effects in exclusive diffraction dis..> 30-Sep-2019 15:36             3326733
An introduction to lattice gauge theory and spi..> 30-Sep-2019 15:36             9848692
Are there important unitarity corrections to th..> 30-Sep-2019 15:36              327551
CHARGE CONJUGATION, SIGNATURE AND TWISTS - Eylo..> 30-Sep-2019 15:36              459196
COMMENTS ON A2 PRODUCTION - Michael, Ruuskanen ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              278475
COMPACT GAUGE FIELDS AND THE INFRARED CATASTROP..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              177786
Calculation of the yang-mills vacuum wave funct..> 30-Sep-2019 15:36              995212
Chiral symmetry and pion condensation. I. Model..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             4391014
Chiral symmetry and pion condensation. II. Gene..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             2584882
Communications in Mathematical Physics There Ar..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              225815
Concept of nonintegrable phase factor and globa..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             2016598
Condensed Monopoles and Abelian Confinement - S..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              313601
Confinement in Compact QED for low Coupling - B..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             1352598
Coulomb gauge description of large Yang-Mills f..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             1247895
DIFFRACTIVE DISSOCIATION IN THE DUAL MODEL, - A..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              868132
DIFFRACTIVE PRODUCTION MECHANISMS - Kaidalov - ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             3769215
DUAL TOPOLOGICAL UNITARIZATION AN ORDERED APPRO..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             4566316
Deck-model calculation of pion-p to pion-pion-p..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             2856252
Difference in Energy Dependence for A2- and A20..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              532019
Effect of instantons on the heavy-quark potenti..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             1240292
Effects of topological charge in gauge theories..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             1601327
Electric vortex lines from the Yang-Mills theor..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              341289
Errata and Addenda Phase transitions in Abelian..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              723156
Extended objects in quantum systems and soliton..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              456877
Flux tubes, monopoles, and the magnetic confine..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              737447
GAUGE FIELDS AS RINGS OF GLUE - POLYAKOV - 1979..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              814647
Gauge-Invariant Scaling Model of Current Intera..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             3071618
Gauge-fixing degeneracies and confinement in no..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              855260
Generalized two-dimensional Abelian gauge theor..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             1610191
HIGH STATISTICS STUDY OF THE REACTION pion-p- n..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             2181629
Heavy-Lepton decay and the A1 resonance - Basde..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              632379
High-energy physics 25 years after the discover..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             2974970
How quark confinement solves the eta to 3-pion ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             2597700
How to analyse vector-meson production in inela..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             1032414
INSTANTONS AND TRANSVERSE PURE GAUGE FIELDS - S..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              193694
ISOSCALAR EXCHANGE IN VECTOR-MESON PRODUCTION -..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              546284
Instantons as a bridge between weak and string ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             2157506
Interpretation of pseudoparticles in physical g..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              605176
KsK- decay of A2 produced by 20.3 GeV pion on H..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             1465576
Local-Lagrangian Quantum Field Theory of Electr..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             1978513
MAGNETIC MONOPOLES AS GAUGE PARTICLES - Montone..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              320280
MEASUREMENT OF THE A 2 MESON MASS SPECTRUM - Gr..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              254984
Medium-energy N-pion-pion dynamics. I - Aitchis..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             1666584
Medium-energy N-pion-pion dynamics. II. Rescatt..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37             2764437
Metastable states of two-dimensional isotropic ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              221289
Monopoles in a non-Abelian gauge theory - Ventu..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37               97713
NEW RELATIONS FOR TWO-BODY REACTIONS FROM INCLU..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              830631
Nature of the phase transition in a non-linear ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:37              462110
Non-Classical configurations in Euclidean field..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38             6641955
ON THE ANALYSIS OF VECTOR-MESON PRODUCTION BY P..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              619953
ON THE VACUUM STRUCTURE OF AN SU(2) YANG-MILLS ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              684870
PHASE TRANSITIONS IN ABELIAN LATTICE GAUGE THEO..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              731204
PHENOMENOLOGICAL DUALITY - Igi, Fukugita - 1977..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38             5796293
POLARIZATION RELATIONS IN CHARGE AND HYPERCHARG..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              644630
Patterns of exchange degeneracies - Mandula, We..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38             1351687
Phase transitions in qcd as tunneling through s..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              387341
Phenomenology of photon processes, vector domin..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38             2145082
QUASI-PERIODIC BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AND THE VACU..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              203381
Quantization ambiguity and non-trivial vacuum s..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              235490
Quantization of non-abelian gauge theories - Gr..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38             1027057
Quantum electrodynamics on a lattice A Hamilton..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38             2998266
Quantum expansion of soliton solutions - Christ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38             3064492
Quantum sine-Gordon equation as the massive Thi..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38             1589077
Quark confinement in the infinite-momentum fram..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38             2200732
SEARCH FOR EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE ON EXCLUSIVE D..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              923428
Small tleformations of the Prasatl-Sommerfielfl..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              859872
Solitons as Infinite-Constituent Bound States -..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              909796
Spin Formalisms - Chung - 1971.pdf                 30-Sep-2019 15:38             2085823
Spin-Parity Analysis of the A3 - Ascoli et al. ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38             2254513
Statistical mechanics and field theory - Samuel..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38             5185953
Strings, monopoles, and gauge fields - Nambu - ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38             1031279
Structure of quark diagrams - Eylon - 1976.pdf     30-Sep-2019 15:38              564124
Structure of the Yang-Mills vacuum in the Coulo..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              221587
Sum Rules for Inelastic Functions from the Unit..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              468473
THE STRUCTURE OF THE GAUGE THEORY VACUUM - Call..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              513246
TRIPLE POMERON VERTEX,DUALITY AND DIFFRACTION D..> 30-Sep-2019 15:39              227194
Test of the a-Expansion Method for Extracting t..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              542317
The Pion-Pion and Kaon-Kaon Amplitudes the S an..> 30-Sep-2019 15:39            15210739
The hadronic structure of the photon with empha..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38             3831092
The production of regge Recurrences - Michael -..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              639056
The role of surface variables in the vacuum str..> 30-Sep-2019 15:38              251843
Topological symmetry breakdown and quark confin..> 30-Sep-2019 15:39             2428294
Topological tunneling and Goldstone gluons - Lu..> 30-Sep-2019 15:39             1673688
Toward a theory of the strong interactions - Ca..> 30-Sep-2019 15:39             8585590
UNITARY COUPLED CHANNEL DECK MODEL AND THE Q ME..> 30-Sep-2019 15:39              440053
Unitary states for three pions - Ascoli, Wyld -..> 30-Sep-2019 15:39             2204626
VACUUM STRUCTURE OF THE SU(3) GAUGE FIELD THEOR..> 30-Sep-2019 15:39              153965
VII . Difficulties in Fixing the Gauge in Non-A..> 30-Sep-2019 15:39              784218
Vortex-line models for dual strings - Nielsen, ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:39              748785
Yang-Mills vacua in Coulomb gauge - Iwasaki - 1..> 30-Sep-2019 15:39              369852
ZERO MODES OF THE ‘t HOOFT-POLYAKOV E. MOTTOL..> 30-Sep-2019 15:39              258620