Index of /sites/dsc/jpac/QCDRef/1990s/
A Ginzburg-Landau Analysis of the Colour Electr..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 111298
A coupled channel analysis of the centrally pro..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 231557
A disorder parameter for dual superconductivity..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 166949
A search for non-qq-bar mesons in the WA102 exp..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 431064
A variational approach to the QCD wave function..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 268238
Basics of Perturbative QCD - Khoze, Mueller, Tr..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 4059262
Center Dominance and Z 2 Vortices In SU (2) Lat..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 220270
Chiral poles and zeros and the role of the left..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 183269
Classical solutions in quantum field theories -..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 1167710
Compact three-dimensional QED A simple example ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 324085
Decomposing the yang-mills field - Faddeev, Nie..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 89157
Density functional theory through Legendre tran..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 2648294
Description of Two Meson Amplitudes and Chiral ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 484875
Detecting Dual Superconductivity in the Ground ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 4483497
Dispersion relation of the rho meson at finite ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 100113
Dynamical mass generation and confinement - Kog..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 633877
Emergence of the Haar measure in the standard f..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 175561
Erratum Rigorous QCD Analysis of Inclusive Anni..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 850430
Factorization for hard exclusive electroproduct..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 434627
Frustration in Finite Density QCD- Aloisio et a..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 100195
Gauge theories in finite volumes revisted - Baa..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 4063762
Goldstone and Pseudo-Goldstone Bosons in Nuclea..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 711735
How to renormalize the schrodinger equation - L..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 500001
Infrared Behaviour of the Gauge Boson Propagato..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 118077
Interaction potential in compact three-dimensio..> 30-Sep-2019 15:40 235656
Knots and particles - Faddeev, Niemi - 1996.pdf 30-Sep-2019 15:41 653048
Mechanisms for colour confinement - Di Giacomo ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 240162
Meson-Meson interaction in a non-perturbative c..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 791473
Monopole-antimonopole interaction in Abelian Hi..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 112415
N D Description of Two Meson Amplitudes and Chi..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 430161
Novel Methods for Large Molecules in Quantum Ch..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 1058886
Observing Long Colour Flux Tubes in SU(2) Latti..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 816244
On the large- N - Peris, Rafael - 1994.pdf 30-Sep-2019 15:40 92813
One–channel Roy equations revisited - Gasser,..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 346163
Partial Duality in SU(N) Yang-Mills Theory - Fa..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 230782
Partially Dual Variables in SU(2) Yang-Mills Th..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 113573
Photon as a goldstone boson in (2 1)-dimensiona..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 2081389
Potential Energy of Yang – Mills Vortices in ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 157076
Probing the QCD Vacuum with Static Sources in M..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 216596
QCD in the axial gauge representation - Lenz, N..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 2277645
Quantum Theory of Strings in Abelian Higgs Mode..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 192912
Relativistic Spin-Flavor States in Light Front ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 258274
Renormalizability of the critical limit of latt..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 1447025
Resolution of Gauss ’ law in Yang-Mills theor..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 231511
Schwinger Model Green functions with topologica..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 185025
Screening mass from chiral perturbation theory,..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 1574848
String Representation of the Abelian Higgs Theo..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 119655
Systematics of soft final state interactions in..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 111561
Temperature dependence of electric and magnetic..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 1110202
The (1+1)-dimensional Massive sine-Gordon Field..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 194048
The Dyson-Schwinger equation for a model with i..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 101743
The inverse amplitude method in Chiral Perturba..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 947221
The wall of the cave - Polyakov - 1998.pdf 30-Sep-2019 15:41 130489
Towards a string representation of infrared su(..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 124189
Two-gluon exchange model predictions for double..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 442860
Two-particle states on a torus and their relati..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 1918372
Vanishing of zero-momentum lattice gluon propag..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 1639741
Yang-Mills theory in a modified axial gauge - R..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 214409
“ Topological ” Formulation of Effective Vo..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41 272091