Index of /sites/dsc/jpac/QCDRef/2000s/

2D MODEL FIELD THEORIES AT FINITE TEMPERATURE A..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              809940
A Gap in the Quarkyonic matter - Glozman - 2008..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              135143
A Primer on Instantons in QCD - Forkel - 2000.pdf  30-Sep-2019 15:41              620359
A local non-Abelian gauge invariant action stem..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              120435
A study of the gauge invariant , nonlocal mass ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              397985
AT LOW ENERGY ANNIHILATION DYNAMICS - Klempt, B..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41             1927296
Alternative analysis of the R measurements Reso..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              105972
An analysis of the reaction pp to pp-eta near t..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              229481
Analysis of JPC = 1−+ Exotic Hybrid Eta-Pion ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              107047
Analytic calculation of color-Coulomb potential..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              114126
Application of the Heat-Kernel Method to the Co..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              176448
BCS-BEC crossover with a finite-range interacti..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              487287
CONFINEMENT, MAGNETIC ZN SYMMETRY AND LOW ENERG..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              446580
Center vortices as sources of Abelian dominance..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              316845
Chiral Perturbation Theory and the f 2 (1270) r..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              159850
Color superconducting quark matter - Alford - 2..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              350183
Comparison of the non-uniform chiral and 2SC ph..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              157722
Confined but chirally symmetric hadrons at larg..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              118559
Correlation between Confinement and Chiral-Symm..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              247878
Coulomb Energy, Remnant Symmetry, and the Phase..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              307101
Coulomb energy, vortices, and confinement - Gre..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41               72826
Dalitz plot analysis of D0 K - Aubert et al. - ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41             1108401
Dense QCD Overhauser or BCS Pairing - Park et a..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              259337
Density functional theory - Wikipedia - 2006.pdf   30-Sep-2019 15:41              137261
Discussion on the recent proton-DVCS results of..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              180684
Dispersion Relation Analysis of Neutral Pion Ph..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              260095
Dual superconductor models of color confinement..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              860008
Duality, analyticity and t dependence of genera..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41              366694
Effective Field Theory for Density Functional T..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42             5121358
Effective Field Theory for Density Functional T..> 30-Sep-2019 15:41             1794757
Effective Field Theory for Density Functional T..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42             1658824
Effective Theory of Wilson Lines and Deconfinem..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              188779
Equation of State of Gluon Plasma from Fundamen..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42               90917
Evidence for the Absence of Gluon Orbital Angul..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              153286
Exotic Meson Decay to omega-pion-pion - Lu et a..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              786083
Exotic Meson Production in the f 1 (1285) π ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              329219
Exploiting Polarization in Peripheral Photoprod..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42             8618082
Fermion-mediated BCS-BEC Crossover in Ultracold..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              261631
Field Strength Formulation of SU(2) Yang-Mills ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              289759
Finite Temperature Field Theory and Phase Trans..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              325970
Flux-Tube Ring and Glueball Properties in the D..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              420312
Gauge String Duality in Confining Theories - Ed..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              692208
Glueballs , closed fluxtubes , and eta(1440) - ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42               94397
Gluon Chain Model of the Confining Force - Gree..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              281122
Gluon Condensate, Wilson Loops and GaugeString ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              123713
Gribov Problem for Gauge Theories a Pedagogical..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              226085
Hamiltonian Approach to 1+1 dimensional Yang Mi..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              601784
Heavy Quark Potentials and Quarkonia Binding - ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              377894
Homotopy groups of spheres - Wikipedia - 2006.pdf  30-Sep-2019 15:42              140327
How to Renormalize the Schrödinger Equation - ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              254665
How to Renormalize the Schrödinger Equation II..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              454437
How to Renormalize the Schrödinger Equation II..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              261609
Hunting the Quark Gluon Plasma - Aronson, Ludla..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42             9713929
Instantons in Quantum Mechanics - Wikipedia - 2..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              121700
Interactions of confining strings in SU(3) gluo..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              298181
Introduction to Effective Field Theory - Burges..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              415202
Introduction to the Gribov Ambiguities In Eucli..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              445917
LARGE EXTRA DIMENSIONS ∗ Becoming acquainted ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              526322
Lecture Notes in Physics - String Theory and Fu..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42            14921980
Lectures on Effective Field Theory - Kaplan - 2..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              842569
Light meson resonances from unitarized Chiral P..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              309076
Localization of Bose-Einstein Condensation and ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              114379
Low Energy Pion Physics - Yndurain - 2004.pdf      30-Sep-2019 15:42             1306040
MONOPOLES, VORTICES AND STRINGS CONFINEMENT AND..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              528566
Magnetic monopole loops supported by a meron pa..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              339876
Maximum entropy analysis of the spectral functi..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42             1249240
Meson resonances from unitarized meson scatteri..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42               62954
Meson-meson scattering within one loop Chiral P..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              799479
Molecular dynamics simulation for the baryon-qu..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              303355
Multi–Instantons and Exact Results I Conjectu..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              911682
Nature of the f0 (600) from its N dependence at..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              161647
New resonances in B-meson decays - Chistov - 20..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              109289
No Confinement without Coulomb Confinement - Zw..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              106616
Non-perturbative Faddeev-Popov formula and infr..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              398007
Non-perturbative Landau gauge and infrared crit..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              247457
Nonperturbative Contributions to the QCD Pressu..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              850396
Notes on the ab initio theory of molecules and ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              129425
On the Vacuum energy of a Color Magnetic Vortex..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              276714
On the efficient computation of high-order deri..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              238652
On the nature of light scalar mesons from their..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              174965
On the precision of chiral-dispersive calculati..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              335214
On the precision of the theoretical predictions..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              288087
One-Loop QCD Spin Chain and its Spectrum - Beis..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              577266
Phase diagram of strongly interacting matter - ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              739072
Phase diagram of the non-uniform chiral condens..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42               97964
Phases of Dense Quarks at Large Nc - Mclerran, ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              331103
Photoproduction of eta mesons off protons for 0..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              256757
Physics of the Monopoles in QCD - Zakharov - 20..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              155803
Pion-Pion scattering - Colangelo, Gasser, Leutw..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              609935
Probing the ground state in gauge theories - He..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              326744
Propagators in Coulomb gauge from SU(2) lattice..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              281788
Properties of rho and omega mesons at finite te..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              170525
QCD Reggeon Field Theory for every day Pomeron ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              383509
QCD Thermodynamics Confronting the Polyakov-Qua..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              275667
QCD factorization at fixed Q 2 (1-x) - Hoyer - ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              804082
Qcd in a finite volume - Van Baal - 2000.pdf       30-Sep-2019 15:42              956925
Quark Confinement The Hard Problem of Hadron Ph..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              226965
Quark and gluon confinement in Coulomb gauge - ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              139363
Quarkyonic Chiral Spirals - Kojo, Hidaka, Mcler..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              451555
Quarkyonic Matter and the Phase Diagram of QCD ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              260775
RG & EFT for nuclear forces - Nogga - 2006(2).pdf  30-Sep-2019 15:42             1206317
RG & EFT for nuclear forces - Nogga - 2006(3).pdf  30-Sep-2019 15:42             1088872
RG & EFT for nuclear forces - Nogga - 2006.pdf     30-Sep-2019 15:42              808449
Recent progress on the light meson resonance de..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              403097
Regge analysis of pion-pion (and pion-kaon) sca..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              301656
Rho and sigma Mesons in Unitarized Thermal chi ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42               98770
Roy equation analysis of ππ scattering - Anan..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              927657
STRANGENESS AND THE DISCOVERY OF CERN QUARK GLU..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43             1618350
Scalar mesons above and below 1 GeV - Close, To..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              262316
Scalar-isovector KK¯ production close to thres..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              949435
Semi-exclusive DVCS - Hoyer, Virtanen- 2006.pdf    30-Sep-2019 15:43              129723
Solving the Functional Schrodinger Equation Yan..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              268896
Some News about Generalised Parton Distribution..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              117304
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in strong and ele..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              680765
Stability Criteria for Breached Pair Superfluid..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              184349
Study of reaction pion-A to pion-pion - pion-A ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              112286
The Color Glass Condensate and Small x Physics ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              412359
The Condensed Matter Physics of QCD - Rajagopal..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              919814
The Confinement Problem in Lattice Gauge Theory..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              941912
The Fall and Rise of Lattice QCD Computational ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43             1063676
The Gribov-Zwanziger action in the presence of ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              260131
The Infrared Behaviour of QCD Greens Functions ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43             1870721
The QCD vacuum , confinement and strings in the..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              869902
The Quark-Gluon Plasma Collective Dynamics and ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43             1546531
The Use of Dispersion Relations in the ππ and..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              241011
The Wacky World of Quarks - Makins - 2006.pdf      30-Sep-2019 15:43             7939410
The X (3872) Meson and “Exotic” Spectroscop..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              967872
The three-flavor chiral phase structure in hot ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              542330
The triangle anomaly in triple-regge limits - W..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              849361
Thermal rho and sigma mesons from chiral symmet..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              169935
Three pion Deck amplitude in photoproduction - ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43               54880
Time-dependent density functional theory Past, ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              288589
Time-independant stochastic quantization , DS e..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              409544
Topological Objects in QCD - Bruckmann - 2007.pdf  30-Sep-2019 15:43            11886952
Topology and confinement - Diakonov - 2009.pdf     30-Sep-2019 15:43             1449216
Truncating first-order Dyson-Schwinger equation..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              465668
Variational solution of the Yang-Mills Schrodin..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              381544
Variational techniques in non-perturbative QCD ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43              573257
What is Renormalization - Lepage - 2006.pdf        30-Sep-2019 15:43              285433
Wormholes and Time Travel Not Likely - Susskind..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43               58979
pion-pion, K-pion, and pion-N potential scatter..> 30-Sep-2019 15:42              796086
“Glueball , Hybrid and Normal ” Diquarks , ..> 30-Sep-2019 15:43             2251465