The file matrix.txt contains the following information: Total center-of-mass energy #Calculated near the midpoint of the fitted # kinetic energy range Matrix dimension: D Chi-squared value Number of data in the energy bin I L J index parameter #Corresponding to Covariance Matrix Row 1 I L J index parameter #Corresponding to Covariance Matrix Row 2 ... ... ... I L J index parameter #Corresponding to Covariance Matrix Row D-1 I L J index parameter #Corresponding to Covariance Matrix Row D Covariance Matrix Row 1 Covariance Matrix Row 2 ... ... ... Covariance Matrix Row D-1 Covariance Matrix Row D Where I =isospin, L = angular momentum, J = total spin If the index = 1 , the parameter is the phase shift If the index = 3 , the parameter is an angle rho such that cos( rho ) = eta Angles are given in degrees and eta is the usual elasticity parameter.