Index of /sites/dsc/jpac/ScatteringRef/1990s/

Another Look at pion-pion Scattering in the Sca..> 01-Oct-2019 12:58              247358
Coupled channel analysis of pp annihilation int..> 01-Oct-2019 12:57              908474
Elastic rho' and phi Meson Photo- and- Electrop..> 01-Oct-2019 12:57              251313
Everything about reggeons Part I-Reggeons in So..> 01-Oct-2019 12:57             1316786
Evidence for Exotic Meson Production in the Rea..> 01-Oct-2019 12:58              152105
Final state interaction phases in B to K pion d..> 01-Oct-2019 12:58               56889
Hadronic Phases and Isospin Amplitudes in pion ..> 01-Oct-2019 12:57               96185
Higgs production in pp collisions by double-pom..> 01-Oct-2019 12:57              370745
High-Statistics study of f0(1500) decay into pi..> 01-Oct-2019 12:58              294623
Partial wave analysis in K-matrix formalism - C..> 01-Oct-2019 12:57              667582
Renormalizability of the critical limit of latt..> 01-Oct-2019 12:58             1447025
SMALL x  TWO POMERONS - - Donnachie, Landshoff ..> 01-Oct-2019 12:58              250649
Study of pionN to eta-pion-N and pionN to eta'-..> 01-Oct-2019 12:58              229893
Total hadronic photoabsorption cross section on..> 01-Oct-2019 12:57              176885
VANISHING OF ZERO-MOMENTUM LA’ITICE GLUON PRO..> 01-Oct-2019 12:58             1639741