@conference {fg-2588, title = {Balanced Task Clustering in Scientific Workflows}, booktitle = {The 9th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (eScience 2013), to appear, Beijing, China}, year = {Submitted}, month = {Oct 23-25, 2013}, type = {Paper}, keywords = {balance}, url = {http://isi.edu/~wchen/papers/balancing-escience13.pdf}, attachments = {http://archive.futuregrid.org/sites/default/files/balance.pdf}, author = {Weiwei Chen and Rafael Ferreira da Silva and Ewa Deelman and Rizos Sakellariou} } @article {fg-2112, title = {Data Mining with Twister Iterative MapReduce}, year = {Submitted}, keywords = {Iterative, MapReduce, Twister}, url = {http://salsahpc.indiana.edu/ScienceCloud/slides/Twister-Hydra-Tutorial-4-zbj-3.pptx}, author = {Qiu, Judy and Bingjing Zhang} } @article {fg-2105, title = {twister resource donwload link}, year = {Submitted}, url = {http://salsahpc.indiana.edu/ScienceCloud/twister_hydra_intro.htm} } @conference {fg-2833, title = {Community Resources for Enabling Research in Distributed Scientific Workflows}, booktitle = { the 10th IEEE International Conference on eScience 2014 (eScience 2014)}, year = {2014}, month = {Oct 20-24, 2014}, type = {Paper}, address = {Guaruja, SP, Brazil}, url = {http://isi.edu/~wchen/papers/community-escience14.pdf}, attachments = {http://archive.futuregrid.org/sites/default/files/communityresources-weiweichen.pdf}, author = {Rafael Ferreira de Silva and Weiwei Chen and Gideon Juve and Karan vahi and Ewa Deelman} } @article {fg-2801, title = {Griseorhodins D{\textendash}F, Neuroactive Intermediates and End Products of Post-PKS Tailoring Modification in Griseorhodin Biosynthesis}, journal = {Journal of Natural Products}, volume = {77}, year = {2014}, month = {05/2014}, pages = {1224 - 1230}, issn = {1520-6025}, doi = {10.1021/np500155d}, author = {Lin, Zhenjian and Zachariah, Malcolm M. and Marett, Lenny and Hughen, Ronald W. and Teichert, Russell W. and Concepcion, Gisela P. and Haygood, Margo G. and Olivera, Baldomero M. and Light, Alan R. and Schmidt, Eric W} } @conference {fg-2820, title = {Building an Information System for a Distributed Testbed}, booktitle = {the 2014 Annual ConferenceProceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment - XSEDE {\textquoteright}14}, year = {2014}, pages = {1 - 8}, publisher = {ACM Press}, organization = {ACM Press}, address = {Atlanta, GA, USANew York, New York, USA}, isbn = {9781450328937}, doi = {10.1145/2616498.2616543}, author = {Warren Smith and Smallen, Shava} } @booklet {map-reduce-gordon, title = {Running Hadoop Clusters on Gordon}, year = {2014}, type = {Web Page}, address = {SDSC}, url = {http://users.sdsc.edu/~glockwood/di/hadoop-hpc.php}, author = {Glenn K. Lockwood} } @article {fg-2535, title = {Panel on Clouds}, year = {2013}, month = {May 2013}, type = {Panel}, address = {CCGrid 2013 Delft, The Netherlands}, keywords = {cloud computing, virtual networks}, url = {http://www.pds.ewi.tudelft.nl/fileadmin/pds/conferences/ccgrid2013/files/documents/CCGrid2013-CloudPanel-Figueiredo.pdf}, author = {Renato Figueiredo} } @article {fg-2526, title = {Robust Scalable Visualized Clustering in Vector and non Vector Semimetric Spaces}, journal = {Parallel Processing Letters}, year = {2013}, month = {May 17, 2013}, url = {http://grids.ucs.indiana.edu/ptliupages/publications/Clusteringv1.pdf}, author = {Fox, Geoffrey} } @conference {fg-2762, title = {Monitoring the Performance Analysis Of Executing Workflow applications with different resource types in a cloud environment,}, booktitle = {1st International Symposium on Big Data and Cloud Computing Challenges(ISBCC-2014)}, year = {2013}, month = {March 27-28,2013}, type = {Paper}, address = {VIT University, Chennai, India}, keywords = {Budget, cloud computing, Deadline, Resource Type, TaskClustering, workflow}, url = {http://isi.edu/~wchen/papers/soma.pdf}, attachments = {http://archive.futuregrid.org/sites/default/files/soma.pdf}, author = {Soma Prathibha} }