Subject: our revised paper From: "Elias Houstis" Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 17:16:02 -0600 To: "Geoffrey Fox" CC:, "Naren Ramakrishnan" Geoffrey hi, I am attaching our revised paper. We have undertaken seriously to revise the paper to address the concerns of the reviewers. To ensure that the article is widely appreciated as describing a methodology, we have added paras in both Sec 1 and Sec 2 outlining the "grid context" in which MyPYTHIA is to be used. This addresses the concerns raised by reviewer #2. With this background, it will be clear that MyPYTHIA provides tools to support data-driven inquiry of simulations conducted elswehere on the grid. Reviewer #1's concern is whether such a mode of inquiry is already happening on the grid. To some extent, this is true in particular domains (again, we have clarified this) but in other cases, our system can help usefully harness and catalog large runs of simulations. Moreover, our system is not merely an architecture; a running implementation is available on the web for which we have provided an URL. Finally, reviewer #3 is looking for computational services, whereas MyPYTHIA is more an informational service about how computations should be done. As such, it is applicable in forming an abstraction of how grid services should be intelligently chosen. We have addressed this reviewer's concern by saying that "MyPYTHIA's contribution is in the modeling of the recommendation problem." This sets it apart from existing grid services. Ultimately a "grid computing environment" (the focus of the special issue) should be qualified by the asbtraction it provides of underyling grid lower-level functionality. MyPYTHIA provides such an abstraction in the form of recommending software services. The context in which the recommended software is actually executed is important but orthogonal to MyPYTHIA's design philosophy. Thanks Elias