Subject: Re: Referee Reports on C548 for GCE Special Issue of CCPE From: Chip Watson Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2001 16:51:46 -0500 To: Geoffrey, Attached is the revised version of the LatticePortal paper. Changes include: 1) greatly expanding the references, including more journal references instead of just web pointers; the references now include references for JASMine and JOBS, so that readers can find additional information for these Jefferson Lab packages, as requested 2) increased the size of the figures, and increased the font size within the figures to improve readability 3) added text describing the creation and use of certificates 4) added a section (small) giving a few points of comparison to other systems I kept the term "Web Services" in the title, as this is a distinguishing architectural difference between the current work and previous work. While this is a work-in-progress, this paper does lay out the architectural approach we are pursuing. The source document is Microsoft Word with embedded PowerPoint, and the attached file was produced by "printing" to Acrobat PDF Writer. Please let me know how the publisher will need this delivered. Their web page requests these figures be split out, and everything submitted on a diskette -- I presume that step comes later? Thanks, Chip -- Chip Watson High Performance Computing Group Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Tel: (757) 269-7101