C: Paper and Referee Metadata Paper Number C553: Date: Received 30 July 2001 Paper Title: UNICORE – A Grid Computing Environment Author(s): Dietmar W. Erwin Referee: Gregor von Laszewski Address: gregor@mcs.anl.gov Referee Recommendations. Please indicate overall recommendations here, and details in following sections. accepted provided changes suggested are made D: Referee Comments (For Editor Only) ------------------------------------ E: Referee Comments (For Author and Editor) ------------------------------ This overview paper summarizes nicely some of the development and features of the UNICORE environment. This paper is very appropriate for the issue and the paper does only need a couple of minor presentation changes in the reference section. I very much appreciated the results explained in the implementation Section about Java. F: Presentation Changes Reference 5, include contact address for order possibilities add (in German) Reference 6, include institution, address and type of presentation. Avoid the use of et.al. and use full list of authors. Add (in German) If possible provide http link to reference 5 and 6 Use “.” At end of references.