Referee 1 ******************************************* E: Referee Comments (For Author and Editor) ------------------------------ Good overall description of the Unicore framework. It might be helpful to provide an example case study of how an application scientist uses the various Unicore services either as initial motivation or to tie together the practical benefits of Unicore services at the end of the overview. Good explanation of difficulties in using applets in the implementation section. Also, I'm still shaky on security in Unicore. If it doesn't implement GSI, how can a process act on behalf of a user? In Globus, this is done via a proxy which contains a short-lived private key-- I see from the UUDB description you have a mapping between certs and user names, so is the UUDB and the NJS and TSI considered "trusted" software much like the Globus gatekeeper? And are all the connections between these components secure? You might want to say something more about the trust model that Unicore follows. In Future plans, do you see web services palying any role in the future of Unicore? I would be interested to know more about GRIP as well. Referee 2 ******************************************* E: Referee Comments (For Author and Editor) ------------------------------ This overview paper summarizes nicely some of the development and features of the UNICORE environment. This paper is very appropriate for the issue and the paper does only need a couple of minor presentation changes in the reference section. I very much appreciated the results explained in the implementation Section about Java. F: Presentation Changes Reference 5, include contact address for order possibilities add (in German) Reference 6, include institution, address and type of presentation. Avoid the use of and use full list of authors. Add (in German) If possible provide http link to reference 5 and 6 Use . At end of references. Referee 3 ******************************************* E: Referee Comments (For Author and Editor) ------------------------------ The paper presents high level overview of Unicore system. The project seem to be addressing all aspects of Grid computing -- from middleware and software tools/user interface. The paper can be valuable if it can show some Experimental Results or a Application Case Study that is using Unicode in solving a real world problem. Many places project refer to future work. I believe it is important to acknowledge current state of the art in each of the area. For example, you mentioned about resource broker, it might be worth citing papers such as: Nimrod-G: that already solve many resource brokering issues. The paper also mentions about executing repetitive tasks, but it does not say how they are created. Projects like Nimrod-G already provide a simple scripting language for developing coarse grained task-farming or data parallel apps. A great way to support legacy applications. I think UNICORE can consider similar ideas. There is no indication how inter operability between various components will be achieved. F: Presentation Changes One page 5/14: In "Support for legacy jobs" section, CHANGE "if existing techniques work" --> "if existing techniques DO NOT work" The paper is good, but looks like all discussion is in Future tense. We will do this, we will do that etc. But in one place paper says that latest prototype is released on July 2001. It is important that you update the paper fully to reflect current implementation. Other comments please see section E for review report. I think it will good change "Current and Future Work etc." section to Focus more on technical derails. ==========================================