Subject: Referee Reports The main comment from the referee reports was the lack of detail about the architeture of the Perl CoG kit. I flushed out the details on the architecture with respect to the grid, the module architecture, and the concepts, ideas ,and choices made for for the individual modules. This includes going into more detail on why some modules were developed initially as wrappers to globus utilities, and why some are Pure Perl. I also added simple code examples for most of the modules. I described in detail the difference between the two job modules found in the Perl CoG. There was some lack of clarity on what the difference was between the interactive and batch job modules. I ironed out a possible point of inconsistency about the requirements of the CoG. I attempted to disperse the 'requirements' section into the architecture section, but found that it did not flow right. So this remains as it was in the paper. I added more detail to the section describing the advantages of using perl for doing grid related work. Formatting issues: Added an abstract/summary. Added phone/fax/address contact information. Attached all diagrams in original format as separate files.