Concurrency:Practice and Experience Action Items Get all "electronic" stuff from and navigate from here "paper" stuff on my files At end update EXCEL spreadsheet changre referee form to remove Caltech email Check Out We need to add Mark Baker from Portsmouth who visited NPAC recently to the editorial board Please make a list of referees for their papers you have including those from the past with their emails institutions and addresses Please put this in an Excel spreadsheet ************************************************************************ Please acknowledge receipt of the following papers to the authors Please send abstracts for the following papers to the board Please request reviews From the listed referees C458: (Electronic) Referees: Barbara Chapman (Houston), Chuck Koelbel(NSF) C459: (Electronic) Referees: David Walker(Cardiff), Ziavras (NJIT) C460: (Paper) Referees: van de Geijn (U. Texas) C461: (Paper) Referees: Dongarra (Tennessee) see ******************************************************************* To the following C332 C341 C348 C364 C373 C377 C379 C385 C394 C395 C403 Send the following Dear XYZ, (XYZ = Steve Taylor at Syracuse for C379) Our records indicate that you have an outstanding paper Cnnn:"Title" which we sent to you on PUT DATE We wondered if you were going to send it back with corrections. We would like to know this so that we can keep our records up to date Thank you for your interest in Concurrency:Practice and Experience. Yours sincerely Geoffrey Fox ******************************************************************* The Following papers need letters to Authors with referee reports Here is general syntax Syntax of Concurrency:Practice and Experience Letters ************ If N=0 Say Dear Authors: We would be pleased to publish your paper Cnnn: Title Then RESUBMITTAL DETAILS Then say We thank you for your interest in Concurrency: Practice and Experience. Your Sincerely Geoffrey Fox ************ if N > 0 Dear Authors: We enclose N referee report(s) on your paper Cnnn: Title RESUBMITTAL DETAILS Then say We thank you for your interest in Concurrency: Practice and Experience. Your Sincerely Geoffrey Fox Enclose referee reports labelled 1 2 ... (remember which report is labelled by what number). Reports should NOT have any hint as to source of report and should NOT have recommended action ************************************************** C425 N=0 RESUBMITTAL DETAILS The referees said nothing useful but I think you should give the paper one pass through to update it for Gateway and other recent developments. C404 N=1 (electronic) RESUBMITTAL DETAILS We look forward to a revised paper addressing the referee's comments. Please include a memo describing any changes and how they address referee report. C407 N=1 (electronic) RESUBMITTAL DETAILS We hope you can add the material suggested by the referee. Please include a memo describing any changes and how they address comments. C408 N=0 RESUBMITTAL DETAILS I found your crisp paper interesting and apologize for the delay waiting for referees who said nothing useful! C409 N=0 Note change of address (electronic) RESUBMITTAL DETAILS We look forward to publishing your paper. Please review it and make any changes or tell us if it needs no updates. C412 N=1 (paper) RESUBMITTAL DETAILS We look forward to a revised paper addressing the referee's comments. Please include a memo describing any changes and how they address referee report. C413 N=1 (paper) Type without name. Add note to letter that there is marked up paper included and include this from file RESUBMITTAL DETAILS We hope you can change the paper as suggested by the referee. Please include a memo describing any changes and how they address comments. C415 N=0 RESUBMITTAL DETAILS We look forward to publishing your paper. Please review it and make any changes or tell us if it needs no updates. C416 N=2 (1 paper 1 electronic) RESUBMITTAL DETAILS We regret that wwe cannot publish the paper in its current form as it appears more suitable to a theoretical journal C421 N=1 (paper) RESUBMITTAL DETAILS We look forward to a revised paper addressing the referee's comments. Please include a memo describing any changes and how they address referee report.