CandC:PandE Referee Report Form -- Electronic Transimission to strongly preferred

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Concurrency and Computation:Practice and Experience

A: General Information

Please return to:
Geoffrey C. Fox
Electronically Preferred
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
Computer Science Department
228 Lindley Hall
Indiana 47405
Office Phone 8128567977(Lab), 8128553788(CS) but best is cell phone 3152546387

Fax: 8128567972

Please fill in Summary Conclusions (Sec. C) and details as appropriate in Secs. D, E and F.

B: Refereeing Philosophy

We encourage a broad range of readers and contributors. Please judge papers on their technical merit and separate comments on this from those on style and approach. Keep in mind the strong practical orientation that we are trying to give the journal. Note that the forms attached provide separate paper for comments that you wish only the editor to see and those that both the editor and author receive. Your identity will of course not be revealed to the author.

C: Paper and Referee Metadata

Referee Recommendations. Please indicate overall recommendations here, and details in following sections.

  1. publish as is
  2. accepted provided changes suggested are made
  3. reject

D: Referee Comments (For Editor Only)

E: Referee Comments (For Author and Editor)

F: Presentation Changes