Subject: Re: C460: Inverse Toeplitz Eigenproblem on Personal Computer Networks Resent-Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 06:49:21 -0400 Resent-From: Geoffrey Fox Resent-To: Geoffrey Fox Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 12:34:23 +0200 From: "Jose M. Badia" Organization: uji To: "Geoffrey Fox(Concurrency)" wrote: > > Dear Dr. Badia > I write in regard to your paper. > > C460: Inverse Toeplitz Eigenproblem on Personal Computer Networks > > My referees were satisfied with the paper and we would be happy to publish it. > Before submitting it to Wiley, I wondered if you wanted to make any changes to the > manuscript. If so, Please send the revised paper to me and I will transmit it > without delay. > In any case, I need an electronic version for submittal. Please send me a > postscript or acrobat(PDF) version even if no changes. > ... Dear Sir, Enclosed you can find a PostScript version of the papers. I hope you don't have problems with the format. Best Regards Jose M. 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D<121EEA7F8012FF13C0A213E0A3127FEA1E601200A413E013C0A31201 1380120313005A1206120E5A5A5A12600B1D78891B>44 D<121EEA7F80A2EAFFC0A4EA7F 80A2EA1E000A0A78891B>46 D<14FF010713E090381F81F890383E007C01FC133F4848EB 1F8049130F4848EB07C04848EB03E0A2000F15F0491301001F15F8A2003F15FCA390C8FC 4815FEA54815FFB3A46C15FEA56D1301003F15FCA3001F15F8A26C6CEB03F0A36C6CEB07 E0000315C06D130F6C6CEB1F806C6CEB3F00013E137C90381F81F8903807FFE0010090C7 FC28447CC131>48 D50 D<121CA2EA1F8090B712C0A3481680A217005E0038C8120C0030151C00705D0060153016 705E5E4814014B5A4BC7FCC81206150E5D151815385D156015E04A5AA24A5A140792C8FC 5CA25C141E143EA2147E147CA214FCA21301A3495AA41307A6130FAA6D5AEB01C02A457B C231>55 D<16C04B7EA34B7EA34B7EA34B7EA3ED19FEA3ED30FFA203707FED607FA203E0 7FEDC03FA2020180ED801FA2DA03007F160FA20206801607A24A6D7EA34A6D7EA34A6D7E A20270810260147FA202E08191B7FCA249820280C7121FA249C87F170FA20106821707A2 496F7EA3496F7EA3496F7EA201788313F8486C83D80FFF03037FB500E0027FEBFFC0A342 477DC649>65 DI<010FB512FEA3D9000313806E130080B3B3AB123F487E487EA44A5A1380130000 6C495A00705C6C13076C5C6C495A6CEB1F802603E07FC7FC3800FFFCEB1FE027467BC332 >74 D77 D86 D97 D<167FED3FFFA315018182B3EC7F80903803FFF090380FC07C90383F000E017E1307 496D5AD803F87F48487F5B000F81485AA2485AA2127FA290C8FC5AAB7E7FA2123FA26C7E A2000F5D7F6C6C5B00035C6C6C9038077F806C6C010E13C0013F011C13FE90380FC0F890 3803FFE09026007F0013002F467DC436>100 DI105 D108 D<3901FC01FE00FF903807FFC091381E07F091383801F8000701 707F0003EBE0002601FDC07F5C01FF147F91C7FCA25BA35BB3A8486CECFF80B5D8F83F13 FEA32F2C7DAB36>110 D117 D E %EndDVIPSBitmapFont %DVIPSBitmapFont: Fw cmsy10 12 1 /Fw 1 4 df<147014F8A81470007815F0007C1401B4EC07F8D87F80EB0FF0D83FE0EB3F E0D80FF0EB7F80D803F8EBFE003900FE73F890383F77E090380FFF80D903FEC7FCEB00F8 EB03FE90380FFF8090383F77E09038FE73F83903F870FED80FF0EB7F80D83FE0EB3FE0D8 7F80EB0FF0D8FF00EB07F8007CEC01F000781400C7140014F8A81470252B7AAD32>3 D E %EndDVIPSBitmapFont %DVIPSBitmapFont: Fx cmr17 17.28 24 /Fx 24 123 df67 D69 D73 D78 D80 D<003FBC12F8A49126C000039038C0000301FCC76C49EB007F01F0190F01C019074848F1 03FC90C81701007E1A00007C1B7CA300781B3CA400701B1CA600F01B1E481B0EA7C91800 B3B3B3A54C7FA2041F13F84AB87EA457627CE160>84 D97 DI101 D103 D<133C13FF487F487FA66C5B6C90C7FC133C90C8FCB3A2EB03C0EA07FF127FA41201EA00 7FA2133FB3B3AC497E497EB612E0A41B5F7DDE23>105 D107 DIIIII<9039078003F8D807FFEB0FFFB5013F13C092387C0FE0913881F01F9238E03FF000 01EB838039007F8700148FEB3F8E029CEB1FE0EE0FC00298EB030002B890C7FCA214B014 F0A25CA55CB3B0497EEBFFF8B612FCA42C3F7CBE33>114 D<9139FFE00180010FEBFC03 017FEBFF073A01FF001FCFD803F8EB03EFD807E0EB01FF48487F4848147F48C8123F003E 151F007E150F127CA200FC1507A316037EA27E7F6C7E6D91C7FC13F8EA3FFE381FFFF06C EBFF806C14F86C14FF6C15C06C6C14F0011F80010714FED9007F7F02031480DA003F13C0 1503030013E0167F00E0ED1FF0160F17F86C15071603A36C1501A37EA26C16F016037E17 E06D14076DEC0FC06D1580D8FDF0141FD8F8F8EC7F00013E14FC3AF01FC00FF80107B512 E0D8E001148027C0003FF8C7FC2D417DBF34>I<1438A71478A414F8A31301A31303A213 07130F131FA2137F13FF1203000F90B6FCB8FCA3260007F8C8FCB3AE17E0AE6D6CEB01C0 A316036D6C148016076D6C14006E6C5A91383FC01E91381FF07C6EB45A020313E0913800 7F802B597FD733>II< B66C49B512E0A4000101F8C8387FFE0026007FE0ED1FF819E0013F705A61131F6E93C7FC 130F180E6E151E0107161C8001035EA26E157801011670806D5EA26F1301027F5DA26E6C 495AA26F1307021F92C8FCA26E6C130EA26F131E0207141CA26F133C020314388102015C A26F13F06E5C168092387F81C0A216C3033F5B16E3DB1FE7C9FCA216FF6F5AA26F5AA36F 5AA26F5AA36F5A433F7FBD46>II<001FB81280A391C70001130001F85C 01E05D01804A5A160F90C8485A001E5E4C5A48157F5F4C5A5D94C7FC00384A5A15074B5A 5E4B5A153F5EC8485A15FF5E4A90C8FC5C5D4A5A140F4A5A5D4A5A147F5D4A48EB03805B 92C7FC495A13075C4948EC0700131F495A5C495A13FF4A5C4890C8FC5A495D485A000F5E 48485D4915FE48481401007F150749147FB8FCA3313E7DBD3A>122 D E %EndDVIPSBitmapFont end %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup %%Feature: *Resolution 600dpi TeXDict begin %%BeginPaperSize: a4 a4 %%EndPaperSize %%EndSetup %%Page: 1 1 1 0 bop 647 912 a Fx(In)l(v)l(erse)43 b(T)-11 b(o)t(eplitz)45 b(Eigenproblem)h(on)d(P)l(ersonal)1276 1095 y(Computer)g(Net)l(w)l (orks)2476 1043 y Fw(\003)1166 1348 y Fv(J.)33 b(M.)g(Bad)-11 b(\023)-38 b(\020a)1674 1312 y Fu(1)2035 1348 y Fv(A.)32 b(M.)h(Vidal)2548 1312 y Fu(2)1583 1551 y Fv(June)g(27,)g(2000)1161 1961 y Fu(1)1230 1994 y Ft(Dpto.)42 b(Inform\023)-45 b(atica.)40 b(Univ)30 b(Jaume)g(I.)1365 2107 y(12071,)j(Castell\023)-45 b(on,)30 b(Espa)s(~)-48 b(na.)1565 2220 y( 2300 y Fu(2)1011 2333 y Ft(Dpto.)41 b(Sistemas)30 b(Inform\023)-45 b(aticos)30 b(y)g(Computaci\023)-45 b(on.)1276 2446 y(Univ.)39 b(P)m(olit)m(\023)-43 b(ecnica)32 b(de)e(V)-8 b(alencia.)1383 2559 y(46071,)33 b(V)-8 b(alencia,)31 b(Espa)s(~)-48 b(na.)1510 2671 y(a)m(vidal@dsic.up)m( 2868 y Fs(Abstract)734 3016 y Fr(In)24 b(this)g(pap)r(er)g(w)n(e)f(presen)n (t)g(a)h(parallel)f(algorithm)f(for)i(solving)f(the)h(in)n(v)n(erse)609 3116 y(T)-7 b(o)r(eplitz)22 b(Eigen)n(v)-5 b(alue)21 b(Problem.)33 b(The)22 b(algorithm)f(has)g(b)r(een)h(implemen)n(ted)h (b)n(y)609 3215 y(using)33 b(a)g(cluster)g(of)g(p)r(ersonal)g (computers,)h(in)n(terconnected)f(b)n(y)g(a)g(high)g(p)r(er-)609 3315 y(formance)c(Myrinet)g(net)n(w)n(ork.)40 b(W)-7 b(e)30 b(ha)n(v)n(e)e(utilized)i(standard)e(public)i(domain)609 3415 y(parallel)c(en)n(vironmen)n(ts)g(for)g(implemen)n(ting)i(the)f (calculation)f(part)h(as)f(w)n(ell)h(as)609 3514 y(the)38 b(comm)n(unications,)g(th)n(us)g(pro)r(ducing)e(p)r(ortable)h(soft)n(w) n(are.)64 b(The)37 b(results)609 3614 y(obtained)e(allo)n(w)g(us)g(to)g (con\014rm)g(the)h(scalabilit)n(y)e(and)i(e\016ciency)f(of)g(the)h(al-) 609 3714 y(gorithm.)47 b(Besides,)31 b(w)n(e)g(ha)n(v)n(e)f(c)n(hec)n (k)n(ed)g(that)h(b)n(y)g(using)f(the)i(theoretical)e(cost)609 3813 y(mo)r(del)i(pro)n(vided)e(b)n(y)h(the)g(ScaLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)30 b(w)n(e)h(can)g(predict)g(the)h(b)r(eha)n(viour)e(of)609 3913 y(the)e(exp)r(erimen)n(tal)f(results.)609 4187 y Fq(1)135 b(In)l(tro)t(duction)609 4369 y Fr(The)31 b(rapid)g(dev)n (elopmen)n(t)f(of)h(parallel)f(computers)g(has)h(made)g(it)g(p)r (ossible)g(to)609 4468 y(tac)n(kle)26 b(problems)f(whic)n(h)h(cannot)g (b)r(e)h(dealt)f(with)g(b)n(y)g(classic)g(sequen)n(tial)f(com-)609 4568 y(puters)31 b(o)n(wning)g(the)g(storage)f(and)h(time)h(requiremen) n(ts.)47 b(Distributed)32 b(Mem-)609 4668 y(ory)22 b(Mac)n(hines)h(are) f(probably)g(among)g(the)i(most)f(extended)g(computers)g(in)g(the)609 4767 y(mark)n(et.)66 b(This)37 b(is)g(due)h(basically)e(to)i(the)f (scalabilit)n(y)g(of)g(this)h(kind)g(of)f(ma-)609 4867 y(c)n(hines)24 b(whic)n(h)g(allo)n(ws)e(us)i(to)g(increase)f(the)h(p)r (erformance)f(with)h(the)h(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)f(of)609 4967 y(pro)r(cessors,)h(ev)n(en)j(up)f(to)h(h)n(undreds)f(or)g(thousands)g (of)g(pro)r(cessors.)734 5066 y(The)j(main)f(reasons)f(that)i(prev)n (en)n(ted)f(a)g(widespread)g(use)h(of)g(the)g(massiv)n(e)609 5166 y(parallel)g(computers)h(w)n(ere)f(the)i(di\016cult)n(y)f(of)g (programming)e(and)i(their)h(high)p 382 5226 1196 4 v 484 5280 a Fp(\003)520 5312 y Fo(This)22 b(pap)r(er)g(w)n(as)g (partially)h(supp)r(orted)e(b)n(y)f(the)i(pro)t(ject)g(CICYT)g (TIC96-1062-C03:)36 b(\\P)n(arallel)382 5403 y(Algorithms)25 b(for)i(the)e(computation)g(of)i(the)e(eigen)n(v)l(alues)h(of)h(sparse) f(and)f(structured)g(matrices")1854 5652 y Ft(1)p eop %%Page: 2 2 2 1 bop 609 548 a Fr(economic)33 b(cost.)55 b(Ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er,)34 b(the)g(recen)n(t)f(dev)n(elopmen)n(t)g(of)h(message)f(passing)609 648 y(en)n(vironmen)n(ts)j(suc)n(h)h(as)f(the)h(PVM)g([11)o(])h(or)e (the)h(MPI)g([19)o(],)i(facilitates)e(the)609 747 y(implemen)n(tation)e (of)f(e\016cien)n(t,)i(p)r(ortable)e(and)g(scalable)f(algorithms)g(on)h (this)609 847 y(kind)28 b(of)g(parallel)e(arc)n(hitecture.)734 946 y(Nev)n(ertheless,)32 b(the)h(use)g(of)f(custom)h(pro)r(cessors)d (and,)j(sp)r(ecially)-7 b(,)34 b(the)f(use)609 1046 y(of)25 b(v)n(ery)e(fast)h(in)n(terconnection)g(net)n(w)n(orks,)g(enormously)f (increases)g(the)i(cost)f(of)609 1146 y(this)h(kind)h(of)f(computer,)g (if)g(w)n(e)g(w)n(an)n(t)f(to)h(ha)n(v)n(e)f(a)h(large)e(n)n(um)n(b)r (er)i(of)g(pro)r(cessors)609 1245 y(\()p Fn(>)e Fr(100\).)34 b(This)22 b(problem)f(is)h(b)r(eing)f(alleviated)g(b)n(y)h(t)n(w)n(o)f (phenomena:)33 b(\014rst,)23 b(the)609 1345 y(use)h(of)f(standard)f (pro)r(cessors)g(in)h(the)h(MMP)-7 b(,)24 b(whic)n(h)f(allo)n(ws)f(the) i(price)f(of)g(these)609 1445 y(comp)r(onen)n(ts)35 b(to)h(b)r(e)f (decreased,)i(and)e(the)h(platform)f(to)g(b)r(e)h(easily)f(up)r(dated) 609 1544 y(as)j(the)h(tec)n(hnology)e(ev)n(olv)n(es.)68 b(Second,)41 b(and)e(in)g(a)f(more)g(radical)f(w)n(a)n(y)-7 b(,)40 b(the)609 1644 y(app)r(earance)18 b(on)h(the)g(mark)n(et)g(of)g (the)g(high)g(p)r(erformance)f(net)n(w)n(orks)g(connecting)609 1743 y(p)r(ersonal)27 b(computers,)g(is)g(enlarging)f(the)i(scop)r(e)f (of)h(the)g(m)n(ultipro)r(cessors.)734 1843 y(No)n(w)n(ada)n(ys,)33 b(a)g(big)g(e\013ort)g(is)h(b)r(eing)g(made)f(in)h(the)g(dev)n(elopmen) n(t)f(of)h(high)609 1943 y(p)r(erformance)22 b(in)n(terconnection)g (net)n(w)n(orks,)g(whic)n(h)h(allo)n(w)e(us)i(to)g(group)e(sev)n(eral) 609 2042 y(p)r(ersonal)j(computers)h(or)f(w)n(orkstations)f(to)j(form)e (a)h(m)n(ultipro)r(cessor)f(arc)n(hitec-)609 2142 y(ture.)45 b(In)31 b(this)f(sense,)h(it)f(is)h(w)n(orth)e(noticing)h(the)h(dev)n (elopmen)n(t)e(of)i(F)-7 b(ast)30 b(Eth-)609 2242 y(ernet)f(net)n(w)n (ork)e(\(100)h(Mbits/s.\))41 b(and,)29 b(sp)r(ecially)-7 b(,)29 b(the)g(presence)f(of)h(net)n(w)n(orks)609 2341 y(with)f(a)e(bandwidth)i(of)e(1)h(Gbit/s.,)g(suc)n(h)g(as)f(the)h (Myrinet)g(net)n(w)n(orks)e([4],)i([18)o(].)609 2441 y(Just)21 b(to)g(cite)h(an)f(example,)h(curren)n(tly)e(the)i(most)f(p)r (o)n(w)n(erful)f(computer,)i(in)g(p)r(eak)609 2540 y(p)r(erformance,)k (is)h(a)f(parallel)g(computer)g(of)h(this)g(kind,)g(formed)g(b)n(y)f (thousands)609 2640 y(of)i(P)n(en)n(tium)f(pro)r(cessors)e([8].)734 2740 y(Quite)c(recen)n(tly)-7 b(,)21 b(m)n(ultipro)r(cessor)e(arc)n (hitectures)h(w)n(ere)g(restricted)g(to)h(a)f(few)609 2839 y(univ)n(ersities,)36 b(researc)n(h)d(cen)n(tres)i(and)g(big)g (companies.)58 b(Ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er,)35 b(with)h(the)609 2939 y(p)r(ersonal)22 b(computer)h(net)n(w)n(orks,)f(m)n(ultipro)r (cessors)f(can)h(extend)i(their)e(applica-)609 3039 y(tion)h(\014eld)g (enormously)-7 b(,)22 b(reac)n(hing)f(ev)n(en)h(small)g(and)h(medium)g (size)f(companies,)609 3138 y(and)28 b(spreading)e(their)h(use)h(to)f (a)h(larger)d(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)j(of)f(di\013eren)n(t)h(users.)734 3238 y(One)j(of)g(the)g(\014elds)h(where)e(the)i(use)f(of)g(m)n (ultipro)r(cessors)e(is)i(sp)r(ecially)g(ad-)609 3337 y(equate)f(is)h(the)g(Numerical)f(Linear)g(Algebra.)45 b(One)31 b(of)f(the)h(problems)f(in)h(this)609 3437 y(\014eld)e(that)f (is)g(most)g(complex)g(and)g(costly)g(in)g(terms)g(of)g(computational)g (time,)609 3537 y(is)f(represen)n(ted)e(b)n(y)i(the)g(in)n(v)n(erse)f (problems,)g(b)r(ecause)g(their)h(solution)f(in)n(v)n(olv)n(es)609 3636 y(the)c(solution)g(of)f(sev)n(eral,)g(sometimes)h(man)n(y)-7 b(,)22 b(direct)g(problems.)34 b(In)22 b(this)g(pap)r(er)609 3736 y(w)n(e)30 b(fo)r(cus)h(on)f(the)g(in)n(v)n(erse)f(eigen)n(v)-5 b(alue)30 b(problem.)44 b(This)31 b(problem)e(arises)g(in)i(a)609 3836 y(remark)-5 b(able)29 b(v)-5 b(ariet)n(y)29 b(of)h(applications,)g (suc)n(h)g(as)f(con)n(trol)g(design,)h(seismic)g(to-)609 3935 y(mograph)n(y)-7 b(,)24 b(an)n(tenna)g(arra)n(y)f(pro)r(cessing,)h (system)h(iden)n(ti\014cations,)g(structural)609 4035 y(analysis,)h(circuit)i(theory)-7 b(,)27 b(particle)g(ph)n(ysics)g(and) g(so)g(on.)734 4134 y(In)e([6])h(a)f(wide)g(summary)g(and)g(a)g (classi\014cation)f(of)i(a)f(collection)g(of)g(in)n(v)n(erse)609 4234 y(eigen)n(v)-5 b(alue)21 b(problems,)h(and)g(the)g(most)f(recen)n (tly)g(theoretical)g(and)h(algorithmic)609 4334 y(results)g(related)f (to)h(these)g(problems)g(are)f(presen)n(ted.)34 b(One)22 b(of)g(the)h(t)n(yp)r(es)f(of)g(the)609 4433 y(in)n(v)n(erse)30 b(problems)h(iden)n(ti\014ed)g(in)h(that)g(pap)r(er)f(is)g(the)g (structured)g(eigen)n(v)-5 b(alue)609 4533 y(problem,)27 b(that)h(is,)g(the)g(reconstruction)e(of)h(a)g(matrix)h(with)g(a)f (predetermined)609 4633 y(sp)r(ectrum)e(and)f(with)i(a)e(de\014nite)h (structure,)g(for)f(example)g(T)-7 b(o)r(eplitz)25 b(structure)609 4732 y(\(all)36 b(the)g(elemen)n(ts)g(in)f(a)h(diagonal)e(ha)n(v)n(e)g (the)j(same)e(v)-5 b(alue\).)61 b(In)36 b(this)g(pap)r(er)609 4832 y(w)n(e)41 b(presen)n(t)f(a)g(parallel)g(algorithm)g(whic)n(h)g (solv)n(es)g(the)h(in)n(v)n(erse)e(eigen)n(v)-5 b(alue)609 4932 y(problem)40 b(with)g(T)-7 b(o)r(eplitz)41 b(matrices,)h(on)e(a)g (high)g(p)r(erformance)f(net)n(w)n(ork)g(of)609 5031 y(p)r(ersonal)27 b(computers.)734 5131 y(On)36 b(the)h(other)f(hand,)j (sev)n(eral)34 b(parallel)i(libraries)f(for)h(n)n(umerical)f(linear)609 5230 y(algebra)26 b(ha)n(v)n(e)h(b)r(een)h(recen)n(tly)f(dev)n(elop)r (ed)g(on)g(distributed)h(memory)f(en)n(viron-)609 5330 y(men)n(ts.)76 b(These)40 b(libraries)f(con)n(tain)g(v)n(ery)h (e\016cien)n(t)g(n)n(umerical)g(metho)r(ds)h(to)1854 5652 y Ft(2)p eop %%Page: 3 3 3 2 bop 609 548 a Fr(solv)n(e)25 b(a)h(large)f(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)h(of)g (n)n(umerical)f(and)h(matrix)g(problems.)36 b(ScaLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)609 648 y([3])27 b(and)h(PLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)26 b([21)o(])i(are)f(examples)g(of)g(this)h(kind)g(of)f(library)-7 b(.)734 747 y(This)31 b(pap)r(er)f(fo)r(cuses)h(on)f(three)h(ob)5 b(jectiv)n(es.)46 b(First,)32 b(to)f(analyze)f(the)h(p)r(os-)609 847 y(sibilit)n(y)g(of)f(using)g(p)r(ersonal)g(computers)f(clusters)h (with)h(a)f(high)h(p)r(erformance)609 946 y(in)n(terconnection)h(net)n (w)n(ork)g(to)g(solv)n(e)g(a)h(problem)f(with)h(high)g(computational) 609 1046 y(cost,)24 b(in)f(an)f(e\016cien)n(t)h(and)g(scalable)f(w)n(a) n(y)-7 b(,)22 b(b)n(y)h(using)f(parallel)g(computing)h(tec)n(h-)609 1146 y(niques.)38 b(The)27 b(idea)h(is)g(to)f(tak)n(e)g(adv)-5 b(an)n(tage)27 b(of)g(the)i(excellen)n(t)e(ratio)g(price/p)r(er-)609 1245 y(formance)k(of)h(this)f(kind)h(of)g(platforms)f(to)g(extend)h (the)g(\014eld)g(of)g(high)g(p)r(erfor-)609 1345 y(mance)27 b(parallel)g(computing.)734 1445 y(Second,)22 b(to)f(implemen)n(t)h(a)f (p)r(ortable)g(algorithm,)g(based)g(on)g(the)h(use)f(of)g(real)609 1544 y(standard)30 b(soft)n(w)n(are)g(to)h(p)r(erform)g(the)h(basic)e (calculation)h(op)r(eration)f(\(BLAS,)609 1644 y(PBLAS,)22 b(LAP)-7 b(A)n(CK,)21 b(...\))35 b(and)21 b(to)h(carry)e(out)i(the)g (necessary)d(comm)n(unications)609 1743 y(\(BLA)n(CS,)33 b(MPI,)f(...\).)51 b(Moreo)n(v)n(er,)31 b(w)n(e)h(try)g(to)g(mak)n(e)g (a)f(p)r(ortable)h(implemen-)609 1843 y(tation)37 b(b)n(y)f(using)h(a)f (public)h(domain)g(op)r(erating)e(system)i(lik)n(e)f(LINUX,)i(and)609 1943 y(standard)27 b(C)h(or)f(F)n(OR)-7 b(TRAN)29 b(compilers.)37 b(The)28 b(use)g(of)g(this)g(kind)g(of)g(en)n(viron-)609 2042 y(men)n(ts)c(and)g(programming)d(to)r(ols)j(allo)n(ws)e(us)i(to)g (obtain)g(p)r(ortable)f(algorithms.)609 2142 y(Besides,)33 b(the)g(algorithms)e(can)h(b)r(e)g(easily)g(adapted)g(to)g(the)h(new)f (v)n(ersions)f(of)609 2242 y(di\013eren)n(t)c(applications,)e (executable)h(on)g(v)n(ery)f(spread)g(platforms)h(and)g(with)h(a)609 2341 y(p)r(erformance)k(that)h(can)g(b)r(e)g(increased)f(with)h(new)g (v)n(ersions)e(of)i(the)g(soft)n(w)n(are)609 2441 y(or)27 b(hardw)n(are.)734 2540 y(The)18 b(third)h(ob)5 b(jectiv)n(e)18 b(of)h(this)g(pap)r(er)f(is)h(to)g(study)f(the)i(v)-5 b(alidit)n(y)18 b(of)h(a)f(theoret-)609 2640 y(ical)28 b(cost)f(and)g(comm)n(unication)g(mo)r(del,)h(used)g(b)n(y)f(ScaLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK,)27 b(to)h(analyze)609 2740 y(the)34 b(cost)e(of)h(an)g (algorithm)f(whic)n(h)h(com)n(bines)f(di\013eren)n(t)h(routines)f(of)h (this)h(li-)609 2839 y(brary)26 b(and)h(other)g(routines)f(that)i (parallelize)e(in)n(termediate)h(op)r(erations,)f(and)609 2939 y(whic)n(h)i(also)e(p)r(erform)h(sev)n(eral)f(redistributions)h (of)h(data.)734 3039 y(The)37 b(rest)f(of)h(the)h(pap)r(er)e(is)h (structured)g(as)f(follo)n(ws:)55 b(In)37 b(section)g(2,)i(the)609 3138 y(en)n(vironmen)n(t)27 b(utilized)h(for)g(implemen)n(ting)g(the)g (algorithm)e(and)i(the)g(comm)n(u-)609 3238 y(nication)g(and)g (computation)g(cost)g(mo)r(del)g(is)g(presen)n(ted.)38 b(Section)29 b(3)e(con)n(tains)609 3337 y(a)35 b(brief)g(description)g (of)g(the)h(problem)e(to)i(solv)n(e,)g(the)f(sequen)n(tial)g(algorithm) 609 3437 y(utilized)26 b(and)g(its)f(theoretical)g(cost.)36 b(In)26 b(section)f(4,)g(an)h(outline)f(of)h(the)g(parallel)609 3537 y(algorithm)32 b(and)h(its)h(theoretical)e(cost)h(is)g(presen)n (ted.)54 b(Exp)r(erimen)n(tal)32 b(results)609 3636 y(and)25 b(a)f(thorough)g(study)h(of)f(the)h(scalabilit)n(y)f(of)h(the)g (parallel)e(algorithm)h(in)h(the)609 3736 y(en)n(vironmen)n(t)h(used)h (is)g(presen)n(ted)f(in)h(section)f(5.)37 b(Finally)-7 b(,)27 b(section)f(6)g(con)n(tains)609 3836 y(our)h(conclusions.)609 4110 y Fq(2)135 b(Description)41 b(and)e(features)i(of)f(the)g(en)l (viron-)609 4260 y(men)l(t)609 4441 y Fr(The)23 b(target)g(platform)f (for)h(our)f(exp)r(erimen)n(tal)h(study)g(is)g(a)g(p)r(ersonal)f (computer)609 4541 y(cluster)38 b(connected)g(through)g(a)f(Myrinet)h (net)n(w)n(ork)f([4].)69 b(More)37 b(sp)r(eci\014cally)609 4641 y(sp)r(eaking,)e(the)g(cluster)e(consists)g(of)h(32)g(PCs,)h (based)e(on)h(300MHz)f(P)n(en)n(tium)609 4740 y(I)r(I)c(pro)r(cessors,) e(with)i(128)f(Mb)n(ytes)g(of)h(SDRAM)h(eac)n(h.)40 b(The)28 b(in)n(terconnection)609 4840 y(net)n(w)n(ork)i(consists)h(of)h(t)n(w)n (o)f(switc)n(hes)g(of)h(SAN)g(t)n(yp)r(e,)h(from)e(Myricom,)h(mo)r(del) 609 4940 y(M2M-OCT-SW8,)26 b(with)j(16)d(p)r(orts)h(eac)n(h.)734 5039 y(A)21 b(Myricom)e(net)n(w)n(ork)h(card)f(has)h(b)r(een)h(incorp)r (orated)e(in)i(eac)n(h)f(PC)g(in)h(order)609 5139 y(to)k(connect)g(it)h (with)f(one)g(of)g(the)h(switc)n(hes)e(b)n(y)h(means)g(of)g(a)g (bidirectional)f(link,)609 5238 y(with)39 b(a)e(bandwidth)i(of)e(1,28)g (Gbits/s.)68 b(Th)n(us,)40 b(a)d(bisection)h(bandwidth)h(of)609 5338 y(20.48)26 b(Gbits/s.)36 b(on)27 b(eac)n(h)f(switc)n(h)i(of)f(16)f (p)r(orts)h(is)g(ac)n(hiev)n(ed.)36 b(The)27 b(connection)1854 5652 y Ft(3)p eop %%Page: 4 4 4 3 bop 609 548 a Fr(b)r(et)n(w)n(een)28 b(b)r(oth)g(switc)n(hes)f (allo)n(ws)f(this)i(added)f(bandwidth)i(to)e(b)r(e)h(scaled.)734 648 y(Eac)n(h)23 b(switc)n(h)i(is)f(a)h(crossbar,)d(and)j(b)r(oth)g (together)f(allo)n(w)f(the)i(de\014nition)h(of)609 747 y(an)n(y)i(kind)i(of)f(top)r(ology)e(b)n(y)i(means)g(of)g(the)g(man)n (ual)f(or)g(automatic)h(stating)g(of)609 847 y(a)f(set)g(of)g(paths)g (among)f(the)h(di\013eren)n(t)h(p)r(orts.)38 b(Comm)n(unications)27 b(are)g(carried)609 946 y(out)e(b)n(y)f(using)g(a)g(cut-through)g (proto)r(col)f(with)i(lo)n(w)f(latency)g(and)h(\015o)n(w)f(con)n(trol.) 734 1046 y(There)h(exist)i(sp)r(eci\014c)f(implemen)n(tations)g(for)g (Myrinet)g(net)n(w)n(orks)f(of)h(some)609 1146 y(message)31 b(passing)f(en)n(vironmen)n(ts)h(suc)n(h)h(as)f(MPI)g([17)o(])h(whic)n (h)g(o\013er)g(small)f(la-)609 1245 y(tencies)i(and)g(high)g (bandwidths.)54 b(Belo)n(w,)33 b(w)n(e)g(analyze)f(the)i(p)r (erformance)e(of)609 1345 y(the)c(cluster)f(and)h(the)g(in)n (terconnection)e(net)n(w)n(ork.)609 1577 y Fm(2.1)112 b(Comm)m(unication)35 b(cost)609 1731 y Fr(T)-7 b(o)26 b(analyze)e(the)j(comm)n(unication)e(cost)g(w)n(e)g(ha)n(v)n(e)g (adopted)h(the)g(same)f(sc)n(heme)609 1830 y(used)32 b(in)g([7].)50 b(W)-7 b(e)32 b(ha)n(v)n(e)e(used)i(a)g(w)n(ell-kno)n (wn)e(mo)r(del)i(to)g(represen)n(t)f(the)h(cost,)609 1930 y Fn(t)639 1942 y Fl(c)673 1930 y Fr(,)c(of)f(p)r(erforming)g(a)g (comm)n(unication)g(of)h Fn(m)f Fr(b)n(ytes)g(through)g(a)h(link:)1621 2129 y Fn(t)1651 2141 y Fl(c)1707 2129 y Fr(=)23 b Fn(t)1825 2141 y Fl(m)1907 2129 y Fr(+)18 b Fn(mt)2093 2141 y Fl(v)3037 2129 y Fr(\(1\))734 2279 y(Here,)27 b Fn(t)983 2291 y Fl(m)1073 2279 y Fr(stands)g(for)g(the)g(startup)g(time)h(of)f(the)g (transference)g(or)f(latency)609 2378 y(time,)44 b(and)39 b Fn(t)1040 2390 y Fl(v)1120 2378 y Fr(represen)n(ts)f(the)i(time)g(of) g(sending)g(a)f(b)n(yte)h(through)f(a)g(link.)609 2478 y(Th)n(us,)c(the)e(bandwidth)h(of)f(a)g(link)g(is)g(giv)n(en)g(b)n(y)g (1)p Fn(=t)2310 2490 y Fl(v)2348 2478 y Fr(.)54 b(It)33 b(is)g(w)n(orth)g(noticing)609 2577 y(that)27 b(in)f(the)h(comm)n (unication)f(costs,)f(not)i(only)f(factors)f(related)g(to)i(the)f(sp)r (eed)609 2677 y(of)21 b(the)g(ph)n(ysical)e(links)i(but)g(also)e(the)i (en)n(vironmen)n(t)f(utilized)h(to)f(implemen)n(t)h(the)609 2777 y(message-passing)27 b(m)n(ust)j(b)r(e)g(tak)n(en)g(in)n(to)f (accoun)n(t.)43 b(In)30 b(this)g(case,)g(the)g(results)609 2876 y(sho)n(wn)21 b(ha)n(v)n(e)f(b)r(een)i(obtained)g(b)n(y)f(using)g (the)h(MPI)f(en)n(vironmen)n(t,)h(GM)g(v)n(ersion,)609 2976 y(whic)n(h)28 b(has)f(b)r(een)i(dev)n(elop)r(ed)e(b)n(y)h(the)g (man)n(ufacturer)f(of)h(the)g(in)n(terconnection)609 3076 y(net)n(w)n(ork.)734 3175 y(T)-7 b(o)23 b(determine)g(the)h(v)-5 b(alues)23 b(of)g(the)h(constan)n(ts)f(in)g(\(1\))h(w)n(e)f(ha)n(v)n(e) f(utilized)i(the)609 3275 y(double)h(ping-p)r(ong)g(algorithm,)f(that)i (is,)g(a)e(pro)r(cessor)f(sends)i(a)g(set)h(of)f(pac)n(k)n(ets)609 3374 y(of)32 b(di\013eren)n(t)f(sizes)g(to)h(another)f(pro)r(cessor)e (and)i(the)h(last)g(one)f(returns)g(them.)609 3474 y(The)24 b(time)g(measured)f(is)g(the)h(half)g(of)g(that)g(required)e(to)i(send) g(and)f(return)g(eac)n(h)609 3574 y(pac)n(k)n(et.)55 b(By)34 b(sending)g(pac)n(k)n(ets)e(of)i(minim)n(um)h(size)f(it)g(is)g (p)r(ossible)g(to)g(obtain)609 3673 y(the)26 b(v)-5 b(alue)26 b(of)g Fn(t)1086 3685 y Fl(m)1149 3673 y Fr(,)g(while)g(the)g(v)-5 b(alue)26 b(of)g Fn(t)1890 3685 y Fl(v)1955 3673 y Fr(can)f(b)r(e)h (obtained)g(b)n(y)f(sending)h(large)609 3773 y(size)h(pac)n(k)n(ets.) 734 3873 y(F)-7 b(or)27 b(the)g(latency)g(time,)h Fn(t)1555 3885 y Fl(m)1618 3873 y Fr(,)g(w)n(e)f(ha)n(v)n(e)f(obtained)h(a)g(v)-5 b(alue)28 b(of)f(33)g Fn(\026)p Fr(s.)36 b(Ho)n(w-)609 3972 y(ev)n(er,)24 b(the)g(bandwidth)g(dep)r(ends)g(on)f(the)h(size)f (of)h(the)g(messages)e(sen)n(t.)35 b(Sending)609 4072 y(a)20 b(message)e(of)i(a)g(few)g(h)n(undred)g(b)n(ytes)g(pro)n(vides)e (a)i(bandwidth)g(of)g(15)f(Mb)n(ytes/s.)609 4171 y(When)40 b(the)g(messages)f(are)f(of)i(a)f(few)h(Kb)n(ytes)f(the)h(bandwidth)g (reac)n(hes)e(23)609 4271 y(Mb)n(ytes/s.)c(Finally)-7 b(,)21 b(for)f(messages)f(of)h(tens)g(of)h(Kb)n(ytes,)g(the)f (bandwidth)h(tends)609 4371 y(asymptotically)34 b(to)g(a)g(maxim)n(um)g (of)g(33)g(Mb)n(ytes/s.)56 b(Th)n(us,)36 b(the)f(maxim)n(um)609 4470 y(sp)r(eed)k(of)g(transference)f(through)g(a)g(link,)k(obtained)c (in)h(this)g(en)n(vironmen)n(t,)609 4570 y(giv)n(es)27 b(a)g(v)-5 b(alue)27 b(of)h Fn(t)1221 4582 y Fl(v)1283 4570 y Fr(=)23 b(0)p Fn(;)14 b Fr(03)26 b Fn(\026)p Fr(s/b)n(yte.)36 b(This)28 b(can)f(b)r(e)h(seen)f(in)h(Figure)f(1.)609 4802 y Fm(2.2)112 b(Arithmetic)34 b(cost)609 4956 y Fr(T)-7 b(o)20 b(analyze)g(the)h(arithmetic)f(p)r(erformance)g(of)g(the)h(pro)r 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0 G 515.5 1774.5 25 25 rS 1 G 719 1483 24 24 rF 0 G 718.5 1482.5 25 25 rS 1 G 923 1310 24 24 rF 0 G 922.5 1309.5 25 25 rS 1 G 1126 1199 24 24 rF 0 G 1125.5 1198.5 25 25 rS 1 G 1329 1176 24 24 rF 0 G 1328.5 1175.5 25 25 rS 1 G 1532 1084 24 24 rF 0 G 1531.5 1083.5 25 25 rS 1 G 1736 1011 24 24 rF 0 G 1735.5 1010.5 25 25 rS 1 G 1939 958 24 24 rF 0 G 1938.5 957.5 25 25 rS 1 G 2142 930 24 24 rF 0 G 2141.5 929.5 25 25 rS 1 G 2345 889 24 24 rF 0 G 2344.5 888.5 25 25 rS 1 G 2548 866 24 24 rF 0 G 2547.5 865.5 25 25 rS np 528 1800 :M 541 1787 :L 528 1774 :L 515 1787 :L 528 1800 :L eofill 1 G -.004 -.004 528.004 1800.004 .004 .004 541 1787 @b 528 1774.004 -.004 .004 541.004 1787 .004 528 1774 @a -.004 -.004 515.004 1787.004 .004 .004 528 1774 @b 515 1787.004 -.004 .004 528.004 1800 .004 515 1787 @a -.004 -.004 528.004 1800.004 .004 .004 541 1787 @b 528 1774.004 -.004 .004 541.004 1787 .004 528 1774 @a -.004 -.004 515.004 1787.004 .004 .004 528 1774 @b 515 1787.004 -.004 .004 528.004 1800 .004 515 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w(DGEMM)p 2349 2488 V 579 w(DGETRF)p 3193 2488 V 382 2491 2813 4 v 380 2604 4 113 v 563 2570 a Ft(n)p 662 2604 V 99 w(MFlops)149 b Fj(t)1195 2585 y Fi(f)1271 2570 y Ft(\()p Fj(\026)p Ft(s.\))p 1505 2604 V 100 w(MFlops)g Fj(t)2039 2585 y Fi(f)2114 2570 y Ft(\()p Fj(\026)p Ft(s.\))p 2349 2604 V 101 w(MFlops)g Fj(t)2883 2585 y Fi(f)2958 2570 y Ft(\()p Fj(\026)p Ft(s.\))p 3193 2604 V 382 2607 2813 4 v 380 2720 4 113 v 477 2686 a(200)p 662 2720 V 194 w(84,42)102 b(1,18E-02)p 1505 2720 V 149 w(177,78)g(5,63E-03)p 2349 2720 V 150 w(132,83)g(7,53E-03)p 3193 2720 V 382 2724 2813 4 v 380 2836 4 113 v 477 2803 a(400)p 662 2836 V 194 w(48,36)g(2,07E-02)p 1505 2836 V 149 w(180,28)g(5,55E-03)p 2349 2836 V 150 w(146,85)g(6,81E-03)p 3193 2836 V 382 2840 2813 4 v 380 2953 4 113 v 477 2919 a(600)p 662 2953 V 194 w(47,93)g(2,09E-02)p 1505 2953 V 149 w(183,05)g(5,46E-03)p 2349 2953 V 150 w(154,65)g(6,47E-03)p 3193 2953 V 382 2956 2813 4 v 380 3069 4 113 v 477 3035 a(800)p 662 3069 V 194 w(47,57)g(2,10E-02)p 1505 3069 V 149 w(184,84)g(5,41E-03)p 2349 3069 V 150 w(165,54)g(6,04E-03)p 3193 3069 V 382 3072 2813 4 v 380 3185 4 113 v 432 3151 a(1000)p 662 3185 V 194 w(47,34)g(2,11E-02)p 1505 3185 V 149 w(185,53)g(5,39E-03)p 2349 3185 V 150 w(169,94)g(5,88E-03)p 3193 3185 V 382 3188 2813 4 v 860 3343 a(T)-8 b(able)30 b(1:)41 b(Arithmetic)29 b(p)s(erformance)h(of)g(the)h(pro)s(cessors.) 609 3618 y Fr(algorithm)37 b(dep)r(ends)h(on)f(the)h(t)n(yp)r(e)g(of)g (op)r(eration,)h(on)f(the)g(memory)f(access)609 3718 y(outline,)28 b(and)f(on)h(the)g(exploitation)f(of)g(all)g(the)h (features)f(of)h(the)g(pro)r(cessor.)734 3817 y(T)-7 b(o)32 b(analyze)g(the)h(arithmetic)f(p)r(erformance)g(of)h(the)g(pro)r (cessor)d(three)j(wi-)609 3917 y(despread)j(standard)f(algorithms)g(ha) n(v)n(e)g(b)r(een)i(used:)54 b(the)37 b(\014rst)f(one,)i Fh(DGEMV)p Fr(,)609 4016 y(p)r(erforms)28 b(the)h(matrix-v)n(ector)d (pro)r(duct)i(and)g(is)h(in)n(tegrated)e(in)i(the)g(lev)n(el)f(2)g(of) 609 4116 y(the)c(computational)e(k)n(ernel)g(BLAS.)h(The)h(second)e (one,)i Fh(DGEMM)p Fr(,)d(p)r(erforms)h(ma-)609 4216 y(trix)j(pro)r(ducts)g(and)f(b)r(elongs)h(to)g(BLAS)g(lev)n(el)f(3,)h (and)g(the)h(third)f(one,)g Fh(DGETRF)p Fr(,)609 4315 y(p)r(erforms)33 b(the)i(LU)f(decomp)r(osition)f(of)h(a)g(matrix)f(and) h(is)g(in)n(tegrated)f(in)h(the)609 4415 y(LAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)24 b(library)g([1].)36 b(In)25 b(the)g(case)g(of)g(the)g(routines)f (included)i(in)f(the)g(BLAS)609 4515 y(k)n(ernel,)32 b(w)n(e)e(ha)n(v)n(e)g(used)i(a)f(v)n(ersion)e(sp)r(ecially)i(devised)g (to)g(tak)n(e)g(adv)-5 b(an)n(tage)30 b(of)609 4614 y(P)n(en)n(tium)h (pro)r(cessors,)e(whic)n(h)i(is)g(incorp)r(orated)e(in)i(the)g(ASCI)h (Red)f(P)n(en)n(tium)609 4714 y(Pro)26 b(BLAS)i(1.1.N)f([12)o(],)h([13) o(].)734 4813 y(In)40 b(table)f(1)h(w)n(e)f(presen)n(t)g(the)h(results) f(obtained)h(b)n(y)f(the)h(previous)f(rou-)609 4913 y(tines)28 b(in)g(a)f(P)n(en)n(tium)g(I)r(I-300)f(pro)r(cessor,)f(included)j(in)g (the)g(cluster)f(utilized)h(to)609 5013 y(p)r(erform)34 b(the)h(exp)r(erimen)n(ts)f(with)h(the)g(parallel)f(algorithm.)56 b(W)-7 b(e)35 b(can)f(v)n(erify)609 5112 y(that)24 b(the)g(p)r (erformance)f(obtained)g(b)n(y)g(the)i(t)n(w)n(o)d(last)i(routines)f (approac)n(hes)e(the)609 5212 y(200)h(MFlops,)i(while)g(the)g(\014rst)f (one)g(ac)n(hiev)n(es)f(a)h(clearly)f(inferior)g(p)r(erformance.)609 5312 y(This)g(is)h(undoubtedly)f(due)h(to)f(the)h(ratio)e(b)r(et)n(w)n (een)i(the)f(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)h(of)f(op)r(erations)1854 5652 y Ft(5)p eop %%Page: 6 6 6 5 bop 609 548 a Fr(and)29 b(the)g(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)g(of)f(memory)g (accesses)g(in)h(eac)n(h)f(subroutine.)40 b(While)29 b(in)g(the)609 648 y(\014rst)g(one)g(w)n(e)g(use)f(the)i(lev)n(el)f(2)f (of)h(BLAS,)h(in)f(the)h(second)e(and)h(third)g(ones)g(w)n(e)609 747 y(refer)e(to)h(BLAS)f(3.)734 847 y(The)39 b(di\013eren)n(t)g(p)r (erformances)e(of)i(the)h(previous)d(subroutines)i(result)f(in)609 946 y(v)n(ery)f(di\013eren)n(t)i(v)-5 b(alues)38 b(for)g(the)g(a)n(v)n (erage)e(time)j(of)f(execution)g(of)g(a)g(\015oating)609 1046 y(p)r(oin)n(t)g(op)r(eration.)65 b(While)37 b(in)h(the)g(case)e (of)h(the)h(t)n(w)n(o)f(last)g(subroutines)f(this)609 1146 y(v)-5 b(alue)34 b(is)g(appro)n(ximately)f(0,006)f Fn(\026)p Fr(s,)k(in)e(the)h(\014rst)f(one)g(the)g(v)-5 b(alue)34 b(is)h(around)609 1245 y(0,02)h Fn(\026)p Fr(s.)64 b(Th)n(us,)38 b(the)g(v)-5 b(alue)36 b(of)h(constan)n(t)f Fn(t)2062 1257 y Fl(f)2105 1245 y Fr(,)j(whic)n(h)e(is)f(more)g (appropriate)609 1345 y(to)g(mo)r(del)g(our)f(system,)j(strongly)d(dep) r(ends)h(on)g(the)g(c)n(haracteristics)e(of)i(the)609 1445 y(arithmetic)31 b(op)r(erations)e(to)h(b)r(e)h(p)r(erformed)f(and) g(on)g(the)h(exploitation)f(of)g(the)609 1544 y(di\013eren)n(t)e(lev)n (els)f(of)g(BLAS.)609 1819 y Fq(3)135 b(Description)61 b(of)f(the)h(problem)f(and)g(its)h(se-)609 1968 y(quen)l(tial)46 b(solution)609 2150 y Fr(In)19 b(this)h(section)f(w)n(e)f(brie\015y)h (describ)r(e)g(the)g(in)n(v)n(erse)f(eigenproblem)g(to)h(b)r(e)h(solv)n (ed,)609 2250 y(the)37 b(sequen)n(tial)f(algorithm)g(and)g(its)h (theoretical)f(cost.)64 b(This)37 b(problem)f(has)609 2349 y(b)r(een)g(previously)e(studied)i(in)g([15)o(])g(and)f([10)o(].) 61 b(T)-7 b(o)35 b(obtain)g(a)g(more)f(detailed)609 2449 y(information)f(of)h(the)g(algorithm)f([20)o(])h(and)f([2])h(can)f (also)g(b)r(e)h(consulted.)55 b(Let)609 2549 y Fn(t)37 b Fr(=)g([)p Fn(t)831 2561 y Fg(0)868 2549 y Fn(;)14 b(t)935 2561 y Fg(1)972 2549 y Fn(;)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(;)g(t)1187 2561 y Fl(n)p Ff(\000)p Fg(1)1317 2549 y Fr(])36 b(b)r(e)g(a)g(real)f Fn(n)p Fr(-v)n(ector.)60 b(W)-7 b(e)37 b(sa)n(y)d(that)j Fn(T)12 b Fr(\()p Fn(t)p Fr(\))35 b(is)h(a)g(Real)609 2648 y(Symmetric)28 b(T)-7 b(o)r(eplitz)28 b(Matrix)f(\(TRS\))h (generated)f(b)n(y)g Fn(t)h Fr(if)1516 2852 y Fn(T)12 b Fr(\()p Fn(t)p Fr(\))23 b(=)1781 2784 y Fe(\000)1819 2852 y Fn(t)1849 2867 y Ff(j)p Fl(i)p Ff(\000)p Fl(j)s Ff(j)1999 2784 y Fe(\001)2037 2802 y Fl(n)2037 2885 y(i;j)s Fg(=1)2213 2852 y Fn(:)734 3046 y Fr(This)33 b(kind)g(of)g(matrix)g (app)r(ears)f(in)i(the)f(solution)g(of)g(man)n(y)g(problems)f(in)609 3145 y(Ph)n(ysics)26 b(or)h(Engineering.)734 3245 y(Giv)n(en)g Fn(n)h Fr(real)e(v)-5 b(alues)28 b(suc)n(h)f(as)1518 3444 y Fn(\025)1566 3456 y Fg(1)1627 3444 y Fd(\024)22 b Fn(\025)1762 3456 y Fg(2)1823 3444 y Fd(\024)h Fn(:)14 b(:)g(:)22 b Fd(\024)h Fn(\025)2166 3456 y Fl(n)2212 3444 y Fn(;)802 b Fr(\(2\))609 3593 y(the)27 b(in)n(v)n(erse)e(eigen)n (v)-5 b(alue)26 b(problem)g(consists)g(in)g(computing)h(a)f(generator)e Fn(t)p Fr(,)j(so)609 3693 y(that)h(the)g(sp)r(ectrum)g(of)f(the)h(TRS)g (matrix)f(asso)r(ciated)g(coincides)g(with)h(\(2\).)734 3793 y(The)h(TRS)h(matrices)f(v)n(erify)g(some)g(prop)r(erties)g([5],)h ([15)o(])g(that)g(allo)n(w)f(their)609 3892 y(sp)r(ectrum)j(to)f(b)r(e) i(divided)e(in)h(t)n(w)n(o)f(parts)g(with)h(the)g(same)f(n)n(um)n(b)r (er)h(of)f(eigen-)609 3992 y(v)-5 b(alues,)25 b(kno)n(wn)g(as)f(ev)n (en)g(and)h(o)r(dd)g(eigen)n(v)-5 b(alues,)24 b(and)h(asso)r(ciating)e (them)j(with)609 4092 y(the)j(symmetric)e(and)h(sk)n(ew-symmetric)e (eigen)n(v)n(ectors,)g(resp)r(ectiv)n(ely)-7 b(.)37 b(On)28 b(the)609 4191 y(other)g(side,)h(it)g(is)f(p)r(ossible)g(to)g(compute)h (b)r(oth)g(sp)r(ectra)f(separately)-7 b(,)27 b(substan-)609 4291 y(tially)f(reducing)f(the)h(cost)g(of)f(calculating)g(the)i(eigen) n(v)-5 b(alues)24 b(and)i(eigen)n(v)n(ectors)609 4390 y(of)i(the)g(matrix.)734 4490 y(In)21 b([16)o(])f(a)h(metho)r(d)g(for)f (solving)f(the)i(in)n(v)n(erse)e(eigenproblem)h(with)h(TRS)g(ma-)609 4590 y(trices)29 b(is)h(prop)r(osed.)42 b(This)29 b(metho)r(d)i(is)e (equiv)-5 b(alen)n(t)30 b(to)f(the)h(Newton)g(metho)r(d.)609 4689 y(This)d(algorithm)f(is)g(impro)n(v)n(ed)g(in)h([20)o(])g(b)n(y)f (means)h(of)f(the)h(adequate)f(exploita-)609 4789 y(tion)i(of)f(the)h (previous)f(sp)r(ectral)g(prop)r(erties.)609 5021 y Fm(3.1)112 b(Sequen)m(tial)37 b(Algorithm)609 5175 y Fr(In)29 b(this)g(section,)g (w)n(e)g(brie\015y)f(describ)r(e)h(the)g(sequen)n(tial)f(metho)r(d)h (prop)r(osed)f(in)609 5274 y([20)o(].)57 b(W)-7 b(e)35 b(will)g(call)e Fn(p)1332 5286 y Fg(1)1369 5274 y Fr(\()p Fn(t)p Fr(\))p Fn(;)14 b(:)g(:)g(:)h(;)f(p)1691 5286 y Fl(r)1727 5274 y Fr(\()p Fn(t)p Fr(\))35 b(the)g(symmetric)f(eigen)n (v)n(ectors)e(of)i Fn(T)12 b Fr(\()p Fn(t)p Fr(\))1854 5652 y Ft(6)p eop %%Page: 7 7 7 6 bop 609 548 a Fr(and)21 b Fn(q)801 560 y Fg(1)838 548 y Fr(\()p Fn(t)p Fr(\))p Fn(;)14 b(:)g(:)g(:)g(;)g(q)1154 560 y Fl(s)1190 548 y Fr(\()p Fn(t)p Fr(\))21 b(its)g(sk)n (ew-symmetric)e(eigen)n(v)n(ectors.)32 b(On)20 b(the)h(other)g(side,) 609 648 y(w)n(e)27 b(will)h(denote)g(the)g(target)e(sp)r(ectrum)i(as) 1282 847 y(\003)23 b(=)f([)p Fn(\026)1523 859 y Fg(1)1561 847 y Fn(;)14 b(\026)1648 859 y Fg(2)1685 847 y Fn(;)g(:)g(:)g(:)f(;)h (\026)1919 859 y Fl(r)1956 847 y Fn(;)g(\027)2034 859 y Fg(1)2071 847 y Fn(;)g(\027)2149 859 y Fg(2)2186 847 y Fn(;)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(;)g(\027)2412 859 y Fl(s)2447 847 y Fr(])567 b(\(3\))609 985 y(where)22 b(the)h(ev)n(en)g(and)f(o)r(dd)h (sp)r(ectra)f(ha)n(v)n(e)g(b)r(een)h(separated,)f(and)h(eac)n(h)f(one)g (has)609 1084 y(b)r(een)28 b(written)g(in)g(increasing)e(order.)734 1184 y(Let)31 b Fn(t)916 1196 y Fg(0)984 1184 y Fr(b)r(e)g(a)g Fn(n)p Fr(-v)n(ector)e(and)i(let)g(\003)f(b)r(e)i(the)f(target)f(sp)r (ectrum,)i(as)e(de\014ned)609 1283 y(in)37 b(\(3\).)63 b(By)36 b(using)g Fn(t)1302 1295 y Fg(0)1375 1283 y Fr(as)g(an)g (initial)g(generator,)g(the)h(metho)r(d)g(computes)f(a)609 1383 y(sequence)27 b Fn(t)983 1353 y Fl(m)1046 1383 y Fr(,)h Fn(m)23 b Fr(=)g(1)p Fn(;)14 b Fr(2)p Fn(;)g(:)g(:)g(:)26 b Fr(as)h(the)h(solution)f(of)h(the)g(equations:)1068 1561 y Fn(p)1110 1573 y Fl(i)1137 1561 y Fr(\()p Fn(t)1199 1531 y Fl(m)p Ff(\000)p Fg(1)1348 1561 y Fr(\))1380 1531 y Fl(T)1432 1561 y Fn(T)12 b Fr(\()p Fn(t)1555 1531 y Fl(m)1618 1561 y Fr(\))p Fn(p)1692 1573 y Fl(i)1719 1561 y Fr(\()p Fn(t)1781 1531 y Fl(m)p Ff(\000)p Fg(1)1930 1561 y Fr(\))23 b(=)g Fn(\026)2123 1573 y Fl(i)2150 1561 y Fn(;)180 b Fr(1)23 b Fd(\024)g Fn(i)f Fd(\024)h Fn(r)1061 1674 y(q)1098 1686 y Fl(j)1134 1674 y Fr(\()p Fn(t)1196 1650 y Fl(m)p Ff(\000)p Fg(1)1344 1674 y Fr(\))1376 1650 y Fl(T)1428 1674 y Fn(T)12 b Fr(\()p Fn(t)1551 1650 y Fl(m)1614 1674 y Fr(\))p Fn(q)1683 1686 y Fl(j)1718 1674 y Fr(\()p Fn(t)1780 1650 y Fl(m)p Ff(\000)p Fg(1)1928 1674 y Fr(\))24 b(=)e Fn(\027)2112 1686 y Fl(j)2147 1674 y Fn(;)180 b Fr(1)23 b Fd(\024)g Fn(j)28 b Fd(\024)22 b Fn(s)3037 1617 y Fr(\(4\))609 1806 y(where)d Fn(r)26 b Fr(=)c Fd(d)p Fn(n=)p Fr(2)p Fd(e)c Fr(and)h Fn(s)k Fr(=)g Fd(b)p Fn(n=)p Fr(2)p Fd(c)p Fr(.)33 b(The)19 b(previous)f(equations)h(can)g(b)r(e)g(written)609 1906 y(as)27 b(a)g(linear)f(system)h(of)g(dimension)h Fn(n)23 b Fr(=)f Fn(r)f Fr(+)c Fn(s)p Fr(;)28 b(and)f(w)n(e)g(can)f(obtain)h Fn(t)2884 1876 y Fl(m)2975 1906 y Fr(from)609 2006 y Fn(t)639 1975 y Fl(m)p Ff(\000)p Fg(1)787 2006 y Fr(,)h(th)n(us)g(pro)r (ducing)f(an)g(iterativ)n(e)g(metho)r(d.)734 2105 y(In)39 b(eac)n(h)f(iteration)g(of)h(the)g(algorithm,)i(w)n(e)d(start)g(b)n(y)h (constructing)f(the)609 2205 y(matrix)c(asso)r(ciated)e(with)j(the)f (linear)g(system)f(in)i(order)d(to)i(solv)n(e)f(\(4\).)57 b(This)609 2304 y(is)28 b(p)r(erformed)g(from)g(the)h(eigen)n(v)n (ectors)d(of)i(the)g(TRS)h(matrix)f(of)g(the)h(previous)609 2404 y(iteration,)i(whic)n(h)f(ha)n(v)n(e)g(b)r(een)h(computed)f(with)h (a)g(small)f(cost)g(b)n(y)g(separating)609 2504 y(the)40 b(o)r(dd)f(and)g(ev)n(en)g(sp)r(ectra.)70 b(Then,)43 b(the)c(linear)g(system)f(is)h(solv)n(ed,)i(th)n(us)609 2603 y(obtaining)24 b(a)g(new)h(generator)e(for)h(a)g(TRS)h(matrix,)g (whose)f(sp)r(ectrum)h(is)f(calcu-)609 2703 y(lated.)36 b(The)23 b(con)n(v)n(ergence)e(of)i(the)g(algorithm)f(is)i(reac)n(hed)e (when)h(the)h(di\013erence)609 2803 y(b)r(et)n(w)n(een)36 b(the)f(computed)h(sp)r(ectrum)g(and)f(the)h(target)e(sp)r(ectrum)i(is) f(smaller)609 2902 y(than)28 b(a)f(giv)n(en)g(error)e Fn(\017)1326 2914 y Fg(0)1363 2902 y Fr(.)734 3002 y(Broadly)32 b(sp)r(eaking,)i(the)g(sequen)n(tial)f(algorithm)f(w)n(e)h(ha)n(v)n(e)g (implemen)n(ted)609 3102 y(is)28 b(the)g(follo)n(wing:)609 3264 y Fc(REPEA)-7 b(T)762 3364 y Fr(\003\()p Fn(T)12 b Fr(\()p Fn(t)975 3334 y Fl(m)p Ff(\000)p Fg(1)1123 3364 y Fr(\)\))23 b Fd( )28 b Fc(Compute)f(the)g(sp)r(ectrum)h (\(eigenvalues)f(and)g(eigenvecto)n(rs\))1375 3463 y(of)g Fn(T)12 b Fr(\()p Fn(t)1592 3433 y Fl(m)p Ff(\000)p Fg(1)1740 3463 y Fr(\))762 3563 y Fn(C)30 b Fd( )d Fc(Build)h(the)f(linea)n(r)g (system)h(from)g(\(4\))f(and)h(the)f(computed)g(eigenvecto)n(rs.)762 3663 y Fn(t)792 3633 y Fl(m)878 3663 y Fd( )h Fc(Solve)f(the)h(linea)n (r)f(system)g Fn(C)6 b(t)1907 3633 y Fl(m)1994 3663 y Fr(=)22 b(\003)609 3762 y Fc(UNTIL)27 b Fd(j)p Fr(\003\()p Fn(T)12 b Fr(\()p Fn(t)1113 3732 y Fl(m)1176 3762 y Fr(\)\))19 b Fd(\000)f Fr(\003)p Fd(j)k Fn(<)h(\017)1567 3774 y Fg(0)734 4025 y Fr(The)38 b(metho)r(d)g(describ)r(ed)g(is)g(equiv)-5 b(alen)n(t)38 b(to)g(Newton's)g(metho)r(d.)68 b(Since)609 4124 y(the)39 b(Newton)g(metho)r(d)g(is)f(not)h(globally)e(con)n(v)n (ergen)n(t,)j(this)e(algorithm)g(do)r(es)609 4224 y(not)32 b(necessarily)d(con)n(v)n(erge)h(to)h(a)g(solution)g(of)g(the)h (problem.)48 b(In)32 b([20)o(])f(sev)n(eral)609 4323 y(impro)n(v)n(emen)n(ts)26 b(are)g(prop)r(osed)g(in)h(order)f(to)h(ac)n (hiev)n(e)f(the)h(con)n(v)n(ergence)e(of)i(the)609 4423 y(metho)r(d.)53 b(Sp)r(eci\014cally)-7 b(,)35 b(if)e(the)g(con)n(v)n (ergence)e(fails,)j(w)n(e)e(try)h(to)f(linearly)g(con-)609 4523 y(v)n(erge)24 b(to)i(a)f(mo)r(di\014ed)h(sp)r(ectrum)g(with)g(a)f (less)g(restrictiv)n(e)f(stopping)h(criterion.)609 4622 y(When)f(this)g(new)f(con)n(v)n(ergence)e(is)i(reac)n(hed,)g(the)g (computed)h(sp)r(ectrum)f(is)h(used)609 4722 y(as)j(a)g(starting)g(p)r (oin)n(t)h(to)f(quadratically)f(con)n(v)n(erge)f(on)j(the)g(target)e (sp)r(ectrum.)609 4951 y Fm(3.2)112 b(Analysis)37 b(of)h(the)f (theoretical)f(cost)609 5104 y Fr(Eac)n(h)26 b(iteration)g(of)h(the)g (previous)f(sequen)n(tial)g(metho)r(d)h(p)r(erforms)f(three)h(basic)609 5204 y(tasks:)55 b(the)38 b(computation)f(of)g(the)g(sp)r(ectrum)h(of)f (a)f(TRS)i(matrix,)h(the)e(con-)609 5303 y(struction)32 b(of)g(the)g(co)r(e\016cien)n(t)g(matrix)f(of)h(a)g(linear)f(system)h (and,)h(\014nally)-7 b(,)33 b(the)609 5403 y(solution)27 b(of)h(the)g(linear)f(system.)1854 5652 y Ft(7)p eop %%Page: 8 8 8 7 bop 734 548 a Fr(By)24 b(exploiting)h(the)g(sp)r(ectral)g(prop)r (erties)f(of)g(the)i(TRS)f(matrices,)g(the)g(cost)609 648 y(of)j(computing)f(their)h(sp)r(ectrum)g(is)1388 835 y Fn(t)1418 847 y Fg(1)1478 835 y Fr(=)23 b(11)p Fn(n)1700 801 y Fg(3)1736 835 y Fn(=)p Fr(6)18 b(+)g Fn(n)1971 801 y Fg(2)2008 835 y Fn(=)p Fr(4)82 b Fb(\015ops)p Fn(:)734 1006 y Fr(The)27 b(construction)g(of)h(the)g(co)r(e\016cien)n (t)f(matrix)g(implies)h(a)f(cost)g(of)1450 1194 y Fn(t)1480 1206 y Fg(2)1541 1194 y Fr(=)22 b Fn(n)1678 1160 y Fg(3)1715 1194 y Fn(=)p Fr(2)c(+)g(3)p Fn(n)1992 1160 y Fg(2)2112 1194 y Fb(\015ops)p Fn(:)734 1365 y Fr(Finally)-7 b(,)45 b(the)c(solution)g(of)g(the)h(linear)f(system)g(b)n(y)g(means)g(of)g (gaussian)609 1465 y(elimination)28 b(pro)r(duces)f(a)g(cost)g(of:)1545 1653 y Fn(t)1575 1665 y Fg(3)1635 1653 y Fr(=)c(2)p Fn(n)1815 1618 y Fg(3)1851 1653 y Fn(=)p Fr(3)82 b Fb(\015ops)q Fn(:)734 1824 y Fr(Th)n(us,)30 b(if)g(w)n(e)f(call)h Fn(it)f Fr(the)h(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)g(of)f(necessary)f(iterations)h(to)h (reac)n(h)e(the)609 1924 y(con)n(v)n(ergence,)d(the)j(total)g(cost)f (of)g(the)h(sequen)n(tial)f(algorithm)g(is)g(giv)n(en)g(b)n(y:)1018 2123 y Fn(t)1048 2135 y Fg(2)1108 2123 y Fr(=)c(\()p Fn(t)1258 2135 y Fg(1)1314 2123 y Fr(+)18 b Fn(t)1427 2135 y Fg(2)1483 2123 y Fr(+)g Fn(t)1596 2135 y Fg(3)1633 2123 y Fr(\))23 b(=)g(\(3)p Fn(n)1900 2089 y Fg(3)1955 2123 y Fr(+)18 b(13)p Fn(n)2172 2089 y Fg(2)2208 2123 y Fn(=)p Fr(4\))g Fd(\003)g Fn(it)83 b Fb(\015ops)p Fn(:)303 b Fr(\(5\))609 2395 y Fq(4)135 b(Outline)46 b(of)f(the)g(parallel)i (algorithm)609 2577 y Fr(The)25 b(parallelization)f(of)h(the)g(sequen)n (tial)g(metho)r(d)g(is)g(based)g(on)g(the)g(use)g(of)g(the)609 2677 y(ScaLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)35 b(parallel)g(linear)g(algebra)f(library)h ([3)o(].)62 b(In)36 b(this)g(en)n(vironmen)n(t)609 2776 y(the)24 b(algorithms)f(use)h(a)f(SPMD)h(mo)r(del)g(and)g(a)f(blo)r(c)n (k)g(cyclic)h(data)f(distribution)609 2876 y(among)k(the)h(pro)r (cessors)d(of)i(a)h(logical)e(bidimensional)h(mesh.)734 2976 y(The)35 b(algorithm)f(parallelizes)f(the)i(three)g(main)g(steps)g (of)g(the)g(sequen)n(tial)609 3075 y(v)n(ersion)d(and)i(p)r(erforms)e (the)i(comm)n(unications)f(needed)g(to)h(redistribute)f(the)609 3175 y(data)20 b(appropriately)e(in)i(order)e(to)i(start)f(eac)n(h)g (step.)35 b(A)20 b(v)n(ery)f(simpli\014ed)h(v)n(ersion)609 3275 y(of)28 b(the)g(parallel)e(algorithm)h(is)g(summarized)g(in)h(the) g(follo)n(wing)e(pseudo)r(co)r(de:)609 3442 y Fc(WHILE)i(not)f (converged)762 3542 y(Compute)g(the)h(o)r(dd)f(and)g(even)h(sp)r(ectra) g(of)f Fn(T)12 b Fr(\()p Fn(t)2228 3512 y Fl(m)p Ff(\000)p Fg(1)2376 3542 y Fr(\))28 b Fc(in)f(pa)n(rallel.)762 3641 y(Gather)h(the)g(eigenvecto)n(rs)e(in)h(the)h(\014rst)f(ro)n(w)g (of)h(p)n(ro)r(cesso)n(rs.)762 3741 y(IF)g(the)g(p)n(ro)r(cesso)n(r)e (is)i(in)f(the)g(\014rst)h(ro)n(w)f(of)g(the)h(mesh)f(THEN)915 3841 y(Compute)g(the)h(co)n(rresp)r(onding)e(ro)n(ws)h(of)g(matrix)h Fn(C)34 b Fc(in)27 b(the)h(linea)n(r)f(system.)762 3940 y(Redistribute)g(matrix)h Fn(C)34 b Fc(among)26 b(all)i(the)f(p)n(ro)r (cesso)n(rs)f(in)i(the)f(mesh.)762 4040 y(Solve)h(the)f(linea)n(r)g (system)h(in)f(pa)n(rallel.)734 4307 y Fr(In)37 b(order)e(to)i (accomplish)g(the)g(parallel)f(solution)g(of)h(the)h(linear)e(system) 609 4407 y(and)22 b(the)h(computation)f(of)g(the)g(sp)r(ectra,)h(w)n(e) f(ha)n(v)n(e)f(used)h(sev)n(eral)f(ScaLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)609 4506 y(routines,)29 b(namely)-7 b(,)30 b Fh(PDGETRF)p Fr(,)d Fh(PDGETRS)g Fr(and)i Fh(PDSYEV)p Fr(.)e(T)-7 b(o)29 b(compute)h(the)f(co-)609 4606 y(e\016cien)n(t)k(matrix)e(for)h (the)h(linear)e(system)h(w)n(e)g(ha)n(v)n(e)f(exploited)h(the)h(fact)f (that)609 4706 y(eac)n(h)h(ro)n(w)f(dep)r(ends)i(on)f(one)g(eigen)n(v)n (ector,)g(and)h(therefore,)g(all)f(matrix)g(ro)n(ws)609 4805 y(can)27 b(b)r(e)h(computed)g(in)g(parallel.)734 4905 y(Due)f(to)f(the)h(mesh)f(top)r(ology)f(of)h(the)h(en)n(vironmen)n (t)e(and)i(the)f(data)g(dep)r(en-)609 5005 y(dencies)e(of)g(the)h (problem,)f(w)n(e)g(ha)n(v)n(e)f(to)h(p)r(erform)f(some)h (redistributions)f(of)h(the)609 5104 y(data)g(in)h(eac)n(h)e(iteration) h(of)g(the)h(algorithm.)34 b(These)24 b(comm)n(unications)g(greatly)609 5204 y(increase)j(the)g(cost)h(of)f(the)h(parallel)f(algorithm.)734 5303 y(First,)43 b(in)e(eac)n(h)f(iteration,)j(w)n(e)d(m)n(ust)g (gather)g(the)g(eigen)n(v)n(ectors)e(in)j(the)609 5403 y(\014rst)23 b(ro)n(w)g(of)g(pro)r(cessors)e(in)j(order)e(to)h(compute) h(the)g(co)r(e\016cien)n(t)f(matrix)g(of)g(the)1854 5652 y Ft(8)p eop %%Page: 9 9 9 8 bop 609 548 a Fr(linear)21 b(system.)34 b(On)21 b(the)h(other)f (side,)h(w)n(e)f(compute)h(the)g(o)r(dd)f(and)g(ev)n(en)g(sp)r(ectra) 609 648 y(separately)-7 b(,)29 b(obtaining)g(t)n(w)n(o)g(matrices)g (distributed)i(in)f(the)g(whole)f(mesh.)44 b(T)-7 b(o)609 747 y(obtain)35 b(a)f(prop)r(erly)g(distributed)h(matrix)f(con)n (taining)g(all)h(the)g(eigen)n(v)n(ectors,)609 847 y(once)24 b(w)n(e)f(ha)n(v)n(e)g(the)h(eigen)n(v)n(ectors)e(in)i(the)g(\014rst)g (ro)n(w)e(of)i(pro)r(cessors,)e(w)n(e)i(ha)n(v)n(e)f(to)609 946 y(redistribute)c(them.)35 b(Finally)-7 b(,)20 b(once)f(w)n(e)g(ha)n (v)n(e)e(built)j(the)g(co)r(e\016cien)n(t)f(matrix,)h(w)n(e)609 1046 y(m)n(ust)26 b(redistribute)g(its)h(elemen)n(ts)e(among)h(all)f (the)i(pro)r(cessors)d(of)i(the)g(mesh)g(in)609 1146 y(order)c(to)h(solv)n(e)f(the)i(linear)e(system.)35 b(The)23 b(computation)g(and)g(comm)n(unication)609 1245 y(outline)28 b(in)f(eac)n(h)g(iteration)g(of)g(the)h(parallel)e(algorithm)h(is)g 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exch sub /JustOffset edf}bdf /adjfit{stringwidth pop LetterSpace StringLength 1 sub mul add SpaceExtra NumSpaces mul add dup /pw edf JustOffset exch sub dup /wdif edf StringLength div LetterSpace add /LetterSpace edf}bdf /ulb{currentpoint pop /underlinpt edf}bdf /ule{gsave currentpoint newpath moveto currentfont dup /ft1 known{dup /ft1 get begin /FontMatrix get FontMatrix tpmx concatmatrix pop} {begin FontMatrix tpmx copy pop}ifelse currentfont /FontInfo known {FontInfo begin UnderlinePosition UnderlineThickness end}{-.1 .05}ifelse end dup tpmx dtransform pop setlinewidth dup tpmx dtransform pop 0 exch rmoveto underlinpt currentpoint pop sub 0 rlineto stroke grestore}bdf /fittext{ /SpaceExtra edf /LetterSpace edf /StringLength edf /NumSpaces edf /JustOffset edf not 1 currentgray ne or {dup {ulb}if exch dup adjfit lsx {ule}if}{pop pop}ifelse}bdf /cvRecFont{/encod edf FontDirectory 2 index known{cleartomark}{findfont dup length 1 add dict begin {1 index/FID ne{def}{pop pop}ifelse}forall encod{/Encoding CVvec def}if currentdict end definefont cleartomark}ifelse}bdf /wrk1 ( ) def/wdict 16 dict def /Work75 75 string def /Nmk{Work75 cvs dup}bdf /Npt{put cvn}bdf /dhOdh{Nmk 2 79 Npt}bdf /dhodh{Nmk 2 111 Npt}bdf /dhSdh{Nmk 2 83 Npt}bdf /sfWidth{gsave 0 0 moveto 0 0 lineto 0 0 lineto 0 0 lineto closepath clip stringwidth grestore}bdf /MakOF{dup dhodh FontDirectory 1 index known{exch pop}{exch findfont dup length 1 add dict begin {1 index/FID ne 2 index /UniqueID ne and{def}{pop pop}ifelse}forall /PaintType 2 def /StrokeWidth .18 dup FontMatrix idtransform pop ftSize div %dup 12 lt{pop 12}if def dup currentdict end definefont pop}ifelse}bdf /fts{dup/ftSize edf}def /mkFT{/tempFT 11 dict def tempFT begin /FontMatrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] def/FontType 3 def FontDirectory 3 index get /Encoding get/Encoding exch def /proc2 edf/ft2 exch findfont def/ft1 exch findfont def/FontBBox [0 0 1 1] def /BuildChar{wdict begin/chr edf/ftdt edf/chrst wrk1 dup 0 chr put def ftdt/proc2 get exec end}def end tempFT definefont pop}bdf /OLFt{dup dhOdh FontDirectory 1 index known{exch pop} {dup 3 -1 roll dup MakOF {outproc} mkFT}ifelse}bdf /mshw{moveto show}bdf /outproc{ftdt/ft1 get setfont gsave chrst sfWidth grestore setcharwidth dblsh}bdf /dblsh{currentgray 1 setgray chrst 0 0 mshw setgray ftdt/ft2 get setfont chrst 0 0 mshw}bdf /ShadChar{ftdt/ft1 get setfont gsave chrst sfWidth 1 index 0 ne{exch .05 add exch}if grestore setcharwidth chrst .06 0 mshw 0 .05 translate dblsh}bdf /ShFt{dup dhSdh FontDirectory 1 index known{exch pop} {dup 3 -1 roll dup MakOF {ShadChar} mkFT}ifelse}bdf /LswUnits{72 75 div dup scale}bdf /erasefill{_bp}def /CVvec 256 array def /NUL/SOH/STX/ETX/EOT/ENQ/ACK/BEL/BS/HT/LF/VT/FF/CR/SO/SI/DLE/DC1/DC2/DC3/DC4/NAK/SYN/ETB/CAN/EM/SUB/ESC/FS/GS/RS/US CVvec 0 32 getinterval astore pop CVvec 32/Times-Roman findfont/Encoding get 32 96 getinterval putinterval CVvec dup 39/quotesingle put 96/grave put /Adieresis/Aring/Ccedilla/Eacute/Ntilde/Odieresis/Udieresis/aacute /agrave/acircumflex/adieresis/atilde/aring/ccedilla/eacute/egrave /ecircumflex/edieresis/iacute/igrave/icircumflex/idieresis/ntilde/oacute /ograve/ocircumflex/odieresis/otilde/uacute/ugrave/ucircumflex/udieresis /dagger/degree/cent/sterling/section/bullet/paragraph/germandbls /registered/copyright/trademark/acute/dieresis/notequal/AE/Oslash /infinity/plusminus/lessequal/greaterequal/yen/mu/partialdiff/summation /product/pi/integral/ordfeminine/ordmasculine/Omega/ae/oslash /questiondown/exclamdown/logicalnot/radical/florin/approxequal/Delta/guillemotleft /guillemotright/ellipsis/blank/Agrave/Atilde/Otilde/OE/oe /endash/emdash/quotedblleft/quotedblright/quoteleft/quoteright/divide/lozenge /ydieresis/Ydieresis/fraction/currency/guilsinglleft/guilsinglright/fi/fl /daggerdbl/periodcentered/quotesinglbase/quotedblbase/perthousand/Acircumflex/Ecircumflex/Aacute /Edieresis/Egrave/Iacute/Icircumflex/Idieresis/Igrave/Oacute/Ocircumflex /apple/Ograve/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Ugrave/dotlessi/circumflex/tilde /macron/breve/dotaccent/ring/cedilla/hungarumlaut/ogonek/caron CVvec 128 128 getinterval astore pop end %%EndProcSet %%BeginSetup CanvasDict begin 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 4 setmiterlimit /currot 0 def origmtx currentmatrix pop [] 0 setdash 1 1 setpen 1 fg 0 pg 0 frg 1 bkg newpath /dbg F def LswUnits %%EndSetup % ---- Object #1:5 Obj Type: 99 % ---- Object #2:7 Obj Type: 99 % ---- Object #3:8 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 159 7.5 129.5 37.5 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #4:9 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 159 52 129.5 82 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #5:10 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 159 96.5 129.5 126.5 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #6:11 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 37.5 145 moveto 51 145 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #7:12 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 82.5 145 moveto 96 145 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #8:13 Obj Type: 99 % ---- Object #9:14 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 115.5 7.5 86 37.5 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #10:15 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 115.5 52 86 82 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #11:17 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 115.5 96.5 86 126.5 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #12:18 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 37.5 101.5 moveto 51 101.5 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #13:19 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 82.5 101.5 moveto 96 101.5 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #14:20 Obj Type: 99 % ---- Object #15:21 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 71 7.5 41.5 37.5 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #16:22 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 71 52 41.5 82 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #17:23 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 71 96.5 41.5 126.5 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #18:24 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 37.5 57 moveto 51 57 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #19:25 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 82.5 57 moveto 96 57 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #20:26 Obj Type: 3 4 4 setpen 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.5 pg gsave newpath 22.5 143.5 moveto 29.7934 123.4621 lineto 15.2066 123.4621 lineto 22.5 143.5 lineto closepath F doline grestore gsave newpath 22.5 56.5 moveto 22.5 123.4621 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #21:27 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.5 pg gsave newpath 66.5 143.5 moveto 73.7934 123.4621 lineto 59.2066 123.4621 lineto 66.5 143.5 lineto closepath F doline grestore gsave newpath 66.5 56.5 moveto 66.5 123.4621 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #22:28 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.5 pg gsave newpath 110.5 143.5 moveto 117.7934 123.4621 lineto 103.2066 123.4621 lineto 110.5 143.5 lineto closepath F doline grestore gsave newpath 110.5 56.5 moveto 110.5 123.4621 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #23:29 Obj Type: 4 1 1 setpen 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0 pg 0.9375 fg 159.5 154.5 130 184.5 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #24:30 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 159.5 199 130 229 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #25:31 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 159.5 243.5 130 273.5 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #26:32 Obj Type: 99 % ---- Object #27:33 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 116 154.5 86.5 184.5 rectpath F dostroke % ---- Object #28:34 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 116 199 86.5 229 rectpath F dostroke % ---- Object #29:35 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 116 243.5 86.5 273.5 rectpath F dostroke % ---- Object #30:36 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 184.5 102 moveto 198 102 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #31:37 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 229.5 102 moveto 243 102 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #32:38 Obj Type: 99 % ---- Object #33:39 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 71.5 154.5 42 184.5 rectpath F dostroke % ---- Object #34:40 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 71.5 199 42 229 rectpath F dostroke % ---- Object #35:41 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 71.5 243.5 42 273.5 rectpath F dostroke % ---- Object #36:42 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 184.5 57.5 moveto 198 57.5 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #37:43 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 229.5 57.5 moveto 243 57.5 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #38:44 Obj Type: 99 % ---- Object #39:45 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 169 116.5 moveto 169 129.5 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #40:46 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 213.5 116 moveto 213.5 129 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #41:47 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 258 116 moveto 258 129 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #42:48 Obj Type: 99 % ---- Object #43:49 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 168.5 73 moveto 168.5 86 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #44:50 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 213 72.5 moveto 213 85.5 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #45:51 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 257.5 72.5 moveto 257.5 85.5 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #46:52 Obj Type: 99 % ---- Object #47:53 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 159 303.5 129.5 333.5 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #48:54 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 159 348 129.5 378 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #49:55 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 159 392.5 129.5 422.5 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #50:56 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 333.5 145 moveto 347 145 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #51:57 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 378.5 145 moveto 392 145 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #52:58 Obj Type: 99 % ---- Object #53:59 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 115.5 303.5 86 333.5 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #54:60 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 115.5 348 86 378 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #55:61 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 115.5 392.5 86 422.5 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #56:62 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 333.5 101.5 moveto 347 101.5 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #57:63 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 378.5 101.5 moveto 392 101.5 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #58:64 Obj Type: 99 % ---- Object #59:65 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 71 303.5 41.5 333.5 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #60:66 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 71 348 41.5 378 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #61:67 Obj Type: 4 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.9375 fg 71 392.5 41.5 422.5 rectpath F dofillsave F dostroke % ---- Object #62:68 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 333.5 57 moveto 347 57 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #63:69 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin gsave newpath 378.5 57 moveto 392 57 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #64:70 Obj Type: 3 4 4 setpen 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.5 pg gsave newpath 318.5 56.5 moveto 311.2066 76.5379 lineto 325.7934 76.5379 lineto 318.5 56.5 lineto closepath F doline grestore gsave newpath 318.5 76.5379 moveto 318.5 143.5 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #65:71 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.5 pg gsave newpath 362.5 56.5 moveto 355.2066 76.5379 lineto 369.7934 76.5379 lineto 362.5 56.5 lineto closepath F doline grestore gsave newpath 362.5 76.5379 moveto 362.5 143.5 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #66:72 Obj Type: 3 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.5 pg gsave newpath 406.5 56.5 moveto 399.2066 76.5379 lineto 413.7934 76.5379 lineto 406.5 56.5 lineto closepath F doline grestore gsave newpath 406.5 76.5379 moveto 406.5 143.5 lineto F dostroke grestore % ---- Object #67:73 Obj Type: 2 0 0 setpen save 0 setgray mark /|___Times-Roman /Times-Roman T cvRecFont 12 fts /|___Times-Roman findfont exch scalefont setfont 0 setgray 6.375 182 moveto (Computation and gathering) F F 131.3057 2 25 0 0 fittext 0 setgray 6.375 170 moveto (of the spectrum) F F 74.6338 2 15 0 0 fittext restore % ---- Object #68:74 Obj Type: 2 save 0 setgray mark /|___Times-Roman /Times-Roman T cvRecFont 12 fts /|___Times-Roman findfont exch scalefont setfont 0 setgray 143.375 29 moveto (Redistribution of the eigenvectors) F F 162.9463 3 34 0 0 fittext 0 setgray 143.375 17 moveto (and Computation of matrix C) F F 141.3105 4 27 0 0 fittext restore % ---- Object #69:75 Obj Type: 2 save 0 setgray mark /|___Times-Roman /Times-Roman T cvRecFont 12 fts /|___Times-Roman findfont exch scalefont setfont 0 setgray 299.375 180.5 moveto (Scattering of matrix C and) F F 127.2891 4 26 0 0 fittext 0 setgray 299.375 168.5 moveto (linear system solving) F F 101.9766 2 21 0 0 fittext restore % ---- Object #70:76 Obj Type: 3 4 4 setpen 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 0.5 pg gsave newpath 259.5 145 moveto 239.4621 137.7066 lineto 239.4621 152.2934 lineto 259.5 145 lineto closepath F doline grestore gsave newpath 169 145 moveto 189.0379 152.2934 lineto 189.0379 137.7066 lineto 169 145 lineto closepath F doline grestore gsave newpath 189.0379 145 moveto 239.4621 145 lineto F dostroke grestore origmtx setmatrix systemdict /setpacking known {origpack setpacking} if end showpage %%EndDocument: %%EndDocument @endspecial 382 2502 a Ft(Figure)21 b(2:)37 b(Computation)21 b(and)h(comm)m(unication)f(outline)g(of)h(the)g(parallel)e(algorithm.) 734 2777 y Fr(T)-7 b(o)28 b(p)r(erform)g(all)h(the)g(comm)n(unications) f(of)h(the)g(algorithm)e(w)n(e)i(ha)n(v)n(e)f(used)609 2877 y(the)38 b(routines)f(in)i(BLA)n(CS)e([9])h(and)f(the)h(auxiliary) f(redistribution)g(routines)609 2977 y(included)28 b(in)g(the)g(ScaLAP) -7 b(A)n(CK)27 b(library)-7 b(.)609 3209 y Fm(4.1)112 b(Theoretical)36 b(cost)h(analysis)609 3362 y Fr(In)29 b(this)f(section)g(w)n(e)g(use)g(the)g(ScaLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)27 b(mo)r(del)i(in)f(order)f(to)h(analyze)f(the)609 3462 y(theoretical)j(cost)g(of)g(the)h(parallel)e(algorithm.)45 b(In)30 b(this)h(mo)r(del,)h Fn(p)e Fr(pro)r(cessors)609 3562 y(are)k(distributed)i(in)g(a)e(square)g(mesh)i(and)f(the)g (matrices)g(of)g(size)g Fn(n)23 b Fd(\002)g Fn(n)35 b Fr(are)609 3661 y(distributed)24 b(b)n(y)e(using)h(a)g(blo)r(c)n(k)f (cyclic)h(sc)n(heme)g(with)g(blo)r(c)n(k)g(size)g Fn(nb)9 b Fd(\002)g Fn(nb)p Fr(.)34 b(The)609 3761 y(cost)27 b(of)h(a)f(driv)n(er)f(routine)i(in)f(ScaLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)27 b(\([3],)g(pag.)37 b(97\))27 b(is)g(giv)n(en)g(b)n(y:)1130 3993 y Fn(T)12 b Fr(\()p Fn(n;)i(p)p Fr(\))22 b(=)h Fn(C)1553 4005 y Fl(f)1606 3936 y Fn(n)1656 3906 y Fg(3)p 1606 3973 88 4 v 1629 4049 a Fn(p)1703 3993 y(t)1733 4005 y Fl(f)1795 3993 y Fr(+)18 b Fn(C)1937 4005 y Fl(v)1999 3936 y Fn(n)2049 3906 y Fg(2)p 1987 3973 111 4 v 1987 3998 a Fd(p)p 2056 3998 42 4 v 51 x Fn(p)2108 3993 y(t)2138 4005 y Fl(v)2195 3993 y Fr(+)g Fn(C)2337 4005 y Fl(m)2429 3936 y Fn(n)p 2411 3973 86 4 v 2411 4049 a(nb)2506 3993 y(t)2536 4005 y Fl(m)2599 3993 y Fn(;)415 b Fr(\(6\))609 4203 y(where)21 b Fn(C)902 4215 y Fl(f)946 4203 y Fn(n)996 4173 y Fg(3)1033 4203 y Fn(=p)g Fr(represen)n(ts)g(the)h(total)f(n)n (um)n(b)r(er)h(of)g(\015oating)f(p)r(oin)n(t)h(op)r(erations,)609 4303 y Fn(C)668 4315 y Fl(v)708 4303 y Fn(n)758 4273 y Fg(2)795 4303 y Fn(=)837 4251 y Fd(p)p 906 4251 42 4 v 52 x Fn(p)j Fr(represen)n(ts)f(the)i(total)g(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)f(of)h (b)n(ytes)f(comm)n(unicated)g(through)609 4402 y(the)k(algorithm,)e (and)h Fn(C)1376 4414 y Fl(m)1439 4402 y Fn(n=nb)g Fr(represen)n(ts)e (the)j(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)f(of)g(messages)f(trans-)609 4502 y(ferred.)734 4602 y(W)-7 b(e)30 b(mak)n(e)e(some)h(assumptions)g(in)h (order)e(to)h(simplify)h(the)g(cost)f(analysis.)609 4701 y(First,)f(w)n(e)g(are)e(going)h(to)h(represen)n(t)f(the)h(cost)f(in)h (the)h(case)e(of)g(a)h(square)e(mesh,)609 4801 y(though,)36 b(as)e(w)n(e)g(will)h(see)f(in)g(the)h(follo)n(wing)e(sections,)j(the)f (con\014guration)e(of)609 4901 y(the)27 b(mesh)g(greatly)f(a\013ects)h (the)g(exp)r(erimen)n(tal)f(results.)37 b(Second,)26 b(w)n(e)h(p)r(erform)609 5000 y(the)j(redistribution)f(of)g(the)h (matrices)f(using)g(messages)e(of)j(size)f Fn(nb)19 b Fd(\002)g Fn(nb)p Fr(,)30 b(and)609 5100 y(w)n(e)d(supp)r(ose)h(that)g (there)f(is)g(no)h(o)n(v)n(erlapping)d(among)i(these)g(messages.)734 5199 y(In)22 b(the)g(previous)e(conditions,)j(w)n(e)e(ha)n(v)n(e)f (computed)i(the)g(v)-5 b(alues)22 b(of)f(the)h(con-)609 5299 y(stan)n(ts)33 b(in)g(\(6\))g(whic)n(h)g(corresp)r(onds)e(to)i (the)g(part)g(of)g(the)g(parallel)f(algorithm)1854 5652 y Ft(9)p eop %%Page: 10 10 10 9 bop 609 548 a Fr(that)33 b(is)g(not)f(computed)h(using)g(ScaLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)31 b(driv)n(ers.)51 b(Therefore,)33 b(the)g(fol-)609 648 y(lo)n(wing)23 b(constan)n(ts)f(include)i(the)g(computation)g(of)f (the)h(co)r(e\016cien)n(t)g(matrix)f(and)609 747 y(the)28 b(data)f(redistributions)g(in)h(eac)n(h)f(iteration.)1684 946 y Fn(C)1743 958 y Fl(f)1809 946 y Fd(\031)1962 890 y Fn(p)p 1907 927 153 4 v 1907 1003 a Fr(2)1949 952 y Fd(p)p 2017 952 42 4 v 2017 1003 a Fn(p)3037 946 y Fr(\(7\))1575 1203 y Fn(C)1634 1215 y Fl(v)1697 1203 y Fd(\031)1794 1146 y Fr(3)p 1794 1184 V 1794 1260 a(2)1859 1203 y(\()1892 1147 y Fd(p)p 1961 1147 V 56 x Fn(p)18 b Fr(+)g(1\))859 b(\(8\))1513 1459 y Fn(C)1572 1471 y Fl(f)1639 1459 y Fd(\031)1736 1403 y Fr(3)p 1736 1440 V 1736 1516 a(2)1802 1459 y(\()1834 1403 y Fd(p)p 1903 1403 V 56 x Fn(p)18 b Fd(\000)g Fr(1\))2162 1403 y Fn(n)p 2144 1440 86 4 v 2144 1516 a(nb)3037 1459 y Fr(\(9\))734 1620 y(If)k(w)n(e)g(w)n(an)n (t)g(to)g(obtain)g(the)h(total)f(cost)g(of)h(the)f(parallel)f (algorithm)h(w)n(e)g(ha)n(v)n(e)609 1720 y(to)k(add)f(the)h(v)-5 b(alues)25 b(asso)r(ciated)f(to)h(the)h(ScaLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)24 b(routines)h(used)h(in)f(eac)n(h)609 1820 y(iteration)35 b(\([3],)i(table)f(5.8\))f(to)g(the)h(previous)e(constan)n(ts.)59 b(W)-7 b(e)36 b(also)e(ha)n(v)n(e)h(to)609 1919 y(recall)d(that)h(w)n (e)f(compute)h(the)g(o)r(dd)g(and)g(ev)n(en)f(sp)r(ectra)g(separately) -7 b(,)33 b(and)f(so,)609 2019 y(w)n(e)27 b(call)h(the)g(routine)f Fh(PDSYEV)e Fr(t)n(wice)i(with)i(t)n(w)n(o)d(matrices)h(of)h(size)f Fn(n=)p Fr(2.)734 2118 y(In)j(\014gure)g(3)g(w)n(e)h(sho)n(w)e(the)i(p) r(erformance)f(of)g(the)h(parallel)f(algorithm)f(ob-)609 2218 y(tained)39 b(b)n(y)g(applying)g(the)g(previous)g(theoretical)f (mo)r(del.)72 b(Sp)r(eci\014cally)-7 b(,)42 b(w)n(e)609 2318 y(ha)n(v)n(e)f(substituted)i(in)f(\(6\))h(the)f(v)-5 b(alues)42 b(of)g(the)g(parameter)f Fn(t)2651 2330 y Fl(f)2694 2318 y Fr(,)46 b Fn(t)2793 2330 y Fl(v)2874 2318 y Fr(and)c Fn(t)3080 2330 y Fl(m)609 2417 y Fr(whic)n(h)d(corresp) r(onds)e(to)i(our)g(parallel)e(arc)n(hitecture)h(\(see)h Fd(x)p Fr(3\).)71 b(If)40 b(w)n(e)f(ana-)609 2517 y(lyze)28 b(the)g(computations)f(dev)n(elop)r(ed)h(in)g(the)g(parallel)f (algorithm,)g(w)n(e)g(can)h(see)609 2617 y(a)c(com)n(bination)f(of)h (sev)n(eral)f(BLAS)h(lev)n(els.)35 b(Therefore,)24 b(w)n(e)g(ha)n(v)n (e)f(used)h(a)g(v)-5 b(alue)609 2716 y(of)23 b Fn(t)729 2728 y Fl(f)795 2716 y Fr(=)f(0)p Fn(;)14 b Fr(015)p Fn(\026)p Fr(s.,)22 b(corresp)r(onding)e(to)j(an)f(in)n(termediate)g(p) r(oin)n(t)h(among)e(BLAS)609 2816 y(lev)n(els)27 b(2)g(and)h(3.)734 2915 y(The)20 b(results)g(in)h(\014gure)f(3)g(sho)n(w)g(that)h(the)g (sp)r(eedups)f(are)g(quite)h(far)f(from)g(the)609 3015 y(maxim)n(um.)44 b(This)30 b(b)r(eha)n(viour)f(is)h(mainly)f(due)i(to)e (the)i(large)d(comm)n(unication)609 3115 y(cost)h(obtained)f(if)i(w)n (e)e(substitute)i(\(8\))f(and)g(\(9\))g(in)g(\(6\).)42 b(T)-7 b(aking)28 b(in)n(to)g(accoun)n(t)609 3214 y(our)d(assumptions,) h(b)r(oth)g(expressions)e(represen)n(t)g(maxim)n(um)i(b)r(ounds)g(for)f (the)609 3314 y(comm)n(unication)i(cost.)459 4823 y @beginspecial 81 @llx 94 @lly 763 @urx 492 @ury 3401 @rwi 1700 @rhi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: fig3.eps %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 81 94 763 492 %%Title: ([invtoep.wbk]Aplicaci\227n del modelo te\227rico Gr\207fico 1) %%Creator: (Microsoft Excel: LaserWriter 8 E1-8.6) %%CreationDate: (09:32 mi\216rcoles, 15 septiembre 1999) %%For: (badia) %%Routing: (mailto:\ %%Pages: 1 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Bold Times-Roman %%DocumentNeededFonts: Times-Bold Times-Roman %%DocumentSuppliedFonts: %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit %%PageOrder: Ascend %%Orientation: Landscape %%DocumentMedia: Default 841.92 594.96 0 () () %RBINumCopies: 1 %RBINupNess: 1 1 %ADO_ImageableArea: 12.24 13.44 829.92 581.76 %%EndComments 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3407 2368 rC 528 405 2088 1386 rC .004 lw 8.004 528 1649.002 @c 8.004 552 1649.002 @c 8.004 576 1649.002 @c 8.004 600 1649.002 @c 8.004 624 1649.002 @c 8.004 648 1649.002 @c 8.004 672 1649.002 @c 8.004 696 1649.002 @c 8.004 720 1649.002 @c 8.004 744 1649.002 @c 8.004 768 1649.002 @c 8.004 792 1649.002 @c 8.004 816 1649.002 @c 8.004 840 1649.002 @c 8.004 864 1649.002 @c 8.004 888 1649.002 @c 8.004 912 1649.002 @c 8.004 936 1649.002 @c 8.004 960 1649.002 @c 8.004 984 1649.002 @c 8.004 1008 1649.002 @c 8.004 1032 1649.002 @c 8.004 1056 1649.002 @c 8.004 1080 1649.002 @c 8.004 1104 1649.002 @c 8.004 1128 1649.002 @c 8.004 1152 1649.002 @c 8.004 1176 1649.002 @c 8.004 1200 1649.002 @c 8.004 1224 1649.002 @c 8.004 1248 1649.002 @c 8.004 1272 1649.002 @c 8.004 1296 1649.002 @c 8.004 1320 1649.002 @c 8.004 1344 1649.002 @c 8.004 1368 1649.002 @c 8.004 1392 1649.002 @c 8.004 1416 1649.002 @c 8.004 1440 1649.002 @c 8.004 1464 1649.002 @c 8.004 1488 1649.002 @c 8.004 1512 1649.002 @c 8.004 1536 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b(This)30 b(table)g(sho)n(ws)f(the)h(absolute) g(p)r(erformance)f(of)609 3822 y(the)34 b(algorithms)d(in)i(the)h(exp)r (erimen)n(tal)e(en)n(vironmen)n(t.)52 b(W)-7 b(e)34 b(can)e(see)h(a)g (clear)609 3922 y(reduction)i(in)g(the)g(duration)f(of)h(the)g (algorithm)e(when)i(w)n(e)g(use)g(the)g(parallel)609 4022 y(algorithm.)62 b(F)-7 b(or)35 b(example,)j(with)f(a)f(matrix)g (size)f(of)i Fn(n)g Fr(=)g(1200)d(w)n(e)i(reduce)609 4121 y(the)27 b(duration)g(from)f(2677.39)e(seconds)i(in)h(the)g (sequen)n(tial)g(v)n(ersion,)e(to)i(268.21)609 4221 y(seconds)g(in)h (the)g(parallel)e(v)n(ersion)g(using)h(25)g(pro)r(cessors.)734 4320 y(In)f(the)g(follo)n(wing)f(sections)g(w)n(e)h(study)g(the)g (e\013ect)h(of)f(the)g(con\014guration)f(of)609 4420 y(the)j(mesh)f(in)h(the)g(p)r(erformance)e(of)i(the)g(parallel)e (algorithm)g(and)i(w)n(e)f(analyze)609 4520 y(its)h(scalabilit)n(y)e (using)i(di\013eren)n(t)f(metrics.)609 4752 y Fm(5.1)112 b(E\013ect)37 b(of)h(the)f(con\014guration)h(of)f(the)h(mesh)609 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w(180,56)p 2660 1267 V 147 w(268,21)p 3058 1267 V 693 1270 2367 4 v 469 1425 a(T)-8 b(able)30 b(2:)41 b(Duration)30 b(of)g(the)h(sequen)m(tial)f(and)g(parallel)e(algorithms) h(in)g(seconds.)609 1774 y Fr(sors)f(in)i(the)g(mesh.)43 b(Sp)r(eci\014cally)-7 b(,)30 b(w)n(e)g(m)n(ust)f(gather)g(the)h(eigen) n(v)n(ectors)d(in)j(the)609 1874 y(\014rst)e(ro)n(w)e(of)i(pro)r (cessors)e(and)h(w)n(e)h(m)n(ust)g(redistribute)f(the)h(co)r(e\016cien) n(t)g(matrix)609 1974 y(to)f(all)f(the)h(pro)r(cessors.)34 b(Both)26 b(op)r(erations)f(force)h(an)g(imp)r(ortan)n(t)h(comm)n (unica-)609 2073 y(tion)32 b(cost)f(whose)g(real)f(v)-5 b(alue)32 b(dep)r(ends)g(on)f(the)h(con\014guration)e(of)h(the)h(mesh.) 609 2173 y(If)26 b(w)n(e)f(use)g(an)g(unidimensional)g(mesh)h(with)f (only)g(one)g(ro)n(w)f(of)i(pro)r(cessors,)d(the)609 2273 y(cost)d(of)h(these)g(comm)n(unications)f(is)g(zero,)h(while)g(if) g(w)n(e)g(only)f(use)h(one)f(column)h(of)609 2372 y(pro)r(cessors,)i (its)i(cost)f(is)h(the)g(maxim)n(um)g(one.)35 b(Ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er,)24 b(with)h(large)e(matrices)609 2472 y(w)n(e)h(m)n(ust)h(also)e(tak)n(e)h (in)n(to)h(accoun)n(t)e(that)i(the)g(b)r(eha)n(viour)e(of)i(the)g (ScaLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)609 2571 y(routines)34 b(is)h(b)r(etter)g(with)h (square)d(meshes,)k(and)e(that)g(this)g(class)f(of)h(meshes)609 2671 y(impro)n(v)n(e)26 b(the)i(load)f(balance)g(of)h(the)g(whole)f (algorithm.)734 2771 y(In)32 b(\014gure)f(5)h(w)n(e)g(can)g(see)g(ho)n (w)f(if)i(w)n(e)f(use)g(meshes)g(with)g(a)g(large)f(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)609 2870 y(of)i(ro)n(ws,)g(the)h(sp)r(eedups)f(decrease)f(due)h(to)g(the)g (larger)e(cost)i(of)g(the)h(redistri-)609 2970 y(butions,)g(while)f (the)h(b)r(est)f(p)r(erformance)f(with)h(large)f(matrices)g(\()p Fn(n)p Fr(=1200\))f(is)609 3070 y(obtained)c(using)h(square)e(or)h (almost)g(square)f(meshes.)459 4603 y @beginspecial 81 @llx 92 @lly 786 @urx 493 @ury 3401 @rwi 1700 @rhi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: fig5.eps %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 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1717 :L 1220 1691 :L eofill 0 G 1220 1691.004 -.004 .004 1233.004 1717 .004 1220 1691 @a 26.004 1207 1717.002 @c -.004 -.004 1207.004 1717.004 .004 .004 1220 1691 @b 1220 1691.004 -.004 .004 1233.004 1717 .004 1220 1691 @a 26.004 1207 1717.002 @c -.004 -.004 1207.004 1717.004 .004 .004 1220 1691 @b 1 G np 1911 1697 :M 1924 1723 :L 1898 1723 :L 1911 1697 :L eofill 0 G 1911 1697.004 -.004 .004 1924.004 1723 .004 1911 1697 @a 26.004 1898 1723.002 @c -.004 -.004 1898.004 1723.004 .004 .004 1911 1697 @b 1911 1697.004 -.004 .004 1924.004 1723 .004 1911 1697 @a 26.004 1898 1723.002 @c -.004 -.004 1898.004 1723.004 .004 .004 1911 1697 @b 1 G np 2602 1709 :M 2615 1735 :L 2589 1735 :L 2602 1709 :L eofill 0 G 2602 1709.004 -.004 .004 2615.004 1735 .004 2602 1709 @a 26.004 2589 1735.002 @c -.004 -.004 2589.004 1735.004 .004 .004 2602 1709 @b 2602 1709.004 -.004 .004 2615.004 1735 .004 2602 1709 @a 26.004 2589 1735.002 @c -.004 -.004 2589.004 1735.004 .004 .004 2602 1709 @b gR gS 1385 1926 360 126 rC 1395 2009 :M f147 sf (Processors)S gR .004 lw gS 0 0 3407 2368 rC gS 360 1236 :T 270 rotate -360 -1236 :T 360 1236 :M f147 sf (Speedup)S gR 185 240 3036 1889 rC 443 1805 :M f175 sf (0)S 443 1668 :M (1)S 443 1530 :M (2)S 443 1392 :M (3)S 443 1254 :M (4)S 443 1117 :M (5)S 443 979 :M (6)S 443 841 :M (7)S 443 703 :M (8)S 443 566 :M (9)S 414 428 :M (10)S 485 1900 :M (2x2)S 1176 1900 :M (3x3)S 1867 1900 :M (4x4)S 2558 1900 :M 1 G 0 G (5x5)S 1 G 2714 741 414 716 rF 0 G 2740 767 361 90 rC 206.004 2748 805.002 @c 2839 793 24 24 rF 1 G 2838.5 792.5 25 25 rS 2978 830 :M 0 G (1200)S gR gS 2740 882 361 89 rC 206.004 2748 920.002 @c 1 G 2839 908 24 24 rF 0 G 2838.5 907.5 25 25 rS 2978 945 :M f175 sf (1000)S gR gS 2740 996 333 90 rC 206.004 2748 1034.002 @c np 2851 1047 :M 2864 1034 :L 2851 1021 :L 2838 1034 :L 2851 1047 :L eofill 1 G -.004 -.004 2851.004 1047.004 .004 .004 2864 1034 @b 2851 1021.004 -.004 .004 2864.004 1034 .004 2851 1021 @a -.004 -.004 2838.004 1034.004 .004 .004 2851 1021 @b 2838 1034.004 -.004 .004 2851.004 1047 .004 2838 1034 @a -.004 -.004 2851.004 1047.004 .004 .004 2864 1034 @b 2851 1021.004 -.004 .004 2864.004 1034 .004 2851 1021 @a -.004 -.004 2838.004 1034.004 .004 .004 2851 1021 @b 2838 1034.004 -.004 .004 2851.004 1047 .004 2838 1034 @a 2978 1059 :M 0 G f175 sf (800)S gR gS 2740 1111 333 89 rC 206.004 2748 1149.002 @c 1 G np 2851 1162 :M 2864 1149 :L 2851 1136 :L 2838 1149 :L 2851 1162 :L eofill 0 G -.004 -.004 2851.004 1162.004 .004 .004 2864 1149 @b 2851 1136.004 -.004 .004 2864.004 1149 .004 2851 1136 @a -.004 -.004 2838.004 1149.004 .004 .004 2851 1136 @b 2838 1149.004 -.004 .004 2851.004 1162 .004 2838 1149 @a -.004 -.004 2851.004 1162.004 .004 .004 2864 1149 @b 2851 1136.004 -.004 .004 2864.004 1149 .004 2851 1136 @a -.004 -.004 2838.004 1149.004 .004 .004 2851 1136 @b 2838 1149.004 -.004 .004 2851.004 1162 .004 2838 1149 @a 2978 1174 :M f175 sf (600)S gR gS 2740 1225 333 90 rC 206.004 2748 1263.002 @c np 2851 1250 :M 2864 1276 :L 2838 1276 :L 2851 1250 :L eofill 1 G 2851 1250.004 -.004 .004 2864.004 1276 .004 2851 1250 @a 26.004 2838 1276.002 @c -.004 -.004 2838.004 1276.004 .004 .004 2851 1250 @b 2851 1250.004 -.004 .004 2864.004 1276 .004 2851 1250 @a 26.004 2838 1276.002 @c -.004 -.004 2838.004 1276.004 .004 .004 2851 1250 @b 2978 1288 :M 0 G f175 sf (400)S gR gS 2740 1340 333 90 rC 206.004 2748 1378.002 @c 1 G np 2851 1365 :M 2864 1391 :L 2838 1391 :L 2851 1365 :L eofill 0 G 2851 1365.004 -.004 .004 2864.004 1391 .004 2851 1365 @a 26.004 2838 1391.002 @c -.004 -.004 2838.004 1391.004 .004 .004 2851 1365 @b 2851 1365.004 -.004 .004 2864.004 1391 .004 2851 1365 @a 26.004 2838 1391.002 @c -.004 -.004 2838.004 1391.004 .004 .004 2851 1365 @b 2978 1403 :M f175 sf (200)S gR gS 2707 635 391 126 rC 2716 718 :M f147 sf (Matrix Size)S gR endp showpage %%Trailer end %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial 1178 2070 a Ft(Figure)30 b(7:)41 b(Sp)s(eedup)28 b(without)i(scaling.)734 2420 y Fr(Figure)h(7)h(also)e(allo)n(ws)h(us)h (to)g(con\014rm)f(exp)r(erimen)n(tally)g(the)i(results)e(pre-)609 2519 y(dicted)37 b(b)n(y)f(the)h(theoretical)e(analysis)g(in)i(section) 72 b(4.1)36 b(and)g(represen)n(ted)f(in)609 2619 y(\014gure)29 b(3.)44 b(The)30 b(patterns)f(in)i(b)r(oth)f(\014gures)f(are)g (similar,)h(and)f(the)i(di\013erences)609 2719 y(are)g(due)h(to)f(sev)n (eral)f(reasons.)47 b(First,)33 b(the)f(theoretical)f(computation)g (cost)h(is)609 2818 y(based)e(on)g(a)h(v)-5 b(alue)30 b(for)g(the)h(parameter)e Fn(t)1957 2830 y Fl(f)2031 2818 y Fr(that)h(do)r(es)h(not)f(ha)n(v)n(e)f(to)i(coincide)609 2918 y(with)25 b(the)g(mean)f(cost)g(of)g(a)g(\015op)g(in)h(our)e (algorithm,)h(and)g(that)h(is)f(based)g(on)g(the)609 3017 y(p)r(erformance)29 b(of)h(sev)n(eral)e(BLAS)j(and)f(LAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)29 b(routines.)44 b(In)30 b(general,)f(the)609 3117 y(computation)h(p)r(erformance)f(of)h(our)f(algorithm)f(is)i (quite)g(far)g(from)f(the)i(p)r(eak)609 3217 y(of)k(the)g(mac)n(hine,)h (and)e(it)h(is)g(nearer)e(to)h(the)h(v)-5 b(alues)34 b(obtained)h(with)g(routine)609 3316 y Fh(DGEMV)26 b Fr(than)h(to)h(the)g(v)-5 b(alues)27 b(obtained)g(with)i(routine)e Fh(DGEMM)p Fr(,)e(\(see)j(table)g(1\).)734 3416 y(Second,)20 b(the)f(comm)n(unication)f(cost)g(in)h(the)g(theoretical)f(mo)r(del)h (is)g(based)f(on)609 3516 y(some)j(simpli\014cations)g(that)h(do)f(not) h(tak)n(e)f(in)n(to)g(accoun)n(t)g(the)h(p)r(ossible)f(o)n(v)n(erlap-) 609 3615 y(ping)32 b(among)e(di\013eren)n(t)i(messages,)f(the)i(use)e (of)h(pip)r(elined)g(comm)n(unications,)609 3715 y(the)38 b(real)f(top)r(ology)g(of)h(the)g(in)n(terconnection)f(net)n(w)n(ork,)i (the)f(p)r(ossible)g(o)n(v)n(er-)609 3814 y(lapping)28 b(among)f(computations)g(and)h(comm)n(unications,)f(etc.)39 b(W)-7 b(e)28 b(m)n(ust)h(also)609 3914 y(tak)n(e)34 b(in)n(to)h(accoun)n(t)f(that)h(the)h(bandwidth,)h(and)e(th)n(us)g(the) g(v)-5 b(alue)35 b(of)f Fn(t)2933 3926 y Fl(v)2973 3914 y Fr(,)j(de-)609 4014 y(p)r(ends,)29 b(as)f(w)n(e)h(can)f(see)g(in)h (\014gure)f(1,)g(on)g(the)h(size)g(of)f(the)h(message.)38 b(All)29 b(these)609 4113 y(asp)r(ects)h(of)g(the)h(implemen)n(tation)f (de\014ne)g(the)h(real)e(cost)h(of)g(the)h(comm)n(unica-)609 4213 y(tions)j(and)f(can)g(justify)i(the)f(p)r(ossible)f(di\013erences) h(b)r(et)n(w)n(een)f(the)h(theoretical)609 4313 y(and)28 b(exp)r(erimen)n(tal)f(results.)609 4545 y Fm(5.4)112 b(Isospatial)37 b(scalabilit)m(y)609 4698 y Fr(When)23 b(w)n(e)f(use)h(the)g(isospatial)e(scalabilit)n(y)g(w)n(e)i(m)n(ust)f (main)n(tain)g(the)h(size)g(of)f(the)609 4798 y(problem)e(in)g(eac)n(h) f(pro)r(cessor.)32 b(In)20 b(the)g(case)f(of)h(the)g(ScaLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)19 b(library)-7 b(,)20 b(if)h(w)n(e)609 4897 y(hold)h(constan)n(t)e(the)i(ratio)f Fn(n)1496 4867 y Fg(2)1533 4897 y Fn(=p)g Fr(while)g(increasing)f(the)i(n)n(um)n(b)r(er) f(of)h(pro)r(cessors,)609 4997 y(the)32 b(e\016ciency)f(of)h(the)f (driv)n(er)f(routines)h(is)h(almost)e(main)n(tained.)48 b(When)32 b(this)609 5097 y(condition)c(holds,)f(it)h(is)f(said)g(that) h(these)g(routines)f(scale)g(iso)r(e\016cien)n(tly)-7 b(.)734 5196 y(In)41 b(\014gure)f(8)h(w)n(e)g(sho)n(w)f(the)h(p)r (erformance)f(obtained)h(when)g(w)n(e)g(use)g(an)609 5296 y(isospatial)32 b(scaling)g(in)h(our)f(parallel)g(algorithm.)52 b(First,)34 b(w)n(e)f(can)f(see)h(a)g(clear)609 5396 y(decrease)d(of)h(the)h(MFlops/s.)47 b(p)r(er)32 b(no)r(de)f(when)h(w)n (e)f(increase)f(the)h(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)h(of)1831 5652 y Ft(14)p eop %%Page: 15 15 15 14 bop 609 548 a Fr(pro)r(cessors.)42 b(This)30 b(b)r(eha)n(viour)e (is)i(due)g(to)g(the)h(fact)f(that)g(w)n(e)f(are)g(not)h(using)g(a)609 648 y(ScaLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)29 b(routine,)i(but)g(a)f(com)n(bination)f(of) i(some)e(of)i(them,)g(with)g(some)609 747 y(routines)g(implemen)n(ted)i (sp)r(eci\014cally)e(for)g(this)h(algorithm.)48 b(Besides)32 b(w)n(e)f(p)r(er-)609 847 y(form)38 b(some)g(redistributions)g(of)h (the)g(data)f(in)h(eac)n(h)f(iteration)g(that)h(clearly)609 946 y(a\013ect)28 b(the)g(global)e(scalabilit)n(y)h(of)g(the)h (algorithm.)734 1046 y(On)j(the)h(other)e(hand,)j(w)n(e)e(m)n(ust)g(p)r (oin)n(t)h(out)f(that)h(the)f(biggest)g(reduction)609 1146 y(o)r(ccurs)c(when)h(w)n(e)f(go)g(from)g(the)i(sequen)n(tial)e(v)n (ersion)f(to)h(the)h(parallel)f(v)n(ersion.)609 1245 y(If)d(w)n(e)f(increase)f(the)i(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)f(of)g(pro)r(cessors)e (in)j(the)f(parallel)f(v)n(ersion,)h(the)h(p)r(er-)609 1345 y(formance)j(is)g(almost)g(main)n(tained.)37 b(This)27 b(b)r(eha)n(viour)g(is)g(due)h(to)f(the)h(o)n(v)n(erload)609 1445 y(of)23 b(the)h(parallelization,)e(and)h(mainly)-7 b(,)24 b(to)f(the)h(comm)n(unication)e(cost.)35 b(Besides,)609 1544 y(when)26 b(w)n(e)g(b)r(egin)g(with)h(large)d(matrices,)i(the)h (decrease)d(of)i(the)h(p)r(erformance)e(is)609 1644 y(not)32 b(so)f(large)f(and)h(w)n(e)g(go)g(from)g(64)g(MFlop/s.)48 b(p)r(er)31 b(no)r(de)h(in)f(the)h(sequen)n(tial)609 1743 y(case)27 b(to)g(33)g(MFlop/s.)36 b(p)r(er)28 b(no)r(de)f(using)h (25)e(pro)r(cessors.)459 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582.002 @c 8.004 648 582.002 @c 8.004 672 582.002 @c 8.004 696 582.002 @c 8.004 720 582.002 @c 8.004 744 582.002 @c 8.004 768 582.002 @c 8.004 792 582.002 @c 8.004 816 582.002 @c 8.004 840 582.002 @c 8.004 864 582.002 @c 8.004 888 582.002 @c 8.004 912 582.002 @c 8.004 936 582.002 @c 8.004 960 582.002 @c 8.004 984 582.002 @c 8.004 1008 582.002 @c 8.004 1032 582.002 @c 8.004 1056 582.002 @c 8.004 1080 582.002 @c 8.004 1104 582.002 @c 8.004 1128 582.002 @c 8.004 1152 582.002 @c 8.004 1176 582.002 @c 8.004 1200 582.002 @c 8.004 1224 582.002 @c 8.004 1248 582.002 @c 8.004 1272 582.002 @c 8.004 1296 582.002 @c 8.004 1320 582.002 @c 8.004 1344 582.002 @c 8.004 1368 582.002 @c 8.004 1392 582.002 @c 8.004 1416 582.002 @c 8.004 1440 582.002 @c 8.004 1464 582.002 @c 8.004 1488 582.002 @c 8.004 1512 582.002 @c 8.004 1536 582.002 @c 8.004 1560 582.002 @c 8.004 1584 582.002 @c 8.004 1608 582.002 @c 8.004 1632 582.002 @c 8.004 1656 582.002 @c 8.004 1680 582.002 @c 8.004 1704 582.002 @c 8.004 1728 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1824 410.002 @c 8.004 1848 410.002 @c 8.004 1872 410.002 @c 8.004 1896 410.002 @c 8.004 1920 410.002 @c 8.004 1944 410.002 @c 8.004 1968 410.002 @c 8.004 1992 410.002 @c 8.004 2016 410.002 @c 8.004 2040 410.002 @c 8.004 2064 410.002 @c 8.004 2088 410.002 @c 8.004 2112 410.002 @c 8.004 2136 410.002 @c 8.004 2160 410.002 @c 8.004 2184 410.002 @c 8.004 2208 410.002 @c 8.004 2232 410.002 @c 8.004 2256 410.002 @c 8.004 2280 410.002 @c 8.004 2304 410.002 @c 8.004 2328 410.002 @c 8.004 2352 410.002 @c 8.004 2376 410.002 @c 8.004 2400 410.002 @c 8.004 2424 410.002 @c 8.004 2448 410.002 @c 8.004 2472 410.002 @c 8.004 2496 410.002 @c 8.004 2520 410.002 @c 8.004 2544 410.002 @c 8.004 2568 410.002 @c 8.004 2592 410.002 @c 8.004 2616 410.002 @c gR gS 280 315 2846 1738 rC .004 lw 1377.004 528.002 410 @w 39.004 509 1787.002 @c 39.004 509 1615.002 @c 39.004 509 1443.002 @c 39.004 509 1271.002 @c 39.004 509 1098.002 @c 39.004 509 926.002 @c 39.004 509 754.002 @c 39.004 509 582.002 @c 39.004 509 410.002 @c 2103.004 528 1787.002 @c 39.004 528.002 1768 @w 39.004 1054.002 1768 @w 39.004 1580.002 1768 @w 39.004 2105.002 1768 @w 39.004 2631.002 1768 @w 514 395 2132 1407 rC 528 691.004 -.004 .004 1054.004 936 .004 528 691 @a 1054 936.004 -.004 .004 1580.004 1199 .004 1054 936 @a 1580 1199.004 -.004 .004 2105.004 1269 .004 1580 1199 @a -.004 -.004 2105.004 1269.004 .004 .004 2631 1219 @b 528 558.004 -.004 .004 1054.004 1145 .004 528 558 @a 1054 1145.004 -.004 .004 1580.004 1248 .004 1054 1145 @a 1580 1248.004 -.004 .004 2105.004 1300 .004 1580 1248 @a 2105 1300.004 -.004 .004 2631.004 1378 .004 2105 1300 @a 528 481.004 -.004 .004 1054.004 1218 .004 528 481 @a -.004 -.004 1054.004 1218.004 .004 .004 1580 1213 @b 1580 1213.004 -.004 .004 2105.004 1391 .004 1580 1213 @a 2105 1391.004 -.004 .004 2631.004 1457 .004 2105 1391 @a 528 469.004 -.004 .004 1054.004 1332 .004 528 469 @a 1054 1332.004 -.004 .004 1580.004 1465 .004 1054 1332 @a 1580 1465.004 -.004 .004 2105.004 1497 .004 1580 1465 @a 2105 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(4x4)S 2587 1900 :M 1 G 0 G (5x5)S 1 G 2743 798 385 601 rF 0 G 2769 824 332 90 rC 207.004 2776 862.002 @c 2868 850 24 24 rF 1 G 2867.5 849.5 25 25 rS 3007 887 :M 0 G (500)S gR 0 G gS 2769 939 332 90 rC 207.004 2776 977.002 @c 1 G 2868 965 24 24 rF 0 G 2867.5 964.5 25 25 rS 3007 1002 :M f175 sf (400)S gR gS 2769 1054 332 89 rC 207.004 2776 1092.002 @c np 2880 1105 :M 2893 1092 :L 2880 1079 :L 2867 1092 :L 2880 1105 :L eofill 1 G -.004 -.004 2880.004 1105.004 .004 .004 2893 1092 @b 2880 1079.004 -.004 .004 2893.004 1092 .004 2880 1079 @a -.004 -.004 2867.004 1092.004 .004 .004 2880 1079 @b 2867 1092.004 -.004 .004 2880.004 1105 .004 2867 1092 @a -.004 -.004 2880.004 1105.004 .004 .004 2893 1092 @b 2880 1079.004 -.004 .004 2893.004 1092 .004 2880 1079 @a -.004 -.004 2867.004 1092.004 .004 .004 2880 1079 @b 2867 1092.004 -.004 .004 2880.004 1105 .004 2867 1092 @a 3007 1117 :M 0 G f175 sf (300)S gR gS 2769 1168 332 90 rC 207.004 2776 1206.002 @c 1 G np 2880 1219 :M 2893 1206 :L 2880 1193 :L 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%%Trailer end %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial 656 3477 a Ft(Figure)k(8:)41 b(Mega\015ops)31 b(p)s(er)f(pro)s(cessor)g(using)f(an)h(isospatial)f(scaling.)609 3923 y Fq(6)135 b(Conclusions)609 4105 y Fr(In)24 b(this)g(pap)r(er)f (w)n(e)h(presen)n(t)f(a)g(parallel)g(algorithm)g(that)h(solv)n(es)e (e\016cien)n(tly)i(and)609 4204 y(in)37 b(a)f(quite)h(scalable)e(w)n(a) n(y)h(the)h(in)n(v)n(erse)e(eigenproblem)g(for)h(real)g(symmetric)609 4304 y(T)-7 b(o)r(eplitz)21 b(matrices.)33 b(W)-7 b(e)21 b(sho)n(w)e(the)h(p)r(ossibilit)n(y)g(of)g(implemen)n(ting)h(this)f(t)n (yp)r(e)h(of)609 4404 y(algorithm)26 b(on)g(an)h(arc)n(hitecture)e (with)j(an)e(excellen)n(t)g(rate)h(cost/p)r(erformance.)609 4503 y(Sp)r(eci\014cally)-7 b(,)36 b(w)n(e)d(ha)n(v)n(e)g(used)g(a)h (cluster)f(of)h(p)r(ersonal)f(computers)g(connected)609 4603 y(with)28 b(a)f(high)h(p)r(erformance)e(net)n(w)n(ork.)734 4703 y(W)-7 b(e)26 b(m)n(ust)g(alw)n(a)n(ys)e(tak)n(e)h(in)n(to)h (accoun)n(t)f(that)h(w)n(e)g(are)f(dealing)g(with)i(a)e(com-)609 4802 y(plex)34 b(problem)f(that)h(in)n(v)n(olv)n(es)e(a)h(large)f(n)n (um)n(b)r(er)i(of)f(comm)n(unications.)55 b(This)609 4902 y(factor)31 b(is)g(crucial)g(in)g(the)h(p)r(erformance)e(that)i(w) n(e)f(can)g(obtain)g(w)n(orking)f(with)609 5001 y(a)d(distributed)h (memory)e(m)n(ulticomputer.)37 b(W)-7 b(e)28 b(ha)n(v)n(e)e(tested)i (this)f(e\013ect)h(b)r(oth)609 5101 y(theoretically)f(and)g(exp)r (erimen)n(tally)-7 b(.)734 5201 y(T)g(o)22 b(implemen)n(t)h(the)h (algorithms)d(w)n(e)h(ha)n(v)n(e)g(used)g(a)h(standard)e(en)n(vironmen) n(t)609 5300 y(based)e(mainly)h(on)g(public)g(domain)f(and)h(v)n(ery)e (w)n(ell)i(kno)n(wn)f(to)r(ols)g(\(Lin)n(ux,)j(MPI,)609 5400 y(BLAS,)32 b(LAP)-7 b(A)n(CK,)31 b(ScaLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK,)31 b(.)14 b(.)g(.)g(\).)50 b(Therefore,)31 b(w)n(e)h(ha)n(v)n(e)e (obtained)i(a)1831 5652 y Ft(15)p eop %%Page: 16 16 16 15 bop 609 548 a Fr(p)r(ortable)18 b(algorithm)g(for)g(a)g(large)f (range)h(of)g(parallel)g(arc)n(hitectures.)32 b(Moreo)n(v)n(er,)609 648 y(the)23 b(p)r(erformance)e(of)i(the)f(algorithm)g(can)g(impro)n(v) n(e)f(with)i(the)f(quic)n(k)g(ev)n(olution)609 747 y(of)32 b(the)g(c)n(haracteristics)e(of)i(p)r(ersonal)e(computers)h(and)h(of)g (high)g(p)r(erformance)609 847 y(net)n(w)n(orks)26 b(\(F)-7 b(ast)28 b(Ethernet,)f(Gigabit,)h(Myrinet,)f(.)14 b(.)g(.)g(\).)734 946 y(The)33 b(utilization)g(of)g(the)h(ScaLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)32 b(parallel)g(linear)g(algebra)g(library)609 1046 y(imp)r(oses)27 b(a)g(program)e(mo)r(del)j(based)f(on)g(a)g(bidimensional)g(mesh)g(and) g(a)g(blo)r(c)n(k)609 1146 y(cyclic)k(distribution)h(of)f(the)h (matrices.)47 b(In)32 b(the)g(case)e(of)i(our)e(algorithm,)i(and)609 1245 y(due)19 b(to)g(its)g(comm)n(unication)f(pattern,)j(the)e (con\014guration)f(of)h(the)g(mesh)g(greatly)609 1345 y(a\013ects)28 b(the)g(p)r(erformance.)734 1445 y(A)n(t)39 b(the)g(same)f(time,)k(w)n(e)c(ha)n(v)n(e)f(applied)i(the)g (theoretical)f(cost)g(analysis)609 1544 y(mo)r(del)26 b(of)f(the)g(ScaLAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)24 b(to)h(our)g(algorithm.)35 b(Ev)n(en)24 b(taking)g(in)n(to)h(accoun)n(t)609 1644 y(sev)n(eral)20 b(imp)r(ortan)n(t)i(simpli\014cations)g(and)g(the)g (e\013ect)h(of)f(the)g(comm)n(unications,)609 1743 y(the)31 b(results)e(o\013ered)h(b)n(y)f(the)i(mo)r(del)f(allo)n(w)f(us)h(to)g (approac)n(h)e(the)j(general)d(b)r(e-)609 1843 y(ha)n(viour)k(of)i(the) h(parallel)d(algorithm)h(and)h(p)r(ermits)g(the)g(analysis)e(of)i(the)h (in-)609 1943 y(\015uence)27 b(of)g(the)g(di\013eren)n(t)f(factors)g (in)n(v)n(olv)n(ed,)f(suc)n(h)i(as)f(the)h(computation)f(cost,)609 2042 y(bandwidth)i(and)g(latency)f(of)h(the)g(comm)n(unications.)734 2142 y(W)-7 b(e)37 b(m)n(ust)g(also)f(p)r(oin)n(t)i(out)f(that)g(the)h (implemen)n(tation)f(of)g(this)g(t)n(yp)r(e)h(of)609 2242 y(algorithms)31 b(pro)n(v)n(es)g(that)i(it)g(is)f(p)r(ossible)g (to)h(obtain)f(go)r(o)r(d)g(p)r(erformances)f(b)n(y)609 2341 y(applying)k(parallel)f(programming)f(tec)n(hniques)h(and)h(to)r (ols)g(to)g(arc)n(hitectures)609 2441 y(based)i(on)g(clusters)g(of)g(p) r(ersonal)g(pro)r(cessors.)63 b(It)38 b(is)f(not)h(necessary)d(to)j (use)609 2540 y(big)24 b(sup)r(ercomputers,)g(with)h(v)n(ery)e(exp)r (ensiv)n(e)h(hardw)n(are)e(and)i(sp)r(eci\014cally)g(de-)609 2640 y(signed)i(soft)n(w)n(are)e(to)i(obtain)g(go)r(o)r(d)f(result)h (in)g(the)h(solution)f(of)g(complex)f(linear)609 2740 y(algebra)h(problems.)734 2839 y(Besides,)g(w)n(e)h(ha)n(v)n(e)f (obtained)g(a)h(considerable)e(degree)h(of)h(scalabilit)n(y)f(on)h(a) 609 2939 y(cluster)22 b(of)g(p)r(ersonal)e(computers)i(connected)f (with)i(an)e(external)h(net)n(w)n(ork)e(with)609 3039 y(excellen)n(t)i(p)r(erformance)g(as)g(the)h(Myrinet.)35 b(This)22 b(result)h(is)f(v)n(ery)g(promising,)g(as)609 3138 y(it)j(pro)n(v)n(es)d(the)j(p)r(ossibilit)n(y)f(of)h(increasing)e (the)h(area)f(of)i(application)e(of)i(parallel)609 3238 y(algorithms)35 b(to)h(arc)n(hitectures)e(based)i(on)g(standard)f(comp) r(onen)n(ts)h(with)g(lo)n(w)609 3337 y(cost)27 b(and)h(using)f (standard)g(soft)n(w)n(are)e(to)r(ols.)609 3612 y Fq(References)651 3794 y Fr([1])45 b(E.)36 b(Anderson,)j(Z.)d(Ba)n(y)-7 b(,)38 b(and)f(C.)g(Bisc)n(hof.)63 b Fb(LAP)-6 b(A)n(CK)38 b(User's)g(Guide)p Fr(.)784 3894 y(SIAM,)28 b(1992.)651 4026 y([2])45 b(J.M.)23 b(Badia)g(and)g(A.M.)h(Vidal.)30 b(P)n(arallel)22 b(solution)h(of)g(the)h(in)n(v)n(erse)e(eigen-)784 4126 y(problem)35 b(for)g(real)g(symmetric)g(to)r(eplitz)i(matrices.)60 b(T)-7 b(ec)n(h.)35 b(Rep)r(ort)h(DI)784 4226 y(01-04/99,)24 b(Dpt.)k(Informatica,)f(Univ.)h(Jaume)f(I,)h(1999.)651 4358 y([3])45 b(L.S.)g(Blac)n(kford,)j(J.)d(Choi,)k(and)c(A.)h(Cleary) -7 b(.)88 b Fb(Sc)l(aLAP)-6 b(A)n(CK)45 b(Users')784 4458 y(Guide)p Fr(.)38 b(Soft)n(w)n(are,)26 b(En)n(vironmen)n(t,)g(T)-7 b(o)r(ols.)27 b(SIAM,)h(1997.)651 4591 y([4])45 b(N.)33 b(J.)g(Bo)r(den,)h(D.)g(Cohen,)g(R.)f(E.)f(F)-7 b(elderman,)34 b(A.)g(E.)e(Kula)n(wik,)h(C.)g(L.)784 4691 y(Seitz,)21 b(J.)f(N.)g(Seizo)n(vic,)g(and)g(W.)g(K.)f(Su.)24 b(Myrinet:)33 b(A)20 b(gigabit-p)r(er-second)784 4790 y(Lo)r(cal)27 b(Area)f(Net)n(w)n(ork.)36 b Fb(IEEE)31 b(Micr)l(o)p Fr(,)e(15\(1\):29{36,)24 b(F)-7 b(ebruary)27 b(1995.)651 4923 y([5])45 b(A.)31 b(Can)n(toni)f(and)g(F.)h(Butler.)45 b(Eigen)n(v)-5 b(alues)29 b(and)h(eigen)n(v)n(ectors)f(of)h(sym-)784 5023 y(metric)k(cen)n(trosymmetric)e(matrices.)55 b Fb(Lin.)37 b(A)n(lg.)f(Appl)p Fr(,)g(\(13\):275{288,)784 5122 y(1976.)651 5255 y([6])45 b(Mo)r(o)r(dy)e(T.)g(Ch)n(u.)84 b(In)n(v)n(erse)42 b(eigen)n(v)-5 b(alue)43 b(problems.)83 b Fb(SIAM)44 b(R)l(eview)p Fr(,)784 5355 y(40\(1\):1{39,)25 b(Marc)n(h)h(1998.)1831 5652 y Ft(16)p eop %%Page: 17 17 17 16 bop 651 548 a Fr([7])45 b(J.)38 b(J.)h(Dongarra)d(and)j(T.)f (Dunigan.)70 b(Message-passing)36 b(p)r(erformance)784 648 y(of)f(v)-5 b(arious)33 b(computers.)59 b(T)-7 b(ec)n(hnical)34 b(Rep)r(ort)h(UT-CS-95-299,)f(Dpt.)i(of)784 747 y(Computer)27 b(Science,)h(Univ.)g(of)f(T)-7 b(ennessee,)27 b(July)h(1995.)651 869 y([8])45 b(Jac)n(k)56 b(J.)h(Dongarra,)62 b(Hans)57 b(W.)h(Meuer,)64 b(and)57 b(Eric)n(h)g(Strohmaier.)784 968 y(TOP500)32 b(sup)r(ercomputer)j(sites.)58 b(T)-7 b(ec)n(hnical)35 b(Rep)r(ort)f(UT-CS-98-391,)784 1068 y(Departmen)n(t)c(of)h(Computer)f(Science,)h(Univ)n(ersit)n(y)f(of)g(T) -7 b(ennessee,)31 b(June)784 1167 y(1998.)651 1289 y([9])45 b(Jac)n(k)18 b(J.)h(Dongarra)f(and)h(R.)h(Clin)n(t)g(Whaley)-7 b(.)23 b(LAP)-7 b(A)n(CK)19 b(w)n(orking)f(note)h(94:)784 1389 y(A)29 b(user's)f(guide)h(to)f(the)i(BLA)n(CS)e(v1.0.)40 b(T)-7 b(ec)n(hnical)28 b(Rep)r(ort)h(UT-CS-95-)784 1488 y(281,)34 b(Departmen)n(t)f(of)h(Computer)f(Science,)j(Univ)n(ersit)n (y)c(of)i(T)-7 b(ennessee,)784 1588 y(Marc)n(h)26 b(1995.)609 1709 y([10])45 b(Sham)n(uel)38 b(F)-7 b(riedland.)68 b(In)n(v)n(erse)36 b(eigen)n(v)-5 b(alue)38 b(problems)f(for)h (symmetric)784 1809 y(T)-7 b(o)r(eplitz)29 b(matrices.)40 b Fb(SIAM)30 b(Journal)h(on)g(Matrix)h(A)n(nalysis)f(and)g(Appli-)784 1908 y(c)l(ations)p Fr(,)d(13\(4\):1142{1153,)22 b(Octob)r(er)27 b(1992.)609 2030 y([11])45 b(Al)20 b(Geist,)i(Adam)e(Beguelin,)h(Jac)n (k)d(Dongarra,)i(W)-7 b(eic)n(heng)19 b(Jiang,)i(Rob)r(ert)784 2129 y(Manc)n(hek,)27 b(and)h(V)-7 b(aidy)28 b(Sunderam.)38 b Fb(PVM)30 b(3)h(Users)f(Guide)h(and)g(R)l(efer-)784 2229 y(enc)l(e)i(manual)p Fr(.)50 b(Oak)30 b(Ridge)i(National)f(Lab)r (oratory)-7 b(,)30 b(Oak)h(Ridge,)i(T)-7 b(en-)784 2329 y(nessee)27 b(37831,)e(Ma)n(y)i(94.)609 2450 y([12])45 b(G.)30 b(Henry)-7 b(.)45 b(ASCI)30 b(red)g(p)r(en)n(tium)h(pro)e(BLAS) i(1.1N.)44 b(T)-7 b(ec)n(hnical)29 b(rep)r(ort,)784 2550 y(,)f(1999.)609 2671 y([13])45 b(B.)f(Kagstrom,)i(P)-7 b(.)43 b(Ling,)48 b(and)c(C.)g(v)-5 b(an)44 b(Loan.)85 b(GEEM-based)42 b(lev)n(el)784 2771 y(3)c(BLAS:)h(High-p)r(erformance)e(mo)r(del)i(implemen)n(tations)f (and)h(p)r(erfor-)784 2870 y(mance)c(ev)-5 b(aluation)34 b(b)r(enc)n(hmark.)58 b(T)-7 b(ec)n(hnical)35 b(Rep)r(ort)f (UT-CS-95-315,)784 2970 y(Departmen)n(t)26 b(of)g(Computer)g(Science,)g (Univ)n(ersit)n(y)f(of)i(T)-7 b(ennessee,)25 b(Octo-)784 3070 y(b)r(er)i(1995.)35 b(F)-7 b(ri,)28 b(27)e(Aug)i(99)f(3:05:19)e (GMT.)609 3191 y([14])45 b(V.)34 b(Kumar,)g(A.)g(Grama,)g(A.)g(Gupta,)h (and)e(G.)h(Karypis.)53 b Fb(Intr)l(o)l(duction)784 3291 y(to)33 b(Par)l(al)t(lel)j(Computing.)e(Design)g(and)g(A)n(nalysis)g (of)h(A)n(lgorithms)p Fr(.)49 b(The)784 3390 y(Benjamin/Cumming)27 b(Pub.)h(Compan)n(y)-7 b(,)26 b(Redw)n(o)r(o)r(d,)i(California,)e (1994.)609 3512 y([15])45 b(H.J.)29 b(Landau.)41 b(The)30 b(in)n(v)n(erse)e(eigen)n(v)-5 b(alue)28 b(problem)h(for)f(real)h (symmetric)784 3611 y(to)r(eplitz)f(matrices.)36 b Fb(J.)30 b(A)n(mer.)f(Math)i(So)l(c.)p Fr(,)d(\(7\):749{767,)d(1994.)609 3733 y([16])45 b(Dirk)39 b(P)-7 b(.)40 b(Laurie.)72 b(A)40 b(n)n(umerical)f(approac)n(h)f(to)i(the)g(in)n(v)n(erse)e(T)-7 b(o)r(eplitz)784 3832 y(eigenproblem.)51 b Fb(SIAM)34 b(Journal)g(on)h(Scienti\014c)f(and)h(Statistic)l(al)g(Com-)784 3932 y(puting)p Fr(,)27 b(9\(2\):401{405,)d(Marc)n(h)j(1988.)609 4053 y([17])45 b(Myricom.)66 b(The)38 b(GM)h(message-passing)c(system.) 67 b(T)-7 b(ec)n(hnical)37 b(rep)r(ort,)784 4153 y(Myricom)27 b(Inc.,)g(1998.)609 4274 y([18])45 b(VIT)-7 b(A)40 b(Standards)e(Org.) 71 b(Myrinet-on-VME)39 b(proto)r(col)f(sp)r(eci\014cation.)784 4374 y(Draft)20 b(Standard.)25 b(T)-7 b(ec)n(hnical)19 b(Rep)r(ort)h(26-199x)e(Draft)i(1.1.,)h(VIT)-7 b(A,)21 b(1998.)609 4496 y([19])45 b(Marc)d(Snir,)47 b(Stev)n(e)c(W.)g(Otto,)k (Stev)n(en)c(Huss-Lederman,)i(Da)n(vid)e(W.)784 4595 y(W)-7 b(alk)n(er,)33 b(and)f(Jac)n(k)f(Dongarra.)49 b Fb(MPI:)36 b(the)e(c)l(omplete)h(r)l(efer)l(enc)l(e)p Fr(.)52 b(MIT)784 4695 y(Press,)26 b(Cam)n(bridge,)g(MA,)i(USA,)h (1996.)609 4816 y([20])45 b(William)31 b(F.)h(T)-7 b(renc)n(h.)46 b(Numerical)31 b(solution)f(of)h(the)h(in)n(v)n(erse)d(eigen)n(v)-5 b(alue)784 4916 y(problem)29 b(for)f(real)h(symmetric)g(T)-7 b(o)r(eplitz)29 b(matrices.)41 b Fb(SIAM)31 b(Journal)g(on)784 5015 y(Scienti\014c)f(Computing)p Fr(,)e(18\(6\):1722{1736,)22 b(No)n(v)n(em)n(b)r(er)27 b(1997.)609 5137 y([21])45 b(Rob)r(ert)34 b(A.)g(v)-5 b(an)34 b(de)g(Geijn.)56 b Fb(Using)35 b(PLAP)-6 b(A)n(CK:)36 b(Par)l(al)t(lel)i(Line)l(ar)e(A)n (l-)784 5236 y(gebr)l(a)g(Package)p Fr(.)60 b(MIT)34 b(Press,)h(Cam)n(bridge,)f(MA,)h(USA,)g(1997.)56 b(With)784 5336 y(con)n(tributions)27 b(b)n(y)g(Philip)g(Alpato)n(v)g(and)h (others.)1831 5652 y Ft(17)p eop %%Trailer end userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if %%EOF --------------------------------------------------------------------- José M. Badía PhD Universitat Jaume I Informatica José M. Badía PhD Universitat Jaume I Informatica Campus Riu Sec s/n Fax: +34 964 72 84 35 Castellon Work: +34 964 72 82 95 12071 Conference Software Address España Specific Directory Server Additional Information: Last Name Badía First Name José M. Version 2.1