Subject: GCE submission: CORBA CoG KIt From: "Gregor von Laszewski" Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 03:48:09 -0500 To: Geoffrey: here a submission from Manish and myself on the CORBA CoG Kit which is appropiate for the Journal review. here a list of papers with corresponding authors i know should have reached you: GPDK Jason Novotny A Python CoG Kit Keith Jackson TENT, Andreas Schreiber, DLR The ASC Portal Mike Russell Features of the Java CoG Kit, von Laszewski, ANL CORBA CoG Kit, von Laszewski, ANL I am rewriting the ASC Portal paper now as I was a bit unhappy about it. Some of the papers may include too much detail, but in those cases they tried to stay close to the template provided by GCE. In case this is too much, I hope the reviewers will give the authors a chance to shorten it. Cheers, Gregor de/CCPEwebresource/C543pierce codeselect.eps