Referee 1 ******************************************* E. Referee Comments (for author and editor) Overall this an excellent presentation, and it seems to be entirely consistent with the practical orientation desired for this issue. Having written asychronous distributed systems using PVM, I am however puzzled by the statement that "these systems [message passing systems like PVM and MPI] do not support the construction of asychronous systems as they restrict the application programmer to the Single/Same Program Multiple Data (SPMD) paradigm". Perhaps a clarification is in order? F. Presentation changes It is sometimes difficult to visually distinguish figure captions from adjacent text. Also, the last lines of figure captions are centered, rather than flush left which would seem more normal. Referee 2 ******************************************* E: Referee Comments (For Author and Editor) ------------------------------ I would try to focus more on the software infrastructure of the PCE rather than going into detail ovee the specific hardware latency/badwidth Myrinet issues that seem to complicate the paper with unnecessary detail. In the overview, I would like to know how more how you see PCE as relating to Grid computing in terms of the PCE software infrastructure if there is any overlap at all (and then describe areas of overlap) or if you PCE really is separate from Grid computing, in which case you may want to explain what makes PCE a Grid Computing Environment per se. What kind of security model does PCE use?? Good decription of the portable migratable sockets library. As before, I think you have presented a substantial anmount of work in the paper, but it needs to be more clearly organized around a central thesis, beyond a description of the various research projects going on at the Polder computer center. How does PCE envision Grid usage-- moreover how does PCE see any of its existing capabilities in terms of Grid services. Referee 3 ******************************************* E: Referee Comments (For Author and Editor) ------------------------------ This is interesting work, but the paper is to unfocused. It would be beter as three seperate papers. One on cluster computing, another on networking, and one on computing environments.o unfocused. It would be beter as three seperate papers. One on