C: Paper and Referee Metadata Paper Number C555: Date: Received 7 August 2001 Paper Title: Component-Based Problem Solving Environments for Large- Scale Scientific Computing Author(s): Chris Johnson , Steve Parker , David Referee: Gregor von Laszewski Address: gregor@mcs.anl.gov Referee Recommendations. Accept with minor modifications indicated in (E&F) D: Referee Comments (For Editor Only) ------------------------------------ I FIND Netsolve an important project setting a good example for many other projects working on problem solving environments. This paper explains on two examples who future directions of SciRun are influencing the research work. Due to the importance of SciRun for the community an inclusin in this issue is desirable. E: Referee Comments (For Author and Editor) ------------------------------ The weakest part of the paper is the section about supported Grid services. I would hope that this section would be significantly enhanced in a final submission. Additionally, the authors should once more look over the template of the GCE working group to see if they have addressed many of the issues implied by this template. Some technical problems are present in section Section 4. “Globus IO (formerly Nexus)” it is unclear if this means that an erlier version of SciRun used Nexus or if the author means that GlobusIO is called formerly Nexus. Looking at the Web site the later statement is certainly not true. The Blazer mechanism is not described at all. Either remove it or explain what the Blazer mechanism is. A section about related work should be added. Who does scirun comare to xplorer or AVS, Labview, or others F: Presentation Changes Many acronyms have been introduced in the paper without ever explaining them. I recommend that the author goes once more carefully through every capitalized word and verifies if he has defined it upon its first use. The quality of all Fig. is week and hopefully can be improved in the final journal publication. Most of them are unradble. There are minor orthographic error such as on page 5, where the the should be changed to that the Page 8 “C-SAFE was create by” change to was created by. Itemized lists are always closed with “.” See section 5 . missing behind different I believe the list of reverences must be significantly enhanced. References to blazer, and CCA should probably be augmented with references. This would make the paper more valuable. Such references should occur typically when the project or term is used the first time in the paper. Acckn. Would you have to cite the current contract numbers, I know we have to.