C: Paper and Referee Metadata * Paper Number Cnnn: 531 * Date: 29 June 2001 (received), 27 September 2001 (reviewed) * Paper Title: The Grid Portal Development Kit * Author(s): Jason Novotny * Referee: Kamil Iskra, Dick van Albada * Address: Section Computational Science Universiteit van Amsterdam Kruislaan 403 1098 SJ Amsterdam The Netherlands Referee Recommendations. Please indicate overall recommendations here, and details in following sections. 1. publish as is 2. accepted provided changes suggested are made 3. reject 2 or 3 D: Referee Comments (For Editor Only) The paper will actually need a second round of reviewing in order to ascertain that it meets the minimum requirements in the quality of the presentation. E: Referee Comments (For Author and Editor) My principal complaint is that the paper as submitted is very unfinished. While clearly relevant, the quality of the final paper cannot really be judged on basis of this version. The paper describes the development kit for Grid-based computational science portals, and as such fits well within the topic range of this special issue of CCP&E. The paper describes various elements of the development kit, often in great detail. In this sense the paper is somwhere between a manual (for which it has too little detail) and a paper describing the concepts (where the level of detail becomes confusing). Sadly, the bibliographic references in the body of the paper were empty, which doesn't help in reviewing. In section 2 (Overview of the Grid Portal Development Kit), the author briefly mentions cookies and says that they will be discussed in more detail in section 2.1. I can't find any mention of cookies in there. Section 4 appears to be (partly?) missing (See below). F: Presentation Changes The paper doesn't use the right style for typesetting and the figures are of unsatisfactory quality. Either there's something wrong with section numbering, or some pages are missing. Namely, there is no section 4, section 3 (GPDK as a portal development environment) is followed immediately by section 5 (Related work). The quality of the figures is poor. I spotted several typos in section 2.3.2 (Job Submission) and 2.3.3 (File Transfer): "GSI enhance", "idf", "succesfully", "coommand". More references are needed - e.g. for ANT