Referee 1 ******************************************* E: Referee Comments (For Author and Editor) ------------------------------ The authors describe their current efforts on the Lattice Portal. The paper could be improved by describing the JASMINE and JOBS system in a bit more detail. It would be necessary to include a comparison to systems like Legion, Globus, and more importantly Webflow, Mississippi portal, and UNICORE. The inclusion of such a chapter of related work would be academically appropriate. From the current paper it is not quite clear if the effort replicates features such as found in UNICORE. The description of the application and the scenario is nice. F: Presentation Changes Do not use gif images but vector Graphics. The images are unreadable. Based on a comparison with other efforts include appropriate refernces. I detected some minor spelling errors in the paper, I recommend another proofread. Figure 1 contradicts the text. In one Legion is used in the other Condor. Referee 2 ******************************************* E: Referee Comments (For Author and Editor) ------------------------------ Overall this is a very good paper that describes what may become a very common way to integrate web services into the Grid. I would be interested in hearing a little more detail about how X509 credentials are used within the system. How do clients bootstrap into the PKI environment? One other minor item, it would be nice to hear a little more about the current satus of this work in section 5. Is this code currently being used? F: Presentation Changes In my version the diagrams come out really out of focus. Referee 3 ******************************************* E. Referee comments for author and editor: Presentation - fine Competence - fine Originality - fine Contribution - high, but not about web services. Strengths - Well-written; good details of Lattice Portal. Recommendations - This paper should be structured and titled differently. It purports to be about web services, but in reality the web services aspect is in the early stages of development and is not clearly described. If I'm a developer looking to use Java servlets to implement web services, this paper will not be of great help to me because it provides little practical information about how to use servlets for this purpose. It does, however, describe the Lattice Portal and its background, purpose, and components. I think that the paper should be about the Lattice Portal, with a discussion near the end about how web services are being developed and implemented. The focus of the publication is on practical experience, so the majority of the content of a paper in the publication should be about practical experience, not future plans. The Lattice Portal itself is very interesting, and I'm sure that others would benefit from learning more about details of its implementation.