This is from the SOW: June 1: Metadata wizard (AT) July 1: OKC hardware and software system upgrade (AT). I think you wrote this before Jetspeed, ie anticipating major difference between AT and RD systems. Sep 30: Deployment of AT prototype, submission of a final report. OKC-RD completed, in production mode, with online help documemtation And assessment capabilities. Final OKC-RD report. * We identified Jetspeed, which has many desirable features for the distributed component system we envision. * Jetspeed delivers "shallow" content (i.e. only one link deep). OKC developers developed two new portlets that allow navigation within a portlet. That is, I can surf entire remote areas within a portlet window. * We set up the OKC using PET 1 web material. This included static html pages, pages with javascript, pages created dynamically from Perl scripts. This provided us with a wide range of material to experiment with. Jetspeed reconstructs HTML into Java objects with ECS, and ECS is less forgiving of illegal html and javascript than commercial browsers, so this was an important exercise. * In addition to NAVO, ARL, ASC, and ERDC, we also obtained Web material from CEN, CEA, CE, and SIP, for which we are very appreciative. The other Functional Areas were not responsive to our requests. * We worked with CPOCs and MOS and HPTI management to define a content approval process: content is initially added to a testbed server, reviewed by CPOCs. The CPOC calls in additional reviewers if he judges this necessary. Approved material is promoted to the regular OKC. * We ran preview tests of the OKC with all of the PET MOS and HPTI teams invited to participate and comment. The current OKC represents their comments on look and feel (but we will have to follow up on this at the users group meeting). This was in our Statement of Work. * Base hardware and software in place and running at IU by April 1, in accordance with SOW. * Prototype OKC is currently available, beating the May deadline for this. * The system was extensively documented in a lengthy report available from the OKC web site. Report was delivered to ERDC CPOC and other OKC management. This was in our deliverables (OCK-AT) and was delivered on time. * We also have submitted a much briefer (6 page) overview of the OKC to the International Multiconference on Computer Science. * We solved the Netscape 4.x problem. This was important because many of the OKC users are Unix workstation based and NN 4.x is all they have. This was a frequently reported bug. * We also solved a firewall issue for ASC users (their firewall blocked access to external servers on nonstandard ports, so we moved the OKC to port 80). * We are on track to deliver the Metadata wizard by the deadline, June 1. Actually, I think it is already done (?). * On April 4, we hosted an all-day meeting with a team from ERDC (Lesa Nelson, Wes Monceaux, Patti Duett) to describe OKC efforts, discuss deployment at ERDC. The slides from this meeting are on the OKC site (under OKC tab). * We are developing an online training system with guidance from MSRC training coordinators/tech leads (Lesa Nelson, Jennifer Moses, Brian Tabor, Mason Colbert). Mason will help us complete internal testing on May 9-10, and we hope to role this out to the other training leads the following week. * We developed a newsgroup system that is ready to be tested. * The SIP team has presented us with a long wish list of features (and Bill Zilliox has augmented). We are hosting a meeting with John Nehrbass on May 9-10 to discuss these, particularly their request for an email archiving system. We are making a custom filter for the newsgroup system to support this, and the SIP team should be able to start using this as early as week of May 13. We will have follow up meetings with Stan Ahalt and the rest of the SIP team at the users group meeting to discuss SIP wish list. * And we wish everyone else were as proactive as SIP. * We will have an OKC presentation at the users group meeting in Austin * We have requested a BOF for the Austin meeting as well. If this does not get scheduled, we will organize an informal BOF there.