1908 dec 21 born 1926-1928 Undergraduate State and local scholarship 1928-1934 Building Research Institute BRI halfway between Watford & St. Albans Mathematician (only one) Get Bsc in Engineering from London University 1934-1936 Commenwealth (later called Harkness after donor) Fellow GI Taylor Timoshenko (moved to Stanford after ENF left) Forced to travel in vacation by fellowship Mexico(abort as flooding) Cuba 1936- ~1942 Back at BRI Joan Mole becomes technical assistant Get Msc in Engineering from London University 1937 ENF and Joan Mole engaged 1939 March 25 Marriage ~1942 On loan to Admiralty at Bath Famous air raid (just once) Bath Exeter Warwick ... ~1943 Move to Dunfermline House at Crossford Work at Rosythe Dock Study Explosions Underwater bombs Above ground "Blockbusters" oxfellers" Late 1945 Move back to BRI Late 1946 Fellow at Trinity 2002 April4 Oldest living fellow at Trinity House has pylons (3 feet in ground) near garage to avoid subsidence Oakleys had serious problems